Commit message:
"planemo upload for repository commit 5c969e494841237de0b2301520d9321672cc9f5b" |
cesm.xml config config_compilers.xml config_machines.xml config_pes.xml macros.xml test-data/atm_log.txt test-data/ test-data/case_info.txt test-data/cesm_log.txt test-data/cpl_log.txt test-data/inputdata_FKESSLER_ne30_g16_cesm2.1.3.tar test-data/inputdata_mapping.txt test-data/restart_info test-data/user_nl_cam |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 cesm.xml --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/cesm.xml Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
[ |
b'@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@\n+<tool id="cesm" name="CESM" profile="20.05" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@VERSION_SUFFIX@">\n+ <description>Community Earth System Model</description>\n+ <macros>\n+ <import>macros.xml</import>\n+ </macros>\n+ <expand macro="edam_ontology"/>\n+ <requirements>\n+ <requirement type="package" version="2.1.3">cesm</requirement>\n+ <requirement type="package" version="1.32">tar</requirement>\n+ <requirement type="package" version="2.35">binutils</requirement>\n+ <requirement type="package" version="3">python</requirement>\n+ </requirements>\n+ <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[\n+ export HOME=`pwd` &&\n+ export USER=\'FAKEUSER\' &&\n+ export AR=x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-ar &&\n+ mkdir -p .cime &&\n+ cp \'$__tool_directory__/config\' .cime/config &&\n+ cp \'$__tool_directory__/config_compilers.xml\' \'.cime/config_compilers.xml\' &&\n+ bash \'$__tool_directory__/\' \\${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4} &&\n+ mv \'config_machines_galaxy.xml\' \'.cime/config_machines.xml\' &&\n+ mkdir inputdata &&\n+ mkdir output_dir &&\n+ mkdir logs_dir &&\n+ mkdir -p usermods_dirs/SourceMods &&\n+ #if $input_type.tarball == \'yes\'\n+ echo "Getting inputdata from tarball" && \n+ tar -xf \'$input_type.inputdata\' -C \'inputdata/\' &&\n+ #else\n+ echo "Getting inputdata from collection" &&\n+ #for $input_file in $input_type.input_data_collection\n+ bash \'$__tool_directory__/\' \'${input_file}\' \'${input_file.element_identifier}\' \'$mapping\' &&\n+ #end for\n+ #end if\n+ #if $condi_user_mods.add_changes == \'yes\'\n+ #for $s in $condi_user_mods.usermods\n+ echo "User mod ${s.srcmod} ${s.srcmod.element_identifier}" &&\n+ ln -s \'${s.srcmod}\' \'usermods_dirs/SourceMods/${s.srcmod.element_identifier}\' &&\n+ #end for\n+ #end if\n+ echo "create case" &&\n+ create_newcase --case \'$casename\' --compset \'$condi_compset.compset\' --machine galaxy \n+ --pesfile \'$__tool_directory__/config_pes.xml\'\n+ #if $condi_user_mods.add_changes\n+ --user-mods-dir ./usermods_dirs\n+ #end if\n+ --res $condi_compset.resolution > \'$case_info\' 2>&1 && \n+ echo "create done" &&\n+ cd \'$casename\' &&\n+ #if str($adv_period.condi_type_run.run_type) == \'hybrid\' or str($adv_period.condi_type_run.run_type) == \'branch\':\n+ ./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=$adv_period.condi_type_run.run_type &&\n+ ./xmlchange RUN_REFDATE=$adv_period.condi_type_run.run_refdate &&\n+ ./xmlchange RUN_REFCASE=$adv_period.condi_type_run.run_refcase &&\n+ #end if\n+ #if ((str($adv_period.condi_type_run.run_type) == \'hybrid\' or str($adv_period.condi_type_run.run_type) == \'startup\') and $adv_period.condi_type_run.run_startdate != \'\')\n+ ./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=$adv_period.condi_type_run.run_startdate &&\n+ #end if\n+ ./xmlchange STOP_N=$adv_period.stopn &&\n+ ./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=$adv_period.stop_option &&\n+ ./xmlchange DOUT_S=FALSE &&\n+ #if str($adv_period.hist_option) != \'unset\'\n+ ./xmlchange HIST_OPTION=$adv_period.hist_option &&\n+ #end if\n+ #if str($adv_restart.restart_option) != \'unset\'\n+ ./xmlchange REST_N=$adv_restart.restn &&\n+ ./xmlchange REST_OPTION=$adv_restart.restart_option &&\n+ #end if\n+ #if $adv_restart.interim_files\n+ ./xmlchange DOUT_S_SAVE_INTERIM_RESTART_FILES=TRUE &&\n+ #end if\n+ #if str($adv_lnd.user_nl_lnd_customization) != \'None\'\n+ cp \'$adv_lnd.user_nl_lnd_customization\' user_nl_clm &&\n+ #end if\n+ #if str($adv_atm.user_nl_atm_customization) != \'None\'\n+ cp \'$adv_atm.user_nl_atm_customization\' user_nl_cam &&\n+ #end if\n+ #if str($adv'..b'ut>\n+ <output_collection name="logs_files" type="list">\n+ <element name="atm_log.txt" ftype="txt" file="atm_log.txt" compare="sim_size" delta="1000">\n+ <assert_contents>\n+ <has_text text="END OF MODEL RUN" />\n+ </assert_contents>\n+ </element>\n+ <element name="cesm_log.txt" ftype="txt" file="cesm_log.txt" compare="sim_size" delta="1000">\n+ </element>\n+ <element name="cpl_log.txt" ftype="txt" file="cpl_log.txt" compare="sim_size" delta="1000">\n+ <assert_contents>\n+ <has_text text="SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION" />\n+ </assert_contents>\n+ </element>\n+ </output_collection>\n+ </test>\n+ <test>\n+ <conditional name="input_type">\n+ <param name="tarball" value="yes" />\n+ <param name="inputdata" ftype="tar" value="inputdata_FKESSLER_ne30_g16_cesm2.1.3.tar" />\n+ </conditional>\n+ <param name="casename" value="FKESSLER" />\n+ <conditional name="condi_compset">\n+ <param name="compset" value="FKESSLER" />\n+ <param name="resolution" value="ne30_g16 --run-unsupported" />\n+ </conditional>\n+ <param name="save_workdir" value="false"/>\n+ <section name="adv_period">\n+ <conditional name="condi_type_run">\n+ <param name="run_type" value="startup"/>\n+ </conditional>\n+ <param name="stop_option" value="nsteps" />\n+ <param name="stopn" value="1" />\n+ <param name="hist_option" value="never" />\n+ </section>\n+ <section name="adv_restart">\n+ <param name="restart_option" value="never"/>\n+ </section>\n+ <section name="adv_atm">\n+ <param name="user_nl_atm_customization" ftype="txt" value="user_nl_cam" />\n+ </section>\n+ <output name="case_info" ftype="txt" file="case_info.txt" compare="sim_size" delta="1000">\n+ <assert_contents>\n+ <has_text text="MODEL EXECUTION HAS FINISHED" />\n+ </assert_contents>\n+ </output>\n+ <output_collection name="logs_files" type="list">\n+ <element name="atm_log.txt" ftype="txt" file="atm_log.txt" compare="sim_size" delta="1000">\n+ <assert_contents>\n+ <has_text text="END OF MODEL RUN" />\n+ </assert_contents>\n+ </element>\n+ <element name="cesm_log.txt" ftype="txt" file="cesm_log.txt" compare="sim_size" delta="1000">\n+ </element>\n+ <element name="cpl_log.txt" ftype="txt" file="cpl_log.txt" compare="sim_size" delta="1000">\n+ <assert_contents>\n+ <has_text text="SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION" />\n+ </assert_contents>\n+ </element>\n+ </output_collection>\n+ </test>\n+ </tests>\n+ <help><![CDATA[\n+\n+**The Community Earth System Model (CESM)**\n+==========================================================================\n+\n+This tool creates and runs CESM experiments from CESM supported release.\n+CESM is a fully-coupled, community, global climate model that provides state-of-the-art computer simulations of the Earth\'s past, present, and future climate states.\n+\n+Available component configurations and grids:\n+----------------------------------------------\n+\t - `Grid Resolutions <>`_\n+\t - `Component Sets <>`_\n+\t - `Component Configuration Settings <>`_\n+ ]]></help>\n+ <expand macro="citations"/>\n+</tool>\n' |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 config --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/config Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
[ |
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[main] +CIME_MODEL=cesm |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 config_compilers.xml --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/config_compilers.xml Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
b |
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> + +<config_compilers version="2.0"> + + <compiler COMPILER="gnu" MACH="galaxy"> + <LD>mpifort</LD> + <SFC>x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gfortran</SFC> + <SCC>x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-cc</SCC> + <SCXX>x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-c++</SCXX> + <MPIFC>mpifort</MPIFC> + <MPICC>mpicc</MPICC> + <MPICXX>mpicxx</MPICXX> + <NETCDF_PATH>$ENV{CONDA_PREFIX}</NETCDF_PATH> + <FFLAGS> + <append DEBUG="FALSE"> -O2 </append> + <append MODEL="micom"> -fdefault-real-8 </append> + <append MODEL="cam"> -finit-local-zero </append> + </FFLAGS> + <SLIBS> + <append> -L$(NETCDF_PATH)/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -ldl </append> + <append> -lmkl_gf_lp64 -lmkl_gnu_thread -lmkl_core -lgomp -lpthread -lm -fopenmp </append> + </SLIBS> + </compiler> +</config_compilers> |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 config_machines.xml --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/config_machines.xml Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
b |
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<config_machines> + <machine MACH="galaxy"> + <DESC> + VM + x4 CPUs + Gold Centos 7 + </DESC> + <NODENAME_REGEX>UNSET</NODENAME_REGEX> + <OS>LINUX</OS> + <PROXY>UNSET</PROXY> + <COMPILERS>gnu</COMPILERS> + <MPILIBS>mpich</MPILIBS> + <SAVE_TIMING_DIR>UNSET</SAVE_TIMING_DIR> + <CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT>$ENV{HOME}/work</CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT> + <DIN_LOC_ROOT>$ENV{HOME}/inputdata</DIN_LOC_ROOT> + <DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC>$ENV{HOME}/inputdata/atm/datm7</DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC> + <DOUT_S_ROOT>$ENV{HOME}/archive/$CASE</DOUT_S_ROOT> + <BASELINE_ROOT>UNSET</BASELINE_ROOT> + <CCSM_CPRNC>UNSET</CCSM_CPRNC> + <GMAKE>make</GMAKE> + <GMAKE_J>4</GMAKE_J> + <BATCH_SYSTEM>none</BATCH_SYSTEM> + <SUPPORTED_BY>nobody</SUPPORTED_BY> + <MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE>4</MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE> + <MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE>4</MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE> + <PROJECT_REQUIRED>FALSE</PROJECT_REQUIRED> + <mpirun mpilib="default"> + <executable>nohup mpiexec</executable> + <arguments> + <arg name="anum_tasks"> -np $TOTALPES</arg> + </arguments> + </mpirun> + <module_system type="none"/> + <environment_variables> + <env name="KMP_STACKSIZE">64M</env> + </environment_variables> + <resource_limits> + <resource name="RLIMIT_STACK">-1</resource> + </resource_limits> + </machine> +</config_machines> |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 config_pes.xml --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/config_pes.xml Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
b |
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> + +<config_pes> + + <grid name="any"> + <mach name="any"> + <pes pesize="any" compset="any"> + <comment>none</comment> + <ntasks> + <ntasks_atm>-1</ntasks_atm> + <ntasks_rof>-1</ntasks_rof> + <ntasks_ocn>-1</ntasks_ocn> + <ntasks_ice>-1</ntasks_ice> + <ntasks_cpl>-1</ntasks_cpl> + <ntasks_lnd>-1</ntasks_lnd> + <ntasks_glc>-1</ntasks_glc> + <ntasks_wav>-1</ntasks_wav> + <ntasks_esp>-1</ntasks_esp> + </ntasks> + <nthrds> + <nthrds_atm>1</nthrds_atm> + <nthrds_lnd>1</nthrds_lnd> + <nthrds_rof>1</nthrds_rof> + <nthrds_ice>1</nthrds_ice> + <nthrds_ocn>1</nthrds_ocn> + <nthrds_glc>1</nthrds_glc> + <nthrds_wav>1</nthrds_wav> + <nthrds_esp>1</nthrds_esp> + <nthrds_cpl>1</nthrds_cpl> + </nthrds> + <rootpe> + <rootpe_atm>0</rootpe_atm> + <rootpe_rof>0</rootpe_rof> + <rootpe_ice>0</rootpe_ice> + <rootpe_ocn>0</rootpe_ocn> + <rootpe_cpl>0</rootpe_cpl> + <rootpe_lnd>0</rootpe_lnd> + <rootpe_glc>0</rootpe_glc> + <rootpe_wav>0</rootpe_wav> + <rootpe_esp>0</rootpe_esp> + </rootpe> + </pes> + </mach> + </grid> + +</config_pes> + |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/ Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
