Repository 'cnvkit_breaks'
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Changeset 0:ef9a50eb20ce (2023-09-29)
Next changeset 1:5a2cb67ef742 (2024-04-22)
Commit message:
planemo upload for repository commit e927b17a345b18c1b51dc1b112db5129278dcd22
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce breaks.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/breaks.xml Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<tool id="cnvkit_breaks" name="CNVkit Breaks" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@VERSION_SUFFIX@" profile="21.05">
+    <description>List the targeted genes with segmentaion breakpoint</description>
+    <macros>
+        <import>macros.xml</import>
+    </macros>
+    <expand macro="xrefs"/>
+    <expand macro="creators_and_zahra"/>
+    <expand macro="requirements"/>
+    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[  
+        ln -s '$input_filename_file' ./sample.cnr &&
+        ln -s '$input_segment_file' ./sample.cns &&
+ breaks
+            ./sample.cnr
+            ./sample.cns 
+            --output gene-breaks.txt
+            #if $min_probes
+                --min-probes $min_probes
+            #end if                    
+    ]]></command>
+    <inputs>
+        <param name="input_filename_file" type="data" format="tabular" label="Bin-Level log2 Ratios/Coverages cnr file" help="The output of the CNVkit fix" />
+        <param name="input_segment_file" type="data"  format="tabular" label="CN segmentation calls cnn file" help="The output of the CNVkit segment" />
+        <param argument="--min-probes" optional="true" type="integer" label="Minimum propes" value="1" help="Minimum number of covered probes to label a gene" />     
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data name="gene_breaks" format="text" label="${} on ${on_string}:genes with copy number breakpoints" from_work_dir="gene-breaks.txt" />
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <param name="input_filename_file" ftype="tabular" value="sample.cnr" />
+            <param name="input_segment_file" ftype="tabular" value="sample.cns" />
+            <param name="min_probes" value="1" />
+            <output name="gene_breaks">
+                <assert_contents><has_text text="chromosome"/></assert_contents>
+            </output> 
+        </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help><![CDATA[
+       Identify genes in which: 
+       (I) an unbalanced fusion or other structural rearrangement breakpoint occured
+       (II) CNV calling is simply difficult due to an inconsistent copy number signal
+       The breaks output is a text table of tab-separated values, which is amenable to further processing by 
+       scripts and standard Unix tools such as grep, sort, cut and awk. 
+    ]]></help>
+    <expand macro="citations" />

diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce macros.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/macros.xml Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
b'@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@\n+<macros>\n+    <token name="@VERSION_SUFFIX@">0.1</token>\n+    <token name="@TOOL_VERSION@">0.9.10</token>\n+    <xml name="requirements">\n+        <requirements>\n+            <requirement type="package" version="@TOOL_VERSION@">cnvkit</requirement>\n+            <requirement type="package" version="1.0.2">scikit-learn</requirement>\n+        </requirements>\n+    </xml>\n+    <xml name="reference_interface">\n+        <conditional name="reference_source">\n+            <param name="ref_selector" type="select" label="Choose the source for the reference genome">\n+                <option value="cached">Locally cached</option>\n+                <option value="history">History</option>\n+            </param>\n+            <when value="cached">\n+                <param argument="--fasta" optional="true" type="select" label="Reference genome">\n+                    <options from_data_table="fasta_indexes">\n+                        <validator type="no_options" message="A built-in reference genome is not available for the build associated with the selected input file" />\n+                    </options>\n+                </param>\n+            </when>\n+            <when value="history">\n+                <param argument="--fasta" type="data" optional="true" format="fasta" label="Reference" help="Reference sequence" />\n+            </when>\n+        </conditional>\n+    </xml>\n+    <xml name="xrefs">\n+        <xrefs>\n+            <xref type="">cnvkit</xref>\n+        </xrefs>\n+    </xml>\n+    <xml name="creators">\n+        <creator>\n+            <person givenName="Khaled" familyName="Jum\'ah" url="" />\n+            <person givenName="Bj\xc3\xb6rn" familyName="Gr\xc3\xbcning" url="" />\n+            <person givenName="Katarzyna" familyName="Kamieniecka" url="" />\n+            <person givenName="Krzysztof" familyName="Poterlowicz" url="" />\n+            <organization name="poterlowicz-lab" url="" />\n+        </creator>\n+    </xml>\n+    <xml name="creators_and_zahra">\n+        <creator>\n+            <person givenName="Khaled" familyName="Jum\'ah" url="" />\n+            <person givenName="Bj\xc3\xb6rn" familyName="Gr\xc3\xbcning" url="" />\n+            <person givenName="Katarzyna" familyName="Kamieniecka" url="" />\n+            <person givenName="zahra" familyName="Karimi" url="" />\n+            <person givenName="Krzysztof" familyName="Poterlowicz" url="" />\n+            <organization name="poterlowicz-lab" url="" />\n+        </creator>\n+    </xml>\n+    <xml name="shared">\n+            <param argument="--method" type="select" label="Select the sequencing method of the input files" help="">\n+                <option value="hybrid" selected="True">hybridization capture </option>\n+                <option value="amplicon">targeted amplicon sequencing </option>\n+                <option value="wgs">whole genome sequencing </option>\n+            </param>\n+            <param argument="--segment-method" type="select" label="Method used in the \'segment\' step" help="">\n+                <option value="cbs" selected="True">Circular