Repository 'climate_stripes'
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Changeset 0:fec3147b0206 (2019-10-05)
Next changeset 1:c6f2435d680b (2020-04-14)
Commit message:
"planemo upload for repository commit aa08ea46712c1cfbaac2e6fcd07c93097751cad3"
diff -r 000000000000 -r fec3147b0206 climate-stripes.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/climate-stripes.xml Sat Oct 05 17:03:08 2019 -0400
b'@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@\n+<tool id="climate_stripes" name="climate stripes" version="1.0.0">\n+    <description>from timeseries</description>\n+    <requirements>\n+        <requirement type="package" version="3">python</requirement>\n+        <requirement type="package" version="3.1.1">matplotlib</requirement>\n+        <requirement type="package" version="0.25.1">pandas</requirement>\n+    </requirements>\n+    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[\n+       python3 \'$__tool_directory__/\'\n+            \'$ifilename\' \'$variable\'\n+            --cmap \'$adv.colormap\'\n+            #if str($title).strip()\n+                --title \'$title\'\n+            #end if\n+            #if str($adv.xname).strip()\n+                --xname \'$adv.xname\'\n+            #end if\n+            #if str($adv.format_date).strip()\n+                --format_date \'$adv.format_date\'\n+            #end if\n+            #if str($adv.format_plot).strip()\n+                --format_plot \'$adv.format_plot\'\n+            #end if\n+            --output image.png\n+    ]]></command>\n+    <inputs>\n+        <param name="ifilename" type="data" format="tabular" label="timeseries to plot"></param>\n+        <param name="variable" type="text" value="global" label="column name to use for plotting" />\n+        <param name="title" type="text" value="" label="plot title" />\n+        <section name="adv" title="Advanced Options" expanded="false">\n+            <param name="xname" type="text" value="" label="column name to use for x-axis" />\n+            <param name="format_date" type="text" value="" label="format for input date/time column" />\n+            <param name="format_plot" type="text" value="" label="format for plotting dates on the x-axis" />\n+            <param name="colormap" type="select">\n+                <option value="Accent">Accent</option>\n+                <option value="Blues">Blues</option>\n+                <option value="BrBG">BrBG</option>\n+                <option value="BuGn">BuGn</option>\n+                <option value="BuPu">BuPu</option>\n+                <option value="CMRmap">CMRmap</option>\n+                <option value="Dark2">Dark2</option>\n+                <option value="GnBu">GnBu</option>\n+                <option value="Greens">Greens</option>\n+                <option value="Greys">Greys</option>\n+                <option value="OrRd">OrRd</option>\n+                <option value="Oranges">Oranges</option>\n+                <option value="PRGn">PRGn</option>\n+                <option value="Paired">Paired</option>\n+                <option value="Pastel1">Pastel1</option>\n+                <option value="Pastel2">Pastel2</option>\n+                <option value="PiYG">PiYG</option>\n+                <option value="PuBu">PuBu</option>\n+                <option value="PuBuGn">PuBuGn</option>\n+                <option value="PuOr">PuOr</option>\n+                <option value="PuRd">PuRd</option>\n+                <option value="Purples">Purples</option>\n+                <option value="RdBu">RdBu</option>\n+                <option value="RdGy">RdGy</option>\n+                <option value="RdPu">RdPu</option>\n+                <option value="RdBu_r" selected="true">RdBu_r</option>\n+                <option value="RdGy_r">RdGy_r</option>\n+                <option value="RdPu_r">RdPu_r</option>\n+                <option value="RdYlBu">RdYlBu</option>\n+                <option value="RdYlGn">RdYlGn</option>\n+                <option value="Reds">Reds</option>\n+                <option value="Set1">Set1</option>\n+                <option value="Set2">Set2</option>\n+                <option value="Set3">Set3</option>\n+                <option value="Spectral">Spectral</option>\n+                <option value="Wistia">Wistia</option>\n+                <option value="YlGn">YlGn</option>\n+                <option value="YlGnBu">YlGnBu</option>\n+                <option value="YlOrBr">YlOrBr</option>\n+                <option value="YlOrRd">YlOrRd</option>\n+                <option value='..b'>\n+                <option value="bone">bone</option>\n+                <option value="brg">brg</option>\n+                <option value="bwr">bwr</option>\n+                <option value="cool">cool</option>\n+                <option value="coolwarm">coolwarm</option>\n+                <option value="copper">copper</option>\n+                <option value="cubehelix">cubehelix</option>\n+                <option value="flag">flag</option>\n+                <option value="gist_earth">gist_earth</option>\n+                <option value="gist_gray">gist_gray</option>\n+                <option value="gist_heat">gist_heat</option>\n+                <option value="gist_ncar">gist_ncar</option>\n+                <option value="gist_rainbow">gist_rainbow</option>\n+                <option value="gist_stern">gist_stern</option>\n+                <option value="gist_yarg">gist_yarg</option>\n+                <option value="gnuplot">gnuplot</option>\n+                <option value="gnuplot2">gnuplot2</option>\n+                <option value="gray">gray</option>\n+                <option value="hot">hot</option>\n+                <option value="hsv">hsv</option>\n+                <option value="jet">jet</option>\n+                <option value="nipy_spectral">nipy_spectral</option>\n+                <option value="ocean">ocean</option>\n+                <option value="pink">pink</option>\n+                <option value="prism">prism</option>\n+                <option value="rainbow">rainbow</option>\n+                <option value="seismic">seismic</option>\n+                <option value="spring">spring</option>\n+                <option value="summer">summer</option>\n+                <option value="tab10">tab10</option>\n+                <option value="tab20">tab20</option>\n+                <option value="tab20b">tab20b</option>\n+                <option value="tab20c">tab20c</option>\n+                <option value="terrain">terrain</option>\n+                <option value="winter">winter</option>\n+            </param>\n+        </section>\n+    </inputs>\n+    <outputs>\n+        <data name="ofilename" format="png" from_work_dir="image.png"/>\n+    </outputs>\n+    <tests>\n+        <test>\n+            <param name="ifilename" value="T2Mclimatology.txt" />\n+            <param name="variable" value="global" />\n+            <output name="ofilename" ftype="png" file="T2Mstripes.png" compare="sim_size" delta="50"/>\n+        </test>\n+        <test>\n+            <param name="ifilename" value="T2Mclimatology.txt" />\n+            <param name="variable" value="global" />\n+            <param name="title" value="Surface Temperature stripes (1979-2019)" />\n+            <param name="colormap" value="OrRd" />\n+            <param name="xname" value="Month" />\n+            <param name="format_date" value="XYXm" />\n+            <param name="format_plot" value="XY" />\n+            <output name="ofilename" ftype="png" file="T2Mstripes_with_axis.png" compare="sim_size" delta="50"/>\n+        </test>\n+    </tests>\n+    <help><![CDATA[\n+\n+**Climate stripes**\n+=========================================\n+\n+This tool generate stripes from timeseries and is often used to generate warming stripes.\n+\n+\n+.. class:: infomark\n+\n+        The wrappers aims at creating stripes from a timeseries.\n+        The input file must be in tabular format and must contain at least one column that is used\n+        for creating stripes. By default, no title and no axis are plotted. An additional column\n+        can be specified for date/time and its date and time format must then be specified\n+        with an additional options.\n+\n+**What it does**\n+----------------\n+\n+This tools creates an image (png format) corresponding to the visualization of a timeseries as\n+stripes (see\n+By default, the colormap is ``RdBu_r`` and no axis nor title are plotted. These settings can be\n+changed in *Advanced settings*.\n+    ]]></help>\n+    <citations>\n+    </citations>\n+</tool>\n'
diff -r 000000000000 -r fec3147b0206