b |
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +GALAXY_SLOTS=$1 + +echo "====================================================================" +echo " Create Config machine for CESM " +echo " Tool will be running with $GALAXY_SLOTS processors (MPI tasks) " +echo "====================================================================" + + +cat > config_machines_galaxy.xml << EOF +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<config_machines> + <machine MACH="galaxy"> + <DESC> + VM + x4 CPUs + Gold Centos 7 + </DESC> + <NODENAME_REGEX>UNSET</NODENAME_REGEX> + <OS>LINUX</OS> + <PROXY>UNSET</PROXY> + <COMPILERS>gnu</COMPILERS> + <MPILIBS>mpich</MPILIBS> + <SAVE_TIMING_DIR>UNSET</SAVE_TIMING_DIR> + <CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT>\$ENV{HOME}/work</CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT> + <DIN_LOC_ROOT>\$ENV{HOME}/inputdata</DIN_LOC_ROOT> + <DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC>\$ENV{HOME}/inputdata/atm/datm7</DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC> + <DOUT_S_ROOT>\$ENV{HOME}/archive/\$CASE</DOUT_S_ROOT> + <BASELINE_ROOT>UNSET</BASELINE_ROOT> + <CCSM_CPRNC>UNSET</CCSM_CPRNC> + <GMAKE>make</GMAKE> + <GMAKE_J>$GALAXY_SLOTS</GMAKE_J> + <BATCH_SYSTEM>none</BATCH_SYSTEM> + <SUPPORTED_BY>nobody</SUPPORTED_BY> + <MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE>$GALAXY_SLOTS</MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE> + <MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE>$GALAXY_SLOTS</MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE> + <PROJECT_REQUIRED>FALSE</PROJECT_REQUIRED> + <mpirun mpilib="default"> + <executable>mpiexec</executable> + <arguments> + <arg name="anum_tasks"> -np \$TOTALPES</arg> + </arguments> + </mpirun> + <module_system type="none"/> + <environment_variables> + <env name="KMP_STACKSIZE">64M</env> + </environment_variables> + <resource_limits> + <resource name="RLIMIT_STACK">-1</resource> + </resource_limits> + </machine> +</config_machines> +EOF + +echo "Configuration machine created." |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/ Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
b |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +echo "==========================================" +echo " Create symbolic link for input data " +echo "==========================================" + +echo "Search for $2..." + +create_link=$(grep $2 $3) +dir=$(dirname $create_link) + +echo "mkdir -p inputdata/$dir" +mkdir -p inputdata/$dir + +echo "ln -s $1 inputdata/$create_link" +ln -s $1 inputdata/$create_link |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 macros.xml --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/macros.xml Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
b |
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +<macros> + <token name="@TOOL_VERSION@">2.1.3</token> + <token name="@VERSION_SUFFIX@">0</token> + <xml name="edam_ontology"> + <edam_topics> + <edam_topic>topic_3855</edam_topic> + <edam_topic>topic_3318</edam_topic> + <edam_topic>topic_3050</edam_topic> + <edam_topic>topic_0610</edam_topic> + </edam_topics> + <edam_operations> + <edam_operation>operation_3946</edam_operation> + <edam_operation>operation_2426</edam_operation> + </edam_operations> + </xml> + <xml name="citations"> + <citations> + <citation type="bibtex"> + @article{, + author = {Danabasoglu, G. and Lamarque, J.-F. and Bacmeister, J. and Bailey, D. A. and DuVivier, A. K. and Edwards, J. and Emmons, L. K. and Fasullo, J. and Garcia, R. and Gettelman, A. and Hannay, C. and Holland, M. M. and Large, W. G. and Lauritzen, P. H. and Lawrence, D. M. and Lenaerts, J. T. M. and Lindsay, K. and Lipscomb, W. H. and Mills, M. J. and Neale, R. and Oleson, K. W. and Otto-Bliesner, B. and Phillips, A. S. and Sacks, W. and Tilmes, S. and van Kampenhout, L. and Vertenstein, M. and Bertini, A. and Dennis, J. and Deser, C. and Fischer, C. and Fox-Kemper, B. and Kay, J. E. and Kinnison, D. and Kushner, P. J. and Larson, V. E. and Long, M. C. and Mickelson, S. and Moore, J. K. and Nienhouse, E. and Polvani, L. and Rasch, P. J. and Strand, W. G.}, + title = {The Community Earth System Model Version 2 (CESM2)}, + journal = {Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems}, + volume = {12}, + number = {2}, + pages = {e2019MS001916}, + keywords = {Community Earth System Model (CESM), global coupled Earth system modeling, preindustrial and historical simulations, coupled model development and evaluation}, + doi = {}, + url = {}, + eprint = {}, + note = {e2019MS001916 2019MS001916}, + year = {2020} + } + </citation> + </citations> + </xml> +</macros> |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/ Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
[ |
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +WORKDIR=$1 +LOGDIR=$2 +INFO_FILE=$3 + +echo "====================================================================" +echo " Save logfiles from CESM run " +echo "====================================================================" + +for log_type in atm cesm cpl lnd rof; do + nb=$(find $WORKDIR -type f -name "$log_type.log.*" | wc -l) + nbz=$(find $WORKDIR -type f -name "$log_type.log.*.gz" | wc -l) + + if [[ $nb -gt 0 ]]; then + if [[ $nb -gt 0 ]]; then + gunzip $1/${log_type}.log.*.gz + fi + cat $1/${log_type}.* > $2/${log_type}_log.txt 2>>$INFO_FILE + fi +done + +echo "Logfiles saved." |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/ Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
[ |