Binary Segmentation CBS</option>\n+                <option value="flasso">Fused lasso, hybrid flasso</option>\n+                <option value="haar">a pure-Python implementation of HaarSeg, a wavelet-based method. Very fast and performs reasonably well on small panels, but tends to over-segment large datasets., hybrid haar</option>\n+                <option value="none">simply calculate the weighted mean log2 value of each chromosome arm. Useful for testing or debugging, or as a baseline for benchmarking other methods., hybrid none</option>\n+                <option value="hmm">experimental \xe2\x80\x93 a 3-state Hidden Mar'..b'ime than the simpler hmm method., hybrid hmm-tumor</option>\n+                <option value="hmm-germline">experimental \xe2\x80\x93 a 3-state HMM with fixed amplitude for the loss, neutral, and gain states corresponding to absolute copy numbers of 1, 2, and 3. Suitable for germline samples and single-cell sequencing of samples with mostly-diploid genomes that are not overly aneuploid., hybrid hmm-germline</option>\n+            </param>\n+            <param argument="--threshold" optional="true" type="integer" label="Significance threshold" min="1" help="To accept breakpoints during segmentation. For HMM methods, this is the smoothing window size"/>\n+            <param argument="--drop-low-coverage" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--drop-low-coverage" falsevalue="" label="Drop very-low-coverage bins before segmentation" help="To avoid false-positive deletions in poor-quality tumor samples"/>\n+            <param argument="--drop-outliers" optional="true" type="integer" label="Drop outliers" min="1" value="10" help=""/>\n+            <param argument="--smooth-cbs" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--smooth-cbs" falsevalue="" label="Perform an additional smoothing before CBS segmentations" help=""/>\n+    </xml>\n+    <xml name="sample_sex_condition">\n+        <conditional name="Sample_sex">\n+            <param name="sex" type="select" label="Sample sex availabel" help="">\n+                <option value="no" selected="True">Sample sex unknown</option>\n+                <option value="yes">Select sample sex</option>\n+            </param>\n+            <when value="yes">\n+                <expand macro="sample_sex" />\n+            </when>\n+            <when value="no">\n+            </when>\n+        </conditional>\n+    </xml>\n+    <xml name="genemetrics_segmetrics_statistics">\n+          <param argument="--mean" type="boolean" checked="true" truevalue="--mean" falsevalue="" label="Mean log2-ratio" help="" />\n+          <param argument="--median" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--median" falsevalue="" label="Median" help="" /> \n+          <param argument="--mode" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--mode" falsevalue="" label="mode" help="peak density of log2 ratios" />\n+          <param argument="--ttest" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--ttest" falsevalue="" label="One-sample t-test" help="bin log2 ratios versus 0.0" />\n+          <param argument="--stdev" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--stdev" falsevalue="" label="Standard deviation" help="" />\n+          <param argument="--sem" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--sem" falsevalue="" label="Standard error of the mean" help="" />\n+          <param argument="--mad" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--mad" falsevalue="" label="Median absolute deviation" help="" />\n+          <param argument="--mse" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--mse" falsevalue="" label="mean squared error" help="" />\n+          <param argument="--iqr" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--iqr" falsevalue="" label="Inter-quartile range" help="" />\n+          <param argument="--bivar" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--bivar" falsevalue="" label="Tukeys biweight midvariance" help="" />\n+          <param argument="--ci" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--ci" falsevalue="" label="confidence interval" help="" />\n+          <param argument="--pi" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--pi" falsevalue="" label="prediction interval" help="" />\n+          <param argument="--alpha" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--alpha" falsevalue="" label="alpha" help="" />\n+          <param argument="--bootstrap" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="--bootstrap" falsevalue="" label="estimate confidence interval" help="number of bootstrp interations" />\n+    </xml>\n+    <xml name="citations">\n+        <citations>\n+            <citation type="doi">10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004873</citation>\n+        </citations>\n+    </xml>\n+</macros>\n'
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/capture.bed
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/capture.bed Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+chrM 576 647
+chrM 647 1601
+chrM 1601 1670
+chrM 1670 3229
+chrM 3229 3304
+chrM 3306 4262
+chrM 4262 4331
+chrM 4328 4400
+chrM 4401 4469
+chrM 4469 5511
+chrM 5511 5579
+chrM 5586 5655
+chrM 5656 5729
+chrM 5760 5826
+chrM 5825 5891
+chrM 5903 7445
+chrM 7445 7514
+chrM 7517 7585
+chrM 7585 8269
+chrM 8294 8364
+chrM 8365 8572
+chrM 8526 9207
+chrM 9206 9990
+chrM 9990 10058
+chrM 10058 10404
+chrM 10404 10469
+chrM 10469 10766
+chrM 10759 12137
+chrM 12137 12206
+chrM 12206 12265
+chrM 12265 12336
+chrM 12336 14148
+chrM 14148 14673
+chrM 14673 14742
+chrM 14746 15887
+chrM 15887 15953
+chrM 15955 16023
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/capture.split.bed
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/capture.split.bed Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+chrM 576 647 -
+chrM 647 1601 -
+chrM 1601 1670 -
+chrM 1670 3229 -
+chrM 3229 3304 -
+chrM 3306 4262 -
+chrM 4262 4331 -
+chrM 4328 4400 -
+chrM 4401 4469 -
+chrM 4469 5511 -
+chrM 5511 5579 -
+chrM 5586 5655 -
+chrM 5656 5729 -
+chrM 5760 5826 -
+chrM 5825 5891 -
+chrM 5903 7445 -
+chrM 7445 7514 -
+chrM 7517 7585 -