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ Sat Oct 05 17:03:08 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# usage: [-h] [--cmap CMAP]
+#                           [--output OUTPUT]
+#                           [--xname XNAME]
+#                           [--format_plot FORMAT_PLOT]
+#                           [--format_date FORMAT_DATE]
+#                           [--title TITLE]
+#                           [--nxsplit NXSPLIT]
+#                          input varname
+# positional arguments:
+#   input                 input filename with timeseries (tabular format)
+#   varname               column name to use for plotting (case sensitive)
+# optional arguments:
+#   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+#   --cmap CMAP           Specify which colormap to use for plotting
+#   --output OUTPUT       output filename to store resulting image (png format)
+#   --xname XNAME         column name to use for x-axis
+#   --format_plot FORMAT_PLOT
+#                         format for plotting dates on the x-axis
+#   --format_date FORMAT_DATE
+#                         format for input date/time column
+#   --title TITLE         plot title
+#   --nxsplit NXSPLIT     number of ticks on the x-axis
+import argparse
+import warnings
+import matplotlib as mpl
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt   # noqa: I202,E402
+import numpy as np  # noqa: I202,E402
+import pandas as pd  # noqa: I202,E402
+class Stripes ():
+    def __init__(self, input, valname, cmap, output, xname="",
+                 date_format='%Y%m',
+                 plot_format='%Y',
+                 nxsplit=10,
+                 title=""):
+        self.input = input
+        self.valname = valname
+        self.xname = xname
+        if not nxsplit:
+            self.nxsplit = 10
+        else:
+            self.nxsplit = nxsplit
+        if not cmap:
+            self.cmap = 'RdBu_r'
+        else:
+            self.cmap = cmap
+        if not output:
+            self.output = "stripes.png"
+        else:
+            self.output = output
+        self.title = title
+        if not date_format:
+            self.format = '%Y%m'
+        else:
+            self.format = date_format.replace('X', '%')
+        if not plot_format:
+            self.plot_format = self.format
+        else:
+            self.plot_format = plot_format.replace('X', '%')
+    def read_data(self):
+ = pd.read_csv(self.input, sep='\t')
+    def create_stripes(self):
+        data = np.zeros((2,[self.valname].shape[0]), dtype='float')
+        data[:] = np.NaN
+        data[0, :] =[self.valname]
+        data[1, :] =[self.valname]
+        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 2))
+        ax = plt.subplot(111)
+        plt.pcolor(data, cmap=self.cmap,
+         [self.valname].min(),
+         [self.valname].max())
+        if self.title:
+            plt.title(self.title)
+        if self.xname:
+            nrange =
+            n = int(np.floor((nrange.max() - nrange.min())/int(self.nxsplit)))
+            date_list =[self.xname].loc[::n].apply(
+                             lambda x: pd.to_datetime(str(x),
+                                                      format=self.format))
+            date_list = [i.strftime(self.plot_format) for i in date_list]
+            nval = int([self.xname].loc[::n].shape[0])
+            ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(nval))
+            ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(date_list)
+            ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(rotation=45)
+        else:
+            ax.set_xticks([])
+        ax.set_yticks([])
+        fig.tight_layout()
+        fig.savefig(self.output)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument(
+        'input',
+        help='input filename with geographical coordinates (netCDF format)'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        'varname',
+        help='column name to use for plotting (case sensitive)'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--cmap',
+        help='Specify which colormap to use for plotting'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--output',
+        help='output filename to store resulting image (png format)'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--xname',