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +WORKDIR=$1 +CASENAME=$2 +RESDIR=$3 +INFO_FILE=$4 + +echo "====================================================================" +echo " Save restarts for CESM run " +echo "====================================================================" + +nb_nc=$(find $WORKDIR -type f -name "${CASENAME}.*.r*.*.nc" | wc -l) +nb_bin=$(find $WORKDIR -type f -name "${CASENAME}.*.r*.*.bin" | wc -l) +nb_i=$(find $WORKDIR -type f -name "${CASENAME}.*.i*.*.nc" | wc -l) +nb_rp=$(find $WORKDIR -type f -name "rpointer.*" | wc -l) + +if [[ $nb_nc -gt 0 ]]; then + cp $WORKDIR/${CASENAME}.*.r*.*.nc $RESDIR/ 2>>$INFO_FILE +fi +if [[ $nb_bin -gt 0 ]]; then + cp $WORKDIR/${CASENAME}.*.r*.*.bin $RESDIR/ 2>>$INFO_FILE +fi +if [[ $nb_i -gt 0 ]]; then + cp $WORKDIR/${CASENAME}.*.i*.*.nc $RESDIR/ 2>>$INFO_FILE +fi +if [[ $nb_rp -gt 0 ]]; then + cp $WORKDIR/rpointer.* $RESDIR/ 2>>$INFO_FILE +fi +echo "Restart saved." |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 test-data/atm_log.txt --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/test-data/atm_log.txt Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
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b'@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@\n+ CAM atmosphere model initialization\n+ \n+ Initialize PIO subsystem:\n+ iotype = 6\n+ \n+ ------------------------------------------\n+ *********** CAM LOG OUTPUT ***************\n+ ------------------------------------------\n+ Initial run\n+ ********** CASE = FKESSLER **********\n+ UNSET \n+ ********** Time Manager Configuration **********\n+ Calendar type: NO_LEAP\n+ Timestep size (seconds): 1800\n+ Start date (yr mon day tod): 1 1 1 0\n+ Stop date (yr mon day tod): 1 1 1 1800\n+ Reference date (yr mon day tod): 1 1 1 0\n+ Current step number: 0\n+ Current date (yr mon day tod): 1 1 1 0\n+ ************************************************\n+ SPMD SWAP_COMM OPTIONS: \n+ swap_comm_protocol = 4\n+ swap_comm_maxreq = 128\n+ SPMD FLOW CONTROL GATHER OPTION: \n+ fc_gather_flow_cntl = 64\n+ PHYS_GRID options:\n+ Using PCOLS = 16\n+ phys_loadbalance = 2\n+ phys_twin_algorithm = 0\n+ phys_alltoall = -1\n+ chunks_per_thread = 1\n+ cam_initfiles_readnl options:\n+ Initial run will start from: /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/inputdata/atm/cam/inic/\n+ Topography dataset not used: PHIS, SGH, SGH30, LANDM_COSLAT set to zero\n+ Maximum abs value of scale factor used to perturb initial conditions, pertlim= 0.0000000000000000 \n+ Summary of constituent module options:\n+ Read constituent initial values from initial file by default: T\n+ Read in cam_history_nl namelist from: atm_in\n+ Unless overridden by namelist input on a per-field basis (FINCL),\n+ All fields on history file 1 will have averaging flag I\n+ Initial conditions history files will be written yearly.\n+ \n+ chem_surfvals_readnl: Settings for control of GHG surface values \n+ scenario_ghg = FIXED\n+ CO2 will be fixed:\n+ co2vmr = -1.0000000000000000 \n+ Other GHG values will be fixed as follows:\n+ n2ovmr = -1.0000000000000000 \n+ ch4vmr = -1.0000000000000000 \n+ f11vmr = -1.0000000000000000 \n+ f12vmr = -1.0000000000000000 \n+ \n+ Run model with Kessler warm-rain physics forcing\n+ check_energy options:\n+ print_energy_errors = F\n+ Read in analytic_ic_nl namelist from: atm_in\n+ Dynamics state will be set to a moist baroclinic wave initial condition used in DCMIP 2016. \n+ dyn_readnl: reading dyn_se_inparm namelist...\n+initmpi: Number of MPI processes: 4\n+ INITOMP: INFO: openmp not activated\n+ HOMME_POSTPROCESS_NAMELIST: omp_get_max_threads() = 1\n+ HOMME_POSTPROCESS_NAMELIST: Mesh File:none\n+ HOMME_POSTPROCESS_NAMELIST: Reference element projection: cubed_sphere_map= 0\n+dyn_readnl: se_ftype = 2\n+dyn_readnl: se_statediag_numtrac = 3\n+dyn_readnl: se_hypervis_subcycle = 3\n+dyn_readnl: se_hypervis_subcycle_q = 1\n+dyn_readnl: se_limiter_option = 8\n+dyn_readnl: se_ne = 30\n+dyn_readnl: se_npes = 4\n+dyn_readnl: se_nsplit = 2\n+dyn_readnl: se_nu = 0.40E+15\n+dyn_readnl: se_nu_div = 0.10E+16\n+dyn_readnl: se_nu_p = 0.10E+16\n+Note that nu_q=nu_p for mass / tracer inconsistency\n+dyn_readnl: se_nu_top = 0.25E+06\n+dyn_readnl: se_qsplit = 1\n+dyn_readnl: se_rsplit = 3\n+dyn_readnl: se_statefreq = 0\n+dyn_readnl: se_tstep_type = 4\n+dyn_readnl: se_vert_remap_q_alg = 1\n+dyn_readnl: se_qsize_condensate_loading = 1\n+ : lcp_moist = T\n+ dyn_readnl: hypervis_on_plevs = T\n+ FYI: nu_p>0 and hypervis_on_'..b'esented on global grids:\n+ 100\n+ Included fields are:\n+ 1 CLDLIQ kg/kg 30 A Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount\n+ 2 OMEGA Pa/s 30 A Vertical velocity (pressure)\n+ 3 Q kg/kg 30 A Specific humidity\n+ 4 RAINQM kg/kg 30 A Grid box averaged rain water amount\n+ 5 T K 30 A Temperature\n+ 6 U m/s 30 A Zonal wind\n+ 7 V m/s 30 A Meridional wind\n+ 8 iCL mole/mole 1 A Average mass-weighted column-integrated CL mixing ratio\n+ 9 iCL2 mole/mole 1 A Average mass-weighted column-integrated CL2 mixing ratio\n+ 10 iCLy mole/mole 1 A Average mass-weighted column-integrated CLy mixing ratio\n+ \n+ FLDLST: History file 12 contains 10 fields\n+ Write frequency: YEARLY (INITIAL CONDITIONS)\n+ Filename specifier:\n+ Output precision: double\n+ Number of time samples per file: 1\n+ Fields are represented on global grids:\n+ 101\n+ Included fields are:\n+ 1 CL&IC kg/kg 30 I CL\n+ 2 CL2&IC kg/kg 30 I CL2\n+ 3 CLDLIQ&IC kg/kg 30 I Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount\n+ 4 PS&IC Pa 1 I Surface pressure\n+ 5 Q&IC kg/kg 30 I Specific humidity\n+ 6 RAINQM&IC kg/kg 30 I Grid box averaged rain water amount\n+ 7 RHO&IC kg/kg 30 I RHO\n+ 8 T&IC K 30 I Temperature\n+ 9 U&IC m/s 30 I Zonal wind\n+ 10 V&IC m/s 30 I Meridional wind\n+ nstep, te 0 0.26317785398197021E+10 0.26317785398197021E+10 -0.00000000000000000E+00 0.99999998617825389E+05\n+WSHIST: writing time sample 0 to h-file 1 DATE=0001/01/01 NCSEC= 0\n+\n+ WSHIST: nhfil( 1 )\n+ Opening netcdf history file\n+ H_DEFINE: Successfully