+chrM 7585 8269 -
+chrM 8294 8364 -
+chrM 8365 8572 -
+chrM 8526 9207 -
+chrM 9206 9990 -
+chrM 9990 10058 -
+chrM 10058 10404 -
+chrM 10404 10469 -
+chrM 10469 10766 -
+chrM 10759 12137 -
+chrM 12137 12206 -
+chrM 12206 12265 -
+chrM 12265 12336 -
+chrM 12336 14148 -
+chrM 14148 14673 -
+chrM 14673 14742 -
+chrM 14746 15887 -
+chrM 15887 15953 -
+chrM 15955 16023 -
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/ Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+chrM 576 3304 -
+chrM 3306 4400 -
+chrM 4401 5579 -
+chrM 5586 5655 -
+chrM 5656 5729 -
+chrM 5760 5891 -
+chrM 5903 7514 -
+chrM 7517 8269 -
+chrM 8294 8364 -
+chrM 8365 14742 -
+chrM 14746 15953 -
+chrM 15955 16023 -
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/fasta_indexes.loc
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/fasta_indexes.loc Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#This is a sample file distributed with Galaxy that enables tools
+#to use a directory of Samtools indexed sequences data files.  You will need
+#to create these data files and then create a fasta_indexes.loc file
+#similar to this one (store it in this directory) that points to
+#the directories in which those files are stored. The fasta_indexes.loc
+#file has this format (white space characters are TAB characters):
+# <unique_build_id> <dbkey> <display_name> <file_base_path>
+#So, for example, if you had hg19 Canonical indexed stored in
+# /depot/data2/galaxy/hg19/sam/,
+#then the fasta_indexes.loc entry would look like this:
+#hg19canon hg19 Human (Homo sapiens): hg19 Canonical /depot/data2/galaxy/hg19/sam/hg19canon.fa
+#and your /depot/data2/galaxy/hg19/sam/ directory
+#would contain hg19canon.fa and hg19canon.fa.fai files.
+#Your fasta_indexes.loc file should include an entry per line for
+#each index set you have stored.  The file in the path does actually
+#exist, but it should never be directly used. Instead, the name serves
+#as a prefix for the index file.  For example:
+test_buildid hg17 test_displayname ${__HERE__}/genome.fasta
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/gene-breaks.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/gene-breaks.txt Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+gene chromosome location change probes_left probes_right
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/gene-sex.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/gene-sex.txt Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+sample sex X_logratio Y_logratio
+./sample.cnr Female NA NA
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/gene_genemetrics.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/gene_genemetrics.txt Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+gene chromosome start end log2
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/gene_segmetrics.cns
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/gene_segmetrics.cns Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+chromosome start end gene log2 depth probes weight iqr
+chrM 848 16023 - -1.39012 2.05471 54 42.33 1.01226
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/genome.fasta
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/genome.fasta Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/genome.fasta.fai
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/genome.fasta.fai Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+chrM 16571 6 50 51
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/normal.antitargetcoverage.cnn
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/normal.antitargetcoverage.cnn Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+chromosome start end gene log2
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/normal.bam
Binary file test-data/normal.bam has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/normal.bam.bai
Binary file test-data/normal.bam.bai has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/normal.targetcoverage.cnn
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/normal.targetcoverage.cnn Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+chromosome start end gene depth log2
+chrM 576 848 - 493.485 8.94686
+chrM 848 1121 - 22.4469 4.48844
+chrM 1121 1394 - 4.59341 2.19956
+chrM 1394 1667 - 11.022 3.46231
+chrM 1667 1940 - 7.45055 2.89735
+chrM 1940 2212 - 1.36029 0.443919
+chrM 2212 2485 - 10.6081 3.40709
+chrM 2485 2758 - 31.7436 4.98839
+chrM 2758 3031 - 5.35531 2.42097
+chrM 3031 3304 - 7.55678 2.91777
+chrM 3306 3579 - 10.9817 3.45703
+chrM 3579 3853 - 12.719 3.66891
+chrM 3853 4126 - 7.17949 2.84388
+chrM 4126 4400 - 1.65693 0.728516
+chrM 4401 4695 - 5.18707 2.37492
+chrM 4695 4990 - 17.7458 4.1494
+chrM 4990 5284 - 5.94218 2.57099
+chrM 5284 5579 - 20.8136 4.37945
+chrM 5586 5655 - 9.37681 3.2291
+chrM 5656 5729 - 4.76712 2.25312
+chrM 5760 5891 - 10.5954 3.40537
+chrM 5903 6171 - 13.8097 3.78761
+chrM 6171 6440 - 13.5353 3.75866
+chrM 6440 6708 - 11.3657 3.50661
+chrM 6708 6977 - 7.80669 2.96471
+chrM 6977 7245 - 15.3321 3.93848
+chrM 7245 7514 - 2.52045 1.33368
+chrM 7517 7767 - 8.152 3.02715
+chrM 7767 8018 - 19.2311 4.26537
+chrM 8018 8269 - 6.7251 2.74956
+chrM 8294 8364 - 0 -20
+chrM 8365 8630 - 2.89811 1.53511
+chrM 8630 8896 - 7.87594 2.97745
+chrM 8896 9162 - 13.5451 3.7597
+chrM 9162 9427 - 9.68302 3.27546
+chrM 9427 9693 - 3.43233 1.77919
+chrM 9693 9959 - 5.87594 2.55482
+chrM 9959 10224 - 3.59623 1.84648
+chrM 10224 10490 - 2.99624 1.58315
+chrM 10490 10756 - 7.1015 2.82812
+chrM 10756 11022 - 4.00376 2.00136
+chrM 11022 11287 - 11.2377 3.49028
+chrM 11287 11553 - 10.2932 3.36362
+chrM 11553 11819 - 11.109 3.47366
+chrM 11819 12084 - 11.1509 3.47909
+chrM 12084 12350 - 10.1353 3.34132
+chrM 12350 12616 - 9.23684 3.2074
+chrM 12616 12882 - 9.39474 3.23185
+chrM 12882 13147 - 15.834 3.98495
+chrM 13147 13413 - 8.90226 3.15417
+chrM 13413 13679 - 12.218 3.61094
+chrM 13679 13944 - 4.30943 2.1075
+chrM 13944 14210 - 8.87218 3.14929
+chrM 14210 14476 - 9.2218 3.20505
+chrM 14476 14742 - 33.8872 5.08267
+chrM 14746 14987 - 28.1369 4.81439
+chrM 14987 15228 - 14.2531 3.83321
+chrM 15228 15470 - 9.3719 3.22834
+chrM 15470 15711 - 11.2946 3.49756