opened netcdf file \n+ Creating new decomp: 16!760!!48602!!d6!i2! \n+WSHIST: writing time sample 0 to h-file 2 DATE=0001/01/01 NCSEC= 0\n+\n+ WSHIST: nhfil( 2 )\n+ Opening netcdf history file\n+ H_DEFINE: Successfully opened netcdf file \n+ Creating new decomp: 16!30!760!!48602!30!!d6!i2! \n+ nstep, te 1 0.26317780750597858E+10 0.26317782522024746E+10 0.96723118242219288E-05 0.99999990163745926E+05\n+ WRAPUP: nf_close( 1 )\n+ Primary history file\n+ Output at NSTEP = 1\n+ Number of time samples on this file = 1\n+ Model Day = 0.02\n+---------------------------------------\n+ WRAPUP: nf_close( 2 )\n+ Auxiliary history file number 1\n+ Output at NSTEP = 1\n+ Number of time samples on this file = 1\n+ Model Day = 0.02\n+---------------------------------------\n+ nstep, te 2 0.26317780735390315E+10 0.26317780750795765E+10 0.84116548054005219E-07 0.99999990164327610E+05\n+\n+\n+Number of completed timesteps: 1\n+Time step 2 partially done to provide convectively adjusted and time filtered values for history tape.\n+ \n+ ******* END OF MODEL RUN *******\n' |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 test-data/ |
b |
Binary file test-data/ has changed |
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diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 test-data/case_info.txt --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/test-data/case_info.txt Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
[ |
b"@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@\n+Compset longname is 2000_CAM%KESSLER_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV\n+Compset specification file is /usr/local/cime/../components/cam//cime_config/config_compsets.xml\n+Compset forcing is 1972-2004\n+ATM component is CAM simplified and non-versioned physics :CAM moist dynamical core test with Ullrich et al. (2014) baroclinic wave IC, Kessler physics and terminator chemistry:\n+LND component is Stub land component\n+ICE component is Stub ice component\n+OCN component is Stub ocn component\n+ROF component is Stub river component\n+GLC component is Stub glacier (land ice) component\n+WAV component is Stub wave component\n+ESP component is \n+Compset specific settings: name is SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME and value is $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/sst/\n+Could not find machine match for '8d9a28f7d4de' or '8d9a28f7d4de'\n+Machine is galaxy\n+Pes setting: grid is a%ne30np4_l%null_oi%null_r%null_g%null_w%null_m%gx1v6 \n+Pes setting: compset is 2000_CAM%KESSLER_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV \n+Pes setting: tasks is {'NTASKS_ATM': -1, 'NTASKS_ROF': -1, 'NTASKS_OCN': -1, 'NTASKS_ICE': -1, 'NTASKS_CPL': -1, 'NTASKS_LND': -1, 'NTASKS_GLC': -1, 'NTASKS_WAV': -1, 'NTASKS_ESP': -1} \n+Pes setting: threads is {'NTHRDS_ATM': 1, 'NTHRDS_LND': 1, 'NTHRDS_ROF': 1, 'NTHRDS_ICE': 1, 'NTHRDS_OCN': 1, 'NTHRDS_GLC': 1, 'NTHRDS_WAV': 1, 'NTHRDS_ESP': 1, 'NTHRDS_CPL': 1} \n+Pes setting: rootpe is {'ROOTPE_ATM': 0, 'ROOTPE_ROF': 0, 'ROOTPE_ICE': 0, 'ROOTPE_OCN': 0, 'ROOTPE_CPL': 0, 'ROOTPE_LND': 0, 'ROOTPE_GLC': 0, 'ROOTPE_WAV': 0, 'ROOTPE_ESP': 0} \n+Pes setting: pstrid is {} \n+Pes other settings: {}\n+Pes comments: none\n+ Compset is: 2000_CAM%KESSLER_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV \n+ Grid is: a%ne30np4_l%null_oi%null_r%null_g%null_w%null_m%gx1v6 \n+ Components in compset are: ['cam', 'slnd', 'sice', 'socn', 'srof', 'sglc', 'swav', 'sesp', 'drv', 'dart'] \n+No project info available\n+No charge_account info available, using value from PROJECT\n+No project info available\n+WARNING: No cesm Model version found.\n+Batch_system_type is none\n+ Creating Case directory /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/FKESSLER\n+Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (8388608, -1)\n+/opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/FKESSLER/env_mach_specific.xml already exists, delete to replace\n+Creating batch scripts\n+Writing script from input template /usr/local/cime/config/cesm/machines/\n+Creating file\n+Writing case.st_archive script from input template /usr/local/cime/config/cesm/machines/template.st_archive\n+Creating file case.st_archive\n+Creating user_nl_xxx files for components and cpl\n+If an old case build already exists, might want to run ' --clean' before building\n+You can now run './preview_run' to get more info on how your case will be run\n+Building case in directory /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/FKESSLER\n+sharedlib_only is False\n+model_only is False\n+Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (8388608, -1)\n+Generating component namelists as part of build\n+Creating component namelists\n+ Calling /usr/local/components/cam//cime_config/buildnml\n+ ...calling cam buildcpp to set build time options\n+CAM namelist copy: file1 /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/FKESSLER/Buildconf/camconf/atm_in file2 /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/work/FKESSLER/run/atm_in \n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/slnd/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/sice/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/socn/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/srof/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/sglc/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/swav/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/c"..b"lding esp with output to /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/work/FKESSLER/bld/esp.bldlog.210610-090728\n+socn built in 19.047444 seconds\n+srof built in 19.346783 seconds\n+slnd built in 19.459242 seconds\n+sesp built in 19.410775 seconds\n+sice built in 19.949074 seconds\n+sglc built in 19.996156 seconds\n+swav built in 19.901150 seconds\n+Component atm build complete with 5 warnings\n+cam built in 399.094755 seconds\n+Building cesm with output to /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/work/FKESSLER/bld/cesm.bldlog.210610-090728 \n+Component cesm exe build complete with 3 warnings\n+Time spent not building: 0.552427 sec\n+Time spent building: 522.195230 sec\n+MODEL BUILD HAS FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY\n+Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (8388608, -1)\n+Creating component namelists\n+ Calling /usr/local/components/cam//cime_config/buildnml\n+CAM namelist copy: file1 /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/FKESSLER/Buildconf/camconf/atm_in file2 /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/work/FKESSLER/run/atm_in \n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/slnd/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/sice/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/socn/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/srof/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/sglc/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/swav/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/sesp/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/drivers/mct/cime_config/buildnml\n+Finished creating component namelists\n+Checking that inputdata is available as part of case submission\n+Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (-1, -1)\n+Loading input file list: 'Buildconf/cam.input_data_list'\n+Loading input file list: 'Buildconf/cpl.input_data_list'\n+Check case OK\n+submit_jobs\n+Submit job\n+Starting job script\n+Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (-1, -1)\n+Generating namelists for /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/FKESSLER\n+Creating component namelists\n+ Calling /usr/local/components/cam//cime_config/buildnml\n+CAM namelist copy: file1 /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/FKESSLER/Buildconf/camconf/atm_in file2 /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/work/FKESSLER/run/atm_in \n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/slnd/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/sice/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/socn/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/srof/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/sglc/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/swav/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/components/stub_comps/sesp/cime_config/buildnml\n+ Calling /usr/local/cime/src/drivers/mct/cime_config/buildnml\n+Finished creating component namelists\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n+ - Prestage required restarts into /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/work/FKESSLER/run\n+ - Case input data directory (DIN_LOC_ROOT) is /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/inputdata \n+ - Checking for required input datasets in DIN_LOC_ROOT\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n+2021-06-10 09:16:12 MODEL EXECUTION BEGINS HERE\n+run command is mpiexec -np 4 /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/work/FKESSLER/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1 \n+2021-06-10 09:25:10 MODEL EXECUTION HAS FINISHED\n+check for resubmit\n+dout_s False \n+mach galaxy \n+resubmit_num 0\n+ERROR: No result from jobs [('', None)]\n" |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 test-data/cesm_log.txt --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/test-data/cesm_log.txt Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
b |
b'@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@\n+ Invalid PIO rearranger comm max pend req (comp2io), 0\n+ Resetting PIO rearranger comm max pend req (comp2io) to 64\n+ PIO rearranger options:\n+ comm type =p2p \n+ comm fcd =2denable \n+ max pend req (comp2io) = 0\n+ enable_hs (comp2io) = T\n+ enable_isend (comp2io) = F\n+ max pend req (io2comp) = 64\n+ enable_hs (io2comp) = F\n+ enable_isend (io2comp) = T\n+(seq_comm_setcomm) init ID ( 1 GLOBAL ) pelist = 0 3 1 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)( suffix =)\n+(seq_comm_setcomm) init ID ( 2 CPL ) pelist = 0 3 1 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)( suffix =)\n+(seq_comm_setcomm) init ID ( 5 ATM ) pelist = 0 3 1 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)( suffix =)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 6 CPLATM ) join IDs = 2 5 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 3 ALLATMID ) join multiple comp IDs ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 4 CPLALLATMID ) join IDs = 2 3 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_setcomm) init ID ( 9 LND ) pelist = 0 3 1 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)( suffix =)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 10 CPLLND ) join IDs = 2 9 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 7 ALLLNDID ) join multiple comp IDs ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 8 CPLALLLNDID ) join IDs = 2 7 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_setcomm) init ID ( 13 ICE ) pelist = 0 3 1 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)( suffix =)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 14 CPLICE ) join IDs = 2 13 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 11 ALLICEID ) join multiple comp IDs ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 12 CPLALLICEID ) join IDs = 2 11 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_setcomm) init ID ( 17 OCN ) pelist = 0 3 1 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)( suffix =)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 18 CPLOCN ) join IDs = 2 17 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 15 ALLOCNID ) join multiple comp IDs ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 16 CPLALLOCNID ) join IDs = 2 15 