+chrM 15711 15953 - 6.29752 2.65478
+chrM 15955 16023 - 4.13235 2.04696
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/ref-tas.cnn
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/ref-tas.cnn Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+chromosome start end gene log2 depth spread
+chrM 576 848 - 3.256 91.9926 4.82735
+chrM 848 1121 - 0.884565 5.9011 1.31146
+chrM 1121 1394 - -0.165367 1.4359 0.245173
+chrM 1394 1667 - 0.909286 3.78022 1.34811
+chrM 1667 1940 - 0 1.80586 0
+chrM 1940 2212 - -2.82466 0.0404412 4.18784
+chrM 2212 2485 - -0.0642305 1.65201 0.0952281
+chrM 2485 2758 - 0.01695 4.0696 0.0251301
+chrM 2758 3031 - -0.315323 0.717949 0.467498
+chrM 3031 3304 - 0.157569 1.33333 0.233612
+chrM 3306 3579 - -0.387402 0.626374 0.574362
+chrM 3579 3853 - 0 2.30292 0
+chrM 3853 4126 - 0.202715 2.74359 0.300545
+chrM 4126 4400 - -0.259225 0.748175 0.384327
+chrM 4401 4695 - -0.0877248 0.94898 0.130061
+chrM 4695 4990 - 0.16791 5.01695 0.248943
+chrM 4990 5284 - -0.25963 1.73129 0.384927
+chrM 5284 5579 - 0.810516 5.97966 1.20167
+chrM 5586 5655 - -10.4795 0 15.5369
+chrM 5656 5729 - 0 0 0
+chrM 5760 5891 - 0.415822 1.79389 0.616498
+chrM 5903 6171 - 0.131623 2.15299 0.195144
+chrM 6171 6440 - 0 2.02974 0
+chrM 6440 6708 - -0.0963015 1.51493 0.142777
+chrM 6708 6977 - 0 2.03717 0
+chrM 6977 7245 - 0.40989 3.05597 0.607703
+chrM 7245 7514 - -0.047091 1.24907 0.0698171
+chrM 7517 7767 - 0.271996 1.944 0.403261
+chrM 7767 8018 - 0.07072 2.24701 0.104849
+chrM 8018 8269 - -0.415822 1.00797 0.616498
+chrM 8294 8364 - -10.0057 0 14.8345
+chrM 8365 8630 - 0 1.0717 0
+chrM 8630 8896 - 0.485791 2.07895 0.720233
+chrM 8896 9162 - 0.280695 3.66165 0.416158
+chrM 9162 9427 - 0.563397 3.60755 0.835292
+chrM 9427 9693 - -0.195679 0.808271 0.290114
+chrM 9693 9959 - 0 2.07143 0
+chrM 9959 10224 - -4.10122 0.00377358 6.08048
+chrM 10224 10490 - -0.248445 1.44361 0.368345
+chrM 10490 10756 - -0.0920355 1.82331 0.136452
+chrM 10756 11022 - -0.51737 1.12406 0.767054
+chrM 11022 11287 - 0.26621 4.27925 0.394683
+chrM 11287 11553 - 0.350607 2.93609 0.519809
+chrM 11553 11819 - -0.0341651 1.06015 0.0506531
+chrM 11819 12084 - 0.590516 2.40377 0.875498
+chrM 12084 12350 - -1.0261 0.736842 1.5213
+chrM 12350 12616 - -0.64663 0.736842 0.958694
+chrM 12616 12882 - 0.295587 2.48872 0.438237
+chrM 12882 13147 - 0.50247 4.50943 0.744962
+chrM 13147 13413 - -0.322016 1.47368 0.477422
+chrM 13413 13679 - 0.356127 2.95865 0.527993
+chrM 13679 13944 - -0.0012925 1.64906 0.00191626
+chrM 13944 14210 - -0.865739 0.890977 1.28355
+chrM 14210 14476 - -0.4233 2.21053 0.627585
+chrM 14476 14742 - 0.598181 4.45489 0.886863
+chrM 14746 14987 - 1.03347 8.14523 1.53222
+chrM 14987 15228 - 0.355932 2.48133 0.527704
+chrM 15228 15470 - 0 1.11157 0
+chrM 15470 15711 - 0.393765 3.9751 0.583796
+chrM 15711 15953 - -0.312504 0.809917 0.463318
+chrM 15955 16023 - 0 0 0
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/reference.cnn
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/reference.cnn Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+chromosome start end gene log2 depth gc rmask spread
+chrM 576 848 - 2.75864 493.485 0.444853 4.08996
+chrM 848 1121 - 0.525695 22.4469 0.428571 0.779395
+chrM 1121 1394 - -0.84681 4.59341 0.483516 1.25548
+chrM 1394 1667 - 0.38341 11.022 0.450549 0.568444
+chrM 1667 1940 - -0.04005 7.45055 0.406593 0.0593781
+chrM 1940 2212 - -1.22672 1.36029 0.411765 1.81873
+chrM 2212 2485 - 0.21482 10.6081 0.388278 0.318492
+chrM 2485 2758 - 0.64779 31.7436 0.479853 0.960413
+chrM 2758 3031 - -0.27752 5.35531 0.457875 0.411451
+chrM 3031 3304 - 0.359575 7.55678 0.424908 0.533106
+chrM 3306 3579 - 0.03537 10.9817 0.509158 0.0524396
+chrM 3579 3853 - 0.026615 12.719 0.485401 0.0394594
+chrM 3853 4126 - 0 7.17949 0.450549 0
+chrM 4126 4400 - -0.485607 1.65693 0.423358 0.719961
+chrM 4401 4695 - -0.343535 5.18707 0.442177 0.509325
+chrM 4695 4990 - 0.603865 17.7458 0.427119 0.89529
+chrM 4990 5284 - -0.43303 5.94218 0.428571 0.64201
+chrM 5284 5579 - 0.5605 20.8136 0.410169 0.830997
+chrM 5586 5655 - -0.008305 9.37681 0.449275 0.012313
+chrM 5656 5729 - -0.462405 4.76712 0.410959 0.685562
+chrM 5760 5891 - 0.02536 10.5954 0.442748 0.0375987
+chrM 5903 6171 - 0.008305 13.8097 0.473881 0.012313
+chrM 6171 6440 - 0.19261 13.5353 0.498141 0.285564
+chrM 6440 6708 - 0 11.3657 0.470149 0
+chrM 6708 6977 - -0.132195 7.80669 0.457249 0.195992
+chrM 6977 7245 - 0.107015 15.3321 0.458955 0.15866
+chrM 7245 7514 - -0.50723 2.52045 0.420074 0.752019
+chrM 7517 7767 - 0.316705 8.152 0.372 0.469547
+chrM 7767 8018 - 0.49084 19.2311 0.501992 0.727719
+chrM 8018 8269 - -0.371965 6.7251 0.446215 0.551475
+chrM 8294 8364 - -11.0488 0 0.342857 16.381
+chrM 8365 8630 - -0.331755 2.89811 0.426415 0.49186
+chrM 8630 8896 - 0.13461 7.87594 0.406015 0.199573
+chrM 8896 9162 - -0.03223 13.5451 0.466165 0.0477842
+chrM 9162 9427 - -0.31024 9.68302 0.498113 0.459962
+chrM 9427 9693 - -0.712625 3.43233 0.466165 1.05654
+chrM 9693 9959 - -0.272205 5.87594 0.443609 0.403571
+chrM 9959 10224 - -0.26954 3.59623 0.377358 0.39962
+chrM 10224 10490 - -0.09971 2.99624 0.349624 0.14783
+chrM 10490 10756 - -0.241135 7.1015 0.43985 0.357507
+chrM 10756 11022 - -0.2582 4.00376 0.424812 0.382807
+chrM 11022 11287 - 0.01037 11.2377 0.430189 0.0153746
+chrM 11287 11553 - 0.06726 10.2932 0.443609 0.0997197
+chrM 11553 11819 - 0 11.109 0.466165 0
+chrM 11819 12084 - 0.28666 11.1509 0.441509 0.425002
+chrM 12084 12350 - 0.40266 10.1353 0.417293 0.596984
+chrM 12350 12616 - 0 9.23684 0.428571 0
+chrM 12616 12882 - 0.16725 9.39474 0.406015 0.247965
+chrM 12882 13147 - 0.13976 15.834 0.520755 0.207208
+chrM 13147 13413 - -0.026615 8.90226 0.432331 0.0394594
+chrM 13413 13679 - 0.00138 12.218 0.462406 0.00204599
+chrM 13679 13944 - -0.82452 4.30943 0.467925 1.22243
+chrM 13944 14210 - 0.317015 8.87218 0.413534 0.470006
+chrM 14210 14476 - -0.24388 9.2218 0.477444 0.361576
+chrM 14476 14742 - 0.87922 33.8872 0.383459 1.30353
+chrM 14746 14987 - 0.43224 28.1369 0.481328 0.640839
+chrM 14987 15228 - 0.289845 14.2531 0.46888 0.429724
+chrM 15228 15470 - -0.008065 9.3719 0.466942 0.0119572
+chrM 15470 15711 - 0.01195 11.2946 0.46473 0.0177171