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_setcomm) init ID ( 21 ROF ) pelist = 0 3 1 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)( suffix =)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 22 CPLROF ) join IDs = 2 21 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 19 ALLROFID ) join multiple comp IDs ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 20 CPLALLROFID ) join IDs = 2 19 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_setcomm) init ID ( 25 GLC ) pelist = 0 3 1 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)( suffix =)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 26 CPLGLC ) join IDs = 2 25 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 23 ALLGLCID ) join multiple comp IDs ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 24 CPLALLGLCID ) join IDs = 2 23 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_setcomm) init ID ( 29 WAV ) pelist = 0 3 1 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)( suffix =)\n+(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 30 CPLWAV ) join IDs = 2 29 ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 27 ALLWAVID ) join multiple comp IDs ( npes = 4) ( nthreads = 1)\n+'..b' 1 ROF:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 22 0 4 1 CPLROF:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 23 0 4 1 ALLGLCID:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 24 0 4 1 CPLALLGLCID:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 25 0 4 1 GLC:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 26 0 4 1 CPLGLC:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 27 0 4 1 ALLWAVID:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 28 0 4 1 CPLALLWAVID:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 29 0 4 1 WAV:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 30 0 4 1 CPLWAV:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 31 0 4 1 ALLESPID:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 32 0 4 1 CPLALLESPID:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 33 0 4 1 ESP:\n+(seq_comm_printcomms) 34 0 4 1 CPLESP:\n+ (t_initf) Read in prof_inparm namelist from: drv_in\n+ (t_initf) Using profile_disable= F\n+ (t_initf) profile_timer= 4\n+ (t_initf) profile_depth_limit= 4\n+ (t_initf) profile_detail_limit= 2\n+ (t_initf) profile_barrier= F\n+ (t_initf) profile_outpe_num= 1\n+ (t_initf) profile_outpe_stride= 0\n+ (t_initf) profile_single_file= F\n+ (t_initf) profile_global_stats= T\n+ (t_initf) profile_ovhd_measurement= F\n+ (t_initf) profile_add_detail= F\n+ (t_initf) profile_papi_enable= F\n+ 4 pes participating in computation\n+ -----------------------------------\n+ TASK# NAME\n+ 0 8d9a28f7d4de\n+ 1 8d9a28f7d4de\n+ 2 8d9a28f7d4de\n+ 3 8d9a28f7d4de\n+ Opened existing file /opt/uio/tmp/tmp92gxhvfo/job_working_directory/000/2/working/inputdata/atm/cam/inic/ 65536\n+MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will correct\n+MCT::m_Router::initp_: RGSMap indices not increasing...Will correct\n+MCT::m_Router::initp_: RGSMap indices not increasing...Will correct\n+MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will correct\n+ Opened file to write 131072\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Attribute not found\n+ NetCDF: Attribute not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1\n+ WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1\n+ Opened file to write 196608\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Attribute not found\n+ NetCDF: Attribute not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ NetCDF: Variable not found\n+ WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1\n+ WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1\n' |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 test-data/cpl_log.txt --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/test-data/cpl_log.txt Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
b |
b'@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@\n+(seq_mct_drv) USE_ESMF_LIB is NOT set, using esmf_wrf_timemgr\n+(seq_mct_drv) MCT_INTERFACE is set\n+(esmf_readnl) \n+ read esmf_inparm namelist from: drv_in\n+ CPL : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ CPL : pio_stride = 1\n+ CPL : pio_root = 0\n+ CPL : pio_iotype = 6\n+ ATM : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ ATM : pio_stride = 1\n+ ATM : pio_root = 0\n+ ATM : pio_iotype = 6\n+ LND : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ LND : pio_stride = 1\n+ LND : pio_root = 0\n+ LND : pio_iotype = 6\n+ OCN : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ OCN : pio_stride = 1\n+ OCN : pio_root = 0\n+ OCN : pio_iotype = 6\n+ ICE : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ ICE : pio_stride = 1\n+ ICE : pio_root = 0\n+ ICE : pio_iotype = 6\n+ GLC : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ GLC : pio_stride = 1\n+ GLC : pio_root = 0\n+ GLC : pio_iotype = 6\n+ ROF : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ ROF : pio_stride = 1\n+ ROF : pio_root = 0\n+ ROF : pio_iotype = 6\n+ WAV : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ WAV : pio_stride = 1\n+ WAV : pio_root = 0\n+ WAV : pio_iotype = 6\n+ ESP : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ ESP : pio_stride = 1\n+ ESP : pio_root = 0\n+ ESP : pio_iotype = 6\n+ CPL : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ CPL : pio_stride = 1\n+ CPL : pio_rearranger = 1\n+ CPL : pio_root = 0\n+ CPL : pio_iotype = 6\n+ ATM : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ ATM : pio_stride = 1\n+ ATM : pio_rearranger = 1\n+ ATM : pio_root = 0\n+ ATM : pio_iotype = 6\n+ LND : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ LND : pio_stride = 1\n+ LND : pio_rearranger = 1\n+ LND : pio_root = 0\n+ LND : pio_iotype = 6\n+ OCN : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ OCN : pio_stride = 1\n+ OCN : pio_rearranger = 1\n+ OCN : pio_root = 0\n+ OCN : pio_iotype = 6\n+ ICE : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ ICE : pio_stride = 1\n+ ICE : pio_rearranger = 1\n+ ICE : pio_root = 0\n+ ICE : pio_iotype = 6\n+ GLC : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ GLC : pio_stride = 1\n+ GLC : pio_rearranger = 1\n+ GLC : pio_root = 0\n+ GLC : pio_iotype = 6\n+ ROF : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ ROF : pio_stride = 1\n+ ROF : pio_rearranger = 1\n+ ROF : pio_root = 0\n+ ROF : pio_iotype = 6\n+ WAV : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ WAV : pio_stride = 1\n+ WAV : pio_rearranger = 1\n+ WAV : pio_root = 0\n+ WAV : pio_iotype = 6\n+ ESP : pio_numiotasks = 1\n+ ESP : pio_stride = 1\n+ ESP : pio_rearranger = 1\n+ ESP : pio_root = '..b'(seq_mct_drv) : iceberg prognostic = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : glc model prognostic = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : rof model prognostic = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : ocn rof prognostic = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : wav model prognostic = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : esp model prognostic = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : atm_c2_lnd = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : atm_c2_ocn = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : atm_c2_ice = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : atm_c2_wav = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : lnd_c2_atm = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : lnd_c2_rof = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : lnd_c2_glc = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : ocn_c2_atm = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : ocn_c2_ice = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : ocn_c2_wav = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : ice_c2_atm = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : ice_c2_ocn = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : ice_c2_wav = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : rof_c2_lnd = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : rof_c2_ocn = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : rof_c2_ice = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : glc_c2_lnd = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : glc_c2_ocn = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : glc_c2_ice = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : wav_c2_ocn = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : dead components = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : domain_check = T\n+(seq_mct_drv) : atm_nx,atm_ny = 48602 1 ne30np4\n+(seq_mct_drv) : lnd_nx,lnd_ny = 0 0 null\n+(seq_mct_drv) : rof_nx,rof_ny = 0 0 null\n+(seq_mct_drv) : ice_nx,ice_ny = 0 0 null\n+(seq_mct_drv) : ocn_nx,ocn_ny = 0 0 null\n+(seq_mct_drv) : glc_nx,glc_ny = 0 0 null\n+(seq_mct_drv) : wav_nx,wav_ny = 0 0 null\n+(seq_mct_drv) : samegrid_ao = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : samegrid_al = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : samegrid_ro = T\n+(seq_mct_drv) : samegrid_aw = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : samegrid_ow = T\n+(seq_mct_drv) : skip init ocean run = T\n+(seq_mct_drv) : cpl sequence option = CESM1_MOD\n+(seq_mct_drv) : do_histavg = F\n+(seq_mct_drv) : atm_aero = T\n+ \n+ \n+(seq_mct_drv) : Performing domain checking\n+(seq_domain_check) --- checking fractions in domains ---\n+(seq_domain_check) maximum difference for ofrac sum 0.00000000000000 \n+(seq_domain_check) maximum difference for ifrac sum 0.00000000000000 \n+(seq_domain_check) maximum allowable difference for frac sum 100.000000000000 \n+(seq_domain_check) maximum allowable tolerance for valid frac 0.100000000000000E-01\n+(seq_domain_areafactinit) : min/max mdl2drv 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 areafact_a_ATM\n+(seq_domain_areafactinit) : min/max drv2mdl 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 areafact_a_ATM\n+ \n+(seq_mct_drv) : Initializing fractions\n+ \n+(seq_mct_drv) : Setting fractions\n+(seq_mct_drv) : Calling atm_init_mct phase 2\n+(component_init_cc:mct) : Initialize component atm\n+ \n+(seq_mct_drv) : Model initialization complete \n+ \n+\n+\n+\n+(seq_mct_drv): =============== SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION OF CPL7-cesm ===============\n+(seq_mct_drv): =============== at YMD,TOD = 00010101 1800 ===============\n+(seq_mct_drv): =============== # simulated days (this run) = 0.021 ===============\n+(seq_mct_drv): =============== compute time (hrs) = 0.071 ===============\n+(seq_mct_drv): =============== # simulated years / cmp-day = 0.019 ===============\n+(seq_mct_drv): =============== pes min memory highwater (MB) -0.001 ===============\n+(seq_mct_drv): =============== pes max memory highwater (MB) -0.001 ===============\n+(seq_mct_drv): =============== pes min memory last usage (MB) 4032.884 ===============\n+(seq_mct_drv): =============== pes max memory last usage (MB) 4032.884 ===============\n+\n+\n+\n' |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 test-data/inputdata_FKESSLER_ne30_g16_cesm2.1.3.tar |
b |
Binary file test-data/inputdata_FKESSLER_ne30_g16_cesm2.1.3.tar has changed |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 test-data/inputdata_mapping.txt --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/test-data/inputdata_mapping.txt Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
b |
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ +atm/cam/inic/ |
b |
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7a7ba86e95a4 test-data/user_nl_cam --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/test-data/user_nl_cam Tue Jun 15 09:39:23 2021 +0000 |
b |
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ +se_nsplit=2 |