+chrM 15711 15953 - -0.03537 6.29752 0.404959 0.0524396
+chrM 15955 16023 - 0 4.13235 0.323529 0
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/reference.cnn.1
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/reference.cnn.1 Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+chromosome start end gene log2 depth gc rmask spread
+chrM 576 848 - 2.75864 493.485 0.444853 4.08996
+chrM 848 1121 - 0.525695 22.4469 0.428571 0.779395
+chrM 1121 1394 - -0.84681 4.59341 0.483516 1.25548
+chrM 1394 1667 - 0.38341 11.022 0.450549 0.568444
+chrM 1667 1940 - -0.04005 7.45055 0.406593 0.0593781
+chrM 1940 2212 - -1.22672 1.36029 0.411765 1.81873
+chrM 2212 2485 - 0.21482 10.6081 0.388278 0.318492
+chrM 2485 2758 - 0.64779 31.7436 0.479853 0.960413
+chrM 2758 3031 - -0.27752 5.35531 0.457875 0.411451
+chrM 3031 3304 - 0.359575 7.55678 0.424908 0.533106
+chrM 3306 3579 - 0.03537 10.9817 0.509158 0.0524396
+chrM 3579 3853 - 0.026615 12.719 0.485401 0.0394594
+chrM 3853 4126 - 0 7.17949 0.450549 0
+chrM 4126 4400 - -0.485607 1.65693 0.423358 0.719961
+chrM 4401 4695 - -0.343535 5.18707 0.442177 0.509325
+chrM 4695 4990 - 0.603865 17.7458 0.427119 0.89529
+chrM 4990 5284 - -0.43303 5.94218 0.428571 0.64201
+chrM 5284 5579 - 0.5605 20.8136 0.410169 0.830997
+chrM 5586 5655 - -0.008305 9.37681 0.449275 0.012313
+chrM 5656 5729 - -0.462405 4.76712 0.410959 0.685562
+chrM 5760 5891 - 0.02536 10.5954 0.442748 0.0375987
+chrM 5903 6171 - 0.008305 13.8097 0.473881 0.012313
+chrM 6171 6440 - 0.19261 13.5353 0.498141 0.285564
+chrM 6440 6708 - 0 11.3657 0.470149 0
+chrM 6708 6977 - -0.132195 7.80669 0.457249 0.195992
+chrM 6977 7245 - 0.107015 15.3321 0.458955 0.15866
+chrM 7245 7514 - -0.50723 2.52045 0.420074 0.752019
+chrM 7517 7767 - 0.316705 8.152 0.372 0.469547
+chrM 7767 8018 - 0.49084 19.2311 0.501992 0.727719
+chrM 8018 8269 - -0.371965 6.7251 0.446215 0.551475
+chrM 8294 8364 - -11.0488 0 0.342857 16.381
+chrM 8365 8630 - -0.331755 2.89811 0.426415 0.49186
+chrM 8630 8896 - 0.13461 7.87594 0.406015 0.199573
+chrM 8896 9162 - -0.03223 13.5451 0.466165 0.0477842
+chrM 9162 9427 - -0.31024 9.68302 0.498113 0.459962
+chrM 9427 9693 - -0.712625 3.43233 0.466165 1.05654
+chrM 9693 9959 - -0.272205 5.87594 0.443609 0.403571
+chrM 9959 10224 - -0.26954 3.59623 0.377358 0.39962
+chrM 10224 10490 - -0.09971 2.99624 0.349624 0.14783
+chrM 10490 10756 - -0.241135 7.1015 0.43985 0.357507
+chrM 10756 11022 - -0.2582 4.00376 0.424812 0.382807
+chrM 11022 11287 - 0.01037 11.2377 0.430189 0.0153746
+chrM 11287 11553 - 0.06726 10.2932 0.443609 0.0997197
+chrM 11553 11819 - 0 11.109 0.466165 0
+chrM 11819 12084 - 0.28666 11.1509 0.441509 0.425002
+chrM 12084 12350 - 0.40266 10.1353 0.417293 0.596984
+chrM 12350 12616 - 0 9.23684 0.428571 0
+chrM 12616 12882 - 0.16725 9.39474 0.406015 0.247965
+chrM 12882 13147 - 0.13976 15.834 0.520755 0.207208
+chrM 13147 13413 - -0.026615 8.90226 0.432331 0.0394594
+chrM 13413 13679 - 0.00138 12.218 0.462406 0.00204599
+chrM 13679 13944 - -0.82452 4.30943 0.467925 1.22243
+chrM 13944 14210 - 0.317015 8.87218 0.413534 0.470006
+chrM 14210 14476 - -0.24388 9.2218 0.477444 0.361576
+chrM 14476 14742 - 0.87922 33.8872 0.383459 1.30353
+chrM 14746 14987 - 0.43224 28.1369 0.481328 0.640839
+chrM 14987 15228 - 0.289845 14.2531 0.46888 0.429724
+chrM 15228 15470 - -0.008065 9.3719 0.466942 0.0119572
+chrM 15470 15711 - 0.01195 11.2946 0.46473 0.0177171
+chrM 15711 15953 - -0.03537 6.29752 0.404959 0.0524396
+chrM 15955 16023 - 0 4.13235 0.323529 0
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/reference.cnn.2
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/reference.cnn.2 Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+chromosome start end gene log2 depth spread
+chrM 576 848 - 3.09865 493.485 4.59406
+chrM 848 1121 - 0.49908 22.4469 0.739936
+chrM 1121 1394 - -0.516145 4.59341 0.765237
+chrM 1394 1667 - 0.24243 11.022 0.359427
+chrM 1667 1940 - -0.16725 7.45055 0.247965
+chrM 1940 2212 - -1.38174 1.36029 2.04857
+chrM 2212 2485 - 0.08762 10.6081 0.129905
+chrM 2485 2758 - 0.65974 31.7436 0.978131
+chrM 2758 3031 - -0.403685 5.35531 0.598503
+chrM 3031 3304 - 0.131495 7.55678 0.194954
+chrM 3306 3579 - 0.401125 10.9817 0.594708
+chrM 3579 3853 - 0.25737 12.719 0.381577
+chrM 3853 4126 - 0 7.17949 0
+chrM 4126 4400 - -1.09463 1.65693 1.62289
+chrM 4401 4695 - -0.271425 5.18707 0.402415
+chrM 4695 4990 - 0.32592 17.7458 0.483209
+chrM 4990 5284 - -0.46781 5.94218 0.693575
+chrM 5284 5579 - 0.575175 20.8136 0.852754
+chrM 5586 5655 - 0 9.37681 0
+chrM 5656 5729 - -0.24822 4.76712 0.368011
+chrM 5760 5891 - 0.327905 10.5954 0.486152
+chrM 5903 6171 - 0.19112 13.8097 0.283355
+chrM 6171 6440 - 0.45739 13.5353 0.678126
+chrM 6440 6708 - 0 11.3657 0
+chrM 6708 6977 - -0.121345 7.80669 0.179906
+chrM 6977 7245 - 0.215935 15.3321 0.320145
+chrM 7245 7514 - -0.846735 2.52045 1.25537
+chrM 7517 7767 - -0.100975 8.152 0.149706
+chrM 7767 8018 - 0.710745 19.2311 1.05375
+chrM 8018 8269 - -0.327905 6.7251 0.486152
+chrM 8294 8364 - -11.6145 0 17.2197
+chrM 8365 8630 - -0.559835 2.89811 0.830011
+chrM 8630 8896 - 0 7.87594 0
+chrM 8896 9162 - 0.126545 13.5451 0.187616
+chrM 9162 9427 - 0 9.68302 0
+chrM 9427 9693 - -0.59913 3.43233 0.88827
+chrM 9693 9959 - -0.204945 5.87594 0.303851
+chrM 9959 10224 - -0.69093 3.59623 1.02437
+chrM 10224 10490 - -0.69078 2.99624 1.02415
+chrM 10490 10756 - -0.163025 7.1015 0.241701
+chrM 10756 11022 - -0.601845 4.00376 0.892295
+chrM 11022 11287 - 0.07448 11.2377 0.110424
+chrM 11287 11553 - 0.07811 10.2932 0.115806
+chrM 11553 11819 - 0.12266 11.109 0.181856
+chrM 11819 12084 - 0.25082 11.1509 0.371866
+chrM 12084 12350 - 0 10.1353 0
+chrM 12350 12616 - 0 9.23684 0
+chrM 12616 12882 - 0.13357 9.39474 0.198031
+chrM 12882 13147 - 0.41539 15.834 0.615857
+chrM 13147 13413 - -0.171695 8.90226 0.254555
+chrM 13413 13679 - 0.16774 12.218 0.248691
+chrM 13679 13944 - -0.61691 4.30943 0.914631
+chrM 13944 14210 - -0.096015 8.87218 0.142352
+chrM 14210 14476 - -0.146255 9.2218 0.216838
+chrM 14476 14742 - 0.926785 33.8872 1.37405
+chrM 14746 14987 - 0.792645 28.1369 1.17518
+chrM 14987 15228 - 0.179775 14.2531 0.266534
+chrM 15228 15470 - 0 9.3719 0
+chrM 15470 15711 - 0 11.2946 0
+chrM 15711 15953 - -0.131495 6.29752 0.194954
+chrM 15955 16023 - -0.10308 4.13235 0.152826
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/ Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+chrM 576 848 -
+chrM 848 1121 -
+chrM 1121 1394 -
+chrM 1394 1667 -
+chrM 1667 1940 -
+chrM 1940 2212 -
+chrM 2212 2485 -
+chrM 2485 2758 -
+chrM 2758 3031 -
+chrM 3031 3304 -
+chrM 3306 3579 -
+chrM 3579 3853 -
+chrM 3853 4126 -
+chrM 4126 4400 -
+chrM 4401 4695 -
+chrM 4695 4990 -
+chrM 4990 5284 -
+chrM 5284 5579 -
+chrM 5586 5655 -
+chrM 5656 5729 -
+chrM 5760 5891 -
+chrM 5903 6171 -
+chrM 6171 6440 -
+chrM 6440 6708 -
+chrM 6708 6977 -
+chrM 6977 7245 -
+chrM 7245 7514 -
+chrM 7517 7767 -
+chrM 7767 8018 -
+chrM 8018 8269 -
+chrM 8294 8364 -
+chrM 8365 8630 -
+chrM 8630 8896 -
+chrM 8896 9162 -
+chrM 9162 9427 -
+chrM 9427 9693 -
+chrM 9693 9959 -
+chrM 9959 10224 -
+chrM 10224 10490 -
+chrM 10490 10756 -
+chrM 10756 11022 -
+chrM 11022 11287 -
+chrM 11287 11553 -
+chrM 11553 11819 -
+chrM 11819 12084 -
+chrM 12084 12350 -
+chrM 12350 12616 -
+chrM 12616 12882 -
+chrM 12882 13147 -
+chrM 13147 13413 -
+chrM 13413 13679 -
+chrM 13679 13944 -
+chrM 13944 14210 -
+chrM 14210 14476 -
+chrM 14476 14742 -
+chrM 14746 14987 -
+chrM 14987 15228 -
+chrM 15228 15470 -
+chrM 15470 15711 -
+chrM 15711 15953 -
+chrM 15955 16023 -
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+chromosome start end gene depth log2 weight
+chrM 848 1121 - 5.9011 -0.545691 0.408064
+chrM 1394 1667 - 3.78022 0.488494 0.663959
+chrM 1667 1940 - 1.80586 0.0200539 0.951602
+chrM 2212 2485 - 1.65201 -0.234816 0.863481
+chrM 2485 2758 - 4.0696 0.153636 0.124621
+chrM 2758 3031 - 0.717949 -1.35597 0.802412
+chrM 3031 3304 - 1.33333 0.385198 0.698993
+chrM 3306 3579 - 0.626374 -1.37983 0.9523
+chrM 3579 3853 - 2.30292 0.471839 0.953456
+chrM 3853 4126 - 2.74359 0.444955 0.954775
+chrM 4126 4400 - 0.748175 0.465611 0.488348
+chrM 4401 4695 - 0.94898 -0.583114 0.722949
+chrM 4695 4990 - 5.01695 1.13235 0.235104
+chrM 4990 5284 - 1.73129 0.209867 0.585461
+chrM 5284 5579 - 5.97966 1.18493 0.334994
+chrM 5586 5655 - 0 -21.0389 0.909906
+chrM 5656 5729 - 0 -19.8096 0.489546
+chrM 5760 5891 - 1.79389 0 0.933441
+chrM 5903 6171 - 2.15299 -0.0283011 0.954219
+chrM 6171 6440 - 2.02974 -0.212606 0.881048
+chrM 6440 6708 - 1.51493 -0.38297 0.954355
+chrM 6708 6977 - 2.03717 -0.317296 0.919868
+chrM 6977 7245 - 3.05597 -0.127011 0.931699
+chrM 7245 7514 - 1.24907 0.72831 0.445461
+chrM 7517 7767 - 1.944 0.680162 0.754313
+chrM 7767 8018 - 2.24701 -0.510836 0.476217
+chrM 8018 8269 - 1.00797 -0.663743 0.679122
+chrM 8365 8630 - 1.0717 0.28099 0.736364
+chrM 8630 8896 - 2.07895 -0.154606 0.918337
+chrM 8896 9162 - 3.66165 0.147562 0.952129
+chrM 9162 9427 - 3.60755 0.937798 0.763689
+chrM 9693 9959 - 2.07143 0.459741 0.807601
+chrM 9959 10224 - 0.00377358 -8.75948 0.810371
+chrM 10224 10490 - 1.44361 0.509209 0.934515
+chrM 10490 10756 - 1.82331 0.0655732 0.839154
+chrM 10756 11022 - 1.12406 0.238204 0.822297
+chrM 11022 11287 - 4.27925 1.20043 0.953885
+chrM 11287 11553 - 2.93609 0.224804 0.945234
+chrM 11553 11819 - 1.06015 -1.50066 0.954184
+chrM 11819 12084 - 2.40377 0.0920864 0.791533
+chrM 12084 12350 - 0.736842 -1.15941 0.633433
+chrM 12350 12616 - 0.736842 -1.25242 0.954184
+chrM 12616 12882 - 2.48872 -0.187246 0.898846
+chrM 12882 13147 - 4.50943 0.419127 0.915456
+chrM 13147 13413 - 1.47368 -0.730007 0.952782
+chrM 13413 13679 - 2.95865 -0.0213761 0.95418
+chrM 13944 14210 - 0.890977 -0.337011 0.755369
+chrM 14210 14476 - 2.21053 -0.0427224 0.83652
+chrM 14746 14987 - 8.14523 0.722701 0.582259
+chrM 14987 15228 - 2.48133 -0.105067 0.78567
+chrM 15228 15470 - 1.11157 -0.96567 0.951837
+chrM 15470 15711 - 3.9751 0.576278 0.951583
+chrM 15711 15953 - 0.809917 -1.38778 0.949491
+chrM 15955 16023 - 0 -21.1972 0.909384
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/sample.cns
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/sample.cns Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+chromosome start end gene log2 depth probes weight
+chrM 848 16023 - -1.39012 2.05471 54 42.33
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/sample.targetcoverage.cnn
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/sample.targetcoverage.cnn Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+chromosome start end gene depth log2
+chrM 576 647 - 96.2958 6.5894
+chrM 647 1601 - 22.022 4.46087
+chrM 1601 1670 - 3.10145 1.63294
+chrM 1670 3229 - 1.6068 0.68419
+chrM 3229 3304 - 1.57333 0.653824
+chrM 3306 4262 - 1.8295 0.871448
+chrM 4262 4331 - 0 -20
+chrM 4328 4400 - 0.0972222 -3.36257
+chrM 4401 4469 - 1.82353 0.866733
+chrM 4469 5511 - 3.54127 1.82427
+chrM 5511 5579 - 3.20588 1.68072
+chrM 5586 5655 - 0 -20
+chrM 5656 5729 - 0 -20
+chrM 5760 5826 - 1.06061 0.0848889
+chrM 5825 5891 - 2.5303 1.33931
+chrM 5903 7445 - 2.01297 1.00933
+chrM 7445 7514 - 1.85507 0.891476
+chrM 7517 7585 - 0.544118 -0.878009
+chrM 7585 8269 - 1.85088 0.888209
+chrM 8294 8364 - 0 -20
+chrM 8365 8572 - 0.623188 -0.68226
+chrM 8526 9207 - 2.88693 1.52954
+chrM 9206 9990 - 1.97194 0.979615
+chrM 9990 10058 - 0 -20
+chrM 10058 10404 - 1.11272 0.154086
+chrM 10404 10469 - 0 -20
+chrM 10469 10766 - 1.69024 0.757224
+chrM 10759 12137 - 2.3164 1.21188
+chrM 12137 12206 - 1.76812 0.822213
+chrM 12206 12265 - 0.152542 -2.71272
+chrM 12265 12336 - 0 -20
+chrM 12336 14148 - 2.15563 1.10811
+chrM 14148 14673 - 2.24762 1.1684
+chrM 14673 14742 - 8.5942 3.10336
+chrM 14746 15887 - 3.49167 1.80392
+chrM 15887 15953 - 0 -20
+chrM 15955 16023 - 0 -20
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/test.targetcoverage.cnn
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/test.targetcoverage.cnn Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+chromosome start end gene depth log2
+chrM 576 848 - 91.9926 6.52345
+chrM 848 1121 - 5.9011 2.56098
+chrM 1121 1394 - 1.4359 0.521953
+chrM 1394 1667 - 3.78022 1.91847
+chrM 1667 1940 - 1.80586 0.852687
+chrM 1940 2212 - 0.0404412 -4.62803
+chrM 2212 2485 - 1.65201 0.724226
+chrM 2485 2758 - 4.0696 2.02489
+chrM 2758 3031 - 0.717949 -0.478047
+chrM 3031 3304 - 1.33333 0.415037
+chrM 3306 3579 - 0.626374 -0.674905
+chrM 3579 3853 - 2.30292 1.20346
+chrM 3853 4126 - 2.74359 1.45606
+chrM 4126 4400 - 0.748175 -0.418552
+chrM 4401 4695 - 0.94898 -0.075551
+chrM 4695 4990 - 5.01695 2.32681
+chrM 4990 5284 - 1.73129 0.79185
+chrM 5284 5579 - 5.97966 2.58006
+chrM 5586 5655 - 0 -20
+chrM 5656 5729 - 0 -20
+chrM 5760 5891 - 1.79389 0.843094
+chrM 5903 6171 - 2.15299 1.10634
+chrM 6171 6440 - 2.02974 1.02129
+chrM 6440 6708 - 1.51493 0.599247
+chrM 6708 6977 - 2.03717 1.02657
+chrM 6977 7245 - 3.05597 1.61163
+chrM 7245 7514 - 1.24907 0.320855
+chrM 7517 7767 - 1.944 0.959028
+chrM 7767 8018 - 2.24701 1.16801
+chrM 8018 8269 - 1.00797 0.01145
+chrM 8294 8364 - 0 -20
+chrM 8365 8630 - 1.0717 0.0998986
+chrM 8630 8896 - 2.07895 1.05585
+chrM 8896 9162 - 3.66165 1.8725
+chrM 9162 9427 - 3.60755 1.85102
+chrM 9427 9693 - 0.808271 -0.30709
+chrM 9693 9959 - 2.07143 1.05063
+chrM 9959 10224 - 0.00377358 -8.04985
+chrM 10224 10490 - 1.44361 0.52968
+chrM 10490 10756 - 1.82331 0.866559
+chrM 10756 11022 - 1.12406 0.168719
+chrM 11022 11287 - 4.27925 2.09736
+chrM 11287 11553 - 2.93609 1.5539
+chrM 11553 11819 - 1.06015 0.0842689
+chrM 11819 12084 - 2.40377 1.2653
+chrM 12084 12350 - 0.736842 -0.440573
+chrM 12350 12616 - 0.736842 -0.440573
+chrM 12616 12882 - 2.48872 1.3154
+chrM 12882 13147 - 4.50943 2.17295
+chrM 13147 13413 - 1.47368 0.559427
+chrM 13413 13679 - 2.95865 1.56494
+chrM 13679 13944 - 1.64906 0.721641
+chrM 13944 14210 - 0.890977 -0.166539
+chrM 14210 14476 - 2.21053 1.14439
+chrM 14476 14742 - 4.45489 2.15539
+chrM 14746 14987 - 8.14523 3.02596
+chrM 14987 15228 - 2.48133 1.31111
+chrM 15228 15470 - 1.11157 0.152599
+chrM 15470 15711 - 3.9751 1.99099
+chrM 15711 15953 - 0.809917 -0.304153
+chrM 15955 16023 - 0 -20
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/tumor-diagram.pdf
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+++ b/test-data/tumor.antitargetcoverage.cnn Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+chromosome start end gene log2
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/tumor.bam
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--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/tumor.bintest.cns Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+chromosome start end gene depth log2 weight probes p_bintest
+chrM 1394 1667 - 3.78022 1.83095 0.659673 1 0.00305626
+chrM 1667 1940 - 1.80586 1.51502 0.947315 1 2.21288e-10
+chrM 2212 2485 - 1.65201 1.13169 0.859195 1 0.0043234
+chrM 3579 3853 - 2.30292 1.39081 0.949177 1 3.36615e-09
+chrM 3853 4126 - 2.74359 1.7165 0.950488 1 8.22011e-14
+chrM 5284 5579 - 5.97966 3.04522 0.33087 1 0.000409792
+chrM 5586 5655 - 0 -19.5746 0.90138 1 0
+chrM 5656 5729 - 0 -18.4148 0.481257 1 6.28915e-143
+chrM 5760 5891 - 1.79389 1.41828 0.927253 1 4.90435e-07
+chrM 5903 6171 - 2.15299 1.33821 0.949892 1 9.37152e-09
+chrM 6708 6977 - 2.03717 1.04921 0.91555 1 0.000589447
+chrM 6977 7245 - 3.05597 1.2395 0.927373 1 1.2045e-05
+chrM 7517 7767 - 1.944 1.55628 0.749834 1 0.00324207
+chrM 8365 8630 - 1.0717 1.55444 0.732013 1 0.00437839
+chrM 8630 8896 - 2.07895 1.36838 0.913995 1 9.21442e-06
+chrM 8896 9162 - 3.66165 1.94013 0.947786 1 1.58627e-16
+chrM 9162 9427 - 3.60755 2.19544 0.759338 1 2.06073e-05
+chrM 9693 9959 - 2.07143 1.61872 0.803258 1 0.000525673
+chrM 9959 10224 - 0.00377358 -7.0323 0.80602 1 2.93745e-56
+chrM 10224 10490 - 1.44361 1.44622 0.930173 1 1.59322e-07
+chrM 10490 10756 - 1.82331 1.58765 0.834811 1 0.000230056
+chrM 10756 11022 - 1.12406 2.10303 0.817954 1 2.62602e-06
+chrM 11022 11287 - 4.27925 2.56694 0.949534 1 3.32731e-29
+chrM 11287 11553 - 2.93609 1.75192 0.940891 1 3.45973e-12
+chrM 12616 12882 - 2.48872 1.20906 0.894503 1 0.000409792
+chrM 12882 13147 - 4.50943 1.65031 0.911105 1 1.1997e-07
+chrM 13147 13413 - 1.47368 0.874788 0.94844 1 0.000274482
+chrM 13413 13679 - 2.95865 1.34513 0.949837 1 8.56465e-09
+chrM 14210 14476 - 2.21053 1.53132 0.832178 1 0.000409792
+chrM 14746 14987 - 8.14523 2.66335 0.577696 1 0.00010697
+chrM 15470 15711 - 3.9751 2.55959 0.947021 1 8.98929e-28
+chrM 15711 15953 - 0.809917 0.743495 0.944938 1 0.00285344
+chrM 15955 16023 - 0 -19.8307 0.900795 1 0
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/ Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+chromosome start end gene log2 cn depth p_ttest probes weight
+chrM 848 16023 - 0 2 2.06481 0.0731783 51 39.1851
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/tumor.cnr
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/tumor.cnr Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+chromosome start end gene depth log2 weight
+chrM 848 1121 - 5.9011 1.10765 0.461544
+chrM 1121 1394 - 1.4359 0.5119 0.42727
+chrM 1394 1667 - 3.78022 1.00545 0.83803
+chrM 1667 1940 - 1.80586 -0.141849 0.898961
+chrM 2212 2485 - 1.65201 -0.341112 0.939111
+chrM 2485 2758 - 4.0696 0.227416 0.0932326
+chrM 2758 3031 - 0.717949 -0.74495 0.631914
+chrM 3031 3304 - 1.33333 -0.242655 0.920093
+chrM 3306 3579 - 0.626374 -1.60223 0.635989
+chrM 3579 3853 - 2.30292 0.419897 0.823341
+chrM 3853 4126 - 2.74359 0.492218 0.954299
+chrM 4401 4695 - 0.94898 -0.75838 0.810217
+chrM 4695 4990 - 5.01695 0.833877 0.745894
+chrM 4990 5284 - 1.73129 -0.166905 0.52302
+chrM 5284 5579 - 5.97966 1.47869 0.301566
+chrM 5586 5655 - 0 -20.2111 0.909096
+chrM 5656 5729 - 0 -19.9628 0.789733
+chrM 5760 5891 - 1.79389 -0.439065 0.721317
+chrM 5903 6171 - 2.15299 0.879609 0.881613
+chrM 6171 6440 - 2.02974 -0.56855 0.540091
+chrM 6440 6708 - 1.51493 -0.533208 0.953875
+chrM 6708 6977 - 2.03717 0.010185 0.924831
+chrM 6977 7245 - 3.05597 0.140146 0.861631
+chrM 7517 7767 - 1.944 -0.010185 0.932072
+chrM 8018 8269 - 1.00797 -0.730833 0.739629
+chrM 8365 8630 - 1.0717 -0.175653 0.333588
+chrM 8630 8896 - 2.07895 -0.906325 0.953701
+chrM 8896 9162 - 3.66165 0.578937 0.922022
+chrM 9162 9427 - 3.60755 0.713289 0.953614
+chrM 9427 9693 - 0.808271 -0.874973 0.24358
+chrM 9693 9959 - 2.07143 0.093785 0.870609
+chrM 10490 10756 - 1.82331 0.051865 0.901124
+chrM 10756 11022 - 1.12406 -0.367165 0.23713
+chrM 11022 11287 - 4.27925 0.646415 0.94264
+chrM 11287 11553 - 2.93609 0.0993253 0.941632
+chrM 11553 11819 - 1.06015 -0.671504 0.923937
+chrM 11819 12084 - 2.40377 -0.123249 0.829158
+chrM 12084 12350 - 0.736842 -1.27337 0.953701
+chrM 12350 12616 - 0.736842 -1.07369 0.953701
+chrM 12616 12882 - 2.48872 -0.24473 0.918407
+chrM 12882 13147 - 4.50943 0.330991 0.612262
+chrM 13147 13413 - 1.47368 0.0980097 0.895383
+chrM 13413 13679 - 2.95865 0.764085 0.898039
+chrM 13679 13944 - 1.64906 0.200821 0.200719
+chrM 13944 14210 - 0.890977 -1.20825 0.935464
+chrM 14210 14476 - 2.21053 0.220457 0.911385
+chrM 14987 15228 - 2.48133 0.0611491 0.887423
+chrM 15228 15470 - 1.11157 -0.517988 0.95146
+chrM 15470 15711 - 3.9751 0.858538 0.951359
+chrM 15711 15953 - 0.809917 -0.698856 0.917254
+chrM 15955 16023 - 0 -20.8746 0.88741
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/tumor.cns
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/tumor.cns Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+chromosome start end gene log2 depth probes weight ci_lo ci_hi
+chrM 848 16023 - -1.4129 2.06481 51 39.1851 -1.84016 -0.943
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/tumor.targetcoverage.cnn
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/tumor.targetcoverage.cnn Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+chromosome start end gene depth log2
+chrM 576 848 - 91.9926 6.52345
+chrM 848 1121 - 5.9011 2.56098
+chrM 1121 1394 - 1.4359 0.521953
+chrM 1394 1667 - 3.78022 1.91847
+chrM 1667 1940 - 1.80586 0.852687
+chrM 1940 2212 - 0.0404412 -4.62803
+chrM 2212 2485 - 1.65201 0.724226
+chrM 2485 2758 - 4.0696 2.02489
+chrM 2758 3031 - 0.717949 -0.478047
+chrM 3031 3304 - 1.33333 0.415037
+chrM 3306 3579 - 0.626374 -0.674905
+chrM 3579 3853 - 2.30292 1.20346
+chrM 3853 4126 - 2.74359 1.45606
+chrM 4126 4400 - 0.748175 -0.418552
+chrM 4401 4695 - 0.94898 -0.075551
+chrM 4695 4990 - 5.01695 2.32681
+chrM 4990 5284 - 1.73129 0.79185
+chrM 5284 5579 - 5.97966 2.58006
+chrM 5586 5655 - 0 -20
+chrM 5656 5729 - 0 -20
+chrM 5760 5891 - 1.79389 0.843094
+chrM 5903 6171 - 2.15299 1.10634
+chrM 6171 6440 - 2.02974 1.02129
+chrM 6440 6708 - 1.51493 0.599247
+chrM 6708 6977 - 2.03717 1.02657
+chrM 6977 7245 - 3.05597 1.61163
+chrM 7245 7514 - 1.24907 0.320855
+chrM 7517 7767 - 1.944 0.959028
+chrM 7767 8018 - 2.24701 1.16801
+chrM 8018 8269 - 1.00797 0.01145
+chrM 8294 8364 - 0 -20
+chrM 8365 8630 - 1.0717 0.0998986
+chrM 8630 8896 - 2.07895 1.05585
+chrM 8896 9162 - 3.66165 1.8725
+chrM 9162 9427 - 3.60755 1.85102
+chrM 9427 9693 - 0.808271 -0.30709
+chrM 9693 9959 - 2.07143 1.05063
+chrM 9959 10224 - 0.00377358 -8.04985
+chrM 10224 10490 - 1.44361 0.52968
+chrM 10490 10756 - 1.82331 0.866559
+chrM 10756 11022 - 1.12406 0.168719
+chrM 11022 11287 - 4.27925 2.09736
+chrM 11287 11553 - 2.93609 1.5539
+chrM 11553 11819 - 1.06015 0.0842689
+chrM 11819 12084 - 2.40377 1.2653
+chrM 12084 12350 - 0.736842 -0.440573
+chrM 12350 12616 - 0.736842 -0.440573
+chrM 12616 12882 - 2.48872 1.3154
+chrM 12882 13147 - 4.50943 2.17295
+chrM 13147 13413 - 1.47368 0.559427
+chrM 13413 13679 - 2.95865 1.56494
+chrM 13679 13944 - 1.64906 0.721641
+chrM 13944 14210 - 0.890977 -0.166539
+chrM 14210 14476 - 2.21053 1.14439
+chrM 14476 14742 - 4.45489 2.15539
+chrM 14746 14987 - 8.14523 3.02596
+chrM 14987 15228 - 2.48133 1.31111
+chrM 15228 15470 - 1.11157 0.152599
+chrM 15470 15711 - 3.9751 1.99099
+chrM 15711 15953 - 0.809917 -0.304153
+chrM 15955 16023 - 0 -20
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce test-data/tumor_1.bam
Binary file test-data/tumor_1.bam has changed
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce tool-data/fasta_indexes.loc.sample
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool-data/fasta_indexes.loc.sample Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#This is a sample file distributed with Galaxy that enables tools
+#to use a directory of Samtools indexed sequences data files.  You will need
+#to create these data files and then create a fasta_indexes.loc file
+#similar to this one (store it in this directory) that points to
+#the directories in which those files are stored. The fasta_indexes.loc
+#file has this format (white space characters are TAB characters):
+# <unique_build_id> <dbkey> <display_name> <file_base_path>
+#So, for example, if you had hg19 Canonical indexed stored in
+# /depot/data2/galaxy/hg19/sam/,
+#then the fasta_indexes.loc entry would look like this:
+#hg19canon hg19 Human (Homo sapiens): hg19 Canonical /depot/data2/galaxy/hg19/sam/hg19canon.fa
+#and your /depot/data2/galaxy/hg19/sam/ directory
+#would contain hg19canon.fa and hg19canon.fa.fai files.
+#Your fasta_indexes.loc file should include an entry per line for
+#each index set you have stored.  The file in the path does actually
+#exist, but it should never be directly used. Instead, the name serves
+#as a prefix for the index file.  For example:
+#hg18canon hg18 Human (Homo sapiens): hg18 Canonical /depot/data2/galaxy/hg18/sam/hg18canon.fa
+#hg18full hg18 Human (Homo sapiens): hg18 Full /depot/data2/galaxy/hg18/sam/hg18full.fa
+#hg19canon hg19 Human (Homo sapiens): hg19 Canonical /depot/data2/galaxy/hg19/sam/hg19canon.fa
+#hg19full hg19 Human (Homo sapiens): hg19 Full /depot/data2/galaxy/hg19/sam/hg19full.fa
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- Use the file tool_data_table_conf.xml.oldlocstyle if you don't want to update your loc files as changed in revision 4550:535d276c92bc-->
+    <!-- Location of SAMTools indexes for FASTA files -->
+    <table name="fasta_indexes" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="tool-data/fasta_indexes.loc" />
+    </table>
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r ef9a50eb20ce tool_data_table_conf.xml.test
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tool_data_table_conf.xml.test Fri Sep 29 15:45:16 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+    <!-- Location of SAMTools indexed FASTA files -->
+    <table name="fasta_indexes" comment_char="#">
+        <columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
+        <file path="${__HERE__}/test-data/fasta_indexes.loc" />
+    </table>
\ No newline at end of file