+        help='column name to use for x-axis'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--format_plot',
+        help='format for plotting dates on the x-axis'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--format_date',
+        help='format for input date/time column (default is Month d, yyyy)'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--title',
+        help='plot title'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--nxsplit',
+        help='number of ticks on the x-axis'
+    )
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    stripes = Stripes(args.input, args.varname, args.cmap, args.output,
+                      xname=args.xname, date_format=args.format_date,
+                      plot_format=args.format_plot, title=args.title,
+                      nxsplit=args.nxsplit)
+    stripes.read_data()
+    stripes.create_stripes()
diff -r 000000000000 -r fec3147b0206 test-data/T2Mclimatology.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/T2Mclimatology.txt Sat Oct 05 17:03:08 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+Month global
+197901 -0.2309
+197902 -0.4906
+197903 -0.2922
+197904 -0.3259
+197905 -0.2858
+197906 -0.258
+197907 -0.3306
+197908 -0.2336
+197909 -0.1801
+197910 -0.1248
+197911 -0.147
+197912 0.0667
+198001 -0.1084
+198002 -0.0513
+198003 -0.0826
+198004 -0.0015
+198005 0.0697
+198006 -0.0799
+198007 -0.0425
+198008 -0.1085
+198009 -0.1715
+198010 -0.216
+198011 -0.192
+198012 -0.2736
+198101 0.0171
+198102 -0.0524
+198103 0.0305
+198104 -0.0305
+198105 -0.069
+198106 -0.0755
+198107 -0.0747
+198108 -0.0603
+198109 -0.1398
+198110 -0.1792
+198111 -0.1878
+198112 -0.0359
+198201 -0.3861
+198202 -0.2909
+198203 -0.4431
+198204 -0.3551
+198205 -0.2111
+198206 -0.2463
+198207 -0.1711
+198208 -0.2779
+198209 -0.2693
+198210 -0.2803
+198211 -0.2834
+198212 -0.0342
+198301 0.0396
+198302 0.004
+198303 0.006
+198304 -0.0941
+198305 0.0277
+198306 -0.092
+198307 -0.1496
+198308 -0.0738
+198309 -0.0007
+198310 -0.2356
+198311 -0.1167
+198312 -0.2251
+198401 -0.2111
+198402 -0.3605
+198403 -0.1985
+198404 -0.2865
+198405 -0.0539
+198406 -0.3321
+198407 -0.3649
+198408 -0.2626
+198409 -0.2898
+198410 -0.2823
+198411 -0.4153
+198412 -0.4044
+198501 -0.2315
+198502 -0.4976
+198503 -0.3365
+198504 -0.2901
+198505 -0.276
+198506 -0.2926
+198507 -0.3687
+198508 -0.2183
+198509 -0.3246
+198510 -0.4071
+198511 -0.3566
+198512 -0.3469
+198601 -0.2416
+198602 -0.1812
+198603 -0.2186
+198604 -0.1174
+198605 -0.1084
+198606 -0.2742
+198607 -0.2816
+198608 -0.2613
+198609 -0.3307
+198610 -0.3542
+198611 -0.264
+198612 -0.2482
+198701 -0.1421
+198702 -0.092
+198703 -0.2871
+198704 -0.1516
+198705 -0.1118
+198706 -0.0174
+198707 0.0778
+198708 -0.0949
+198709 -0.0279
+198710 -0.1066
+198711 -0.1359
+198712 0.0729
+198801 0.0599
+198802 -0.136
+198803 0.0022
+198804 -0.0064
+198805 0.0585
+198806 0.017
+198807 -0.0303
+198808 0.0094
+198809 0.0089
+198810 -0.1119
+198811 -0.3316
+198812 -0.1708
+198901 -0.4052
+198902 -0.1396
+198903 -0.1631
+198904 -0.1324
+198905 -0.2464
+198906 -0.2324
+198907 -0.0708
+198908 -0.1457
+198909 -0.0867
+198910 -0.1352
+198911 -0.2527
+198912 -0.041
+199001 -0.0391
+199002 -0.0777
+199003 0.2671
+199004 0.1302
+199005 0.1443
+199006 -0.0106
+199007 0.0889
+199008 0.0098
+199009 -0.0343
+199010 0.0814
+199011 0.1168
+199012 0.0494
+199101 0.0252
+199102 0.0746
+199103 -0.0587
+199104 0.0598
+199105 -0.0158
+199106 0.2017
+199107 0.1192
+199108 0.0362
+199109 -0.0056
+199110 -0.1087
+199111 -0.1209
+199112 -0.1381
+199201 -0.0193
+199202 -0.0535
+199203 -0.0529
+199204 -0.237
+199205 -0.1777
+199206 -0.1489
+199207 -0.2948
+199208 -0.3124
+199209 -0.4129
+199210 -0.3618
+199211 -0.3805
+199212 -0.2644
+199301 -0.1167
+199302 -0.1113
+199303 -0.1695
+199304 -0.1434
+199305 -0.1343
+199306 -0.1288
+199307 -0.1836
+199308 -0.2087
+199309 -0.3204
+199310 -0.1906
+199311 -0.3052
+199312 -0.154
+199401 -0.2047
+199402 -0.4391
+199403 -0.2242
+199404 -0.0979
+199405 -0.1875
+199406 -0.0802
+199407 -0.1083
+199408 -0.2086
+199409 -0.0425
+199410 -0.0524
+199411 -0.012
+199412 -0.0731
+199501 0.0619
+199502 0.2626
+199503 -0.0415
+199504 0.0632
+199505 -0.0742
+199506 0.0877
+199507 0.0624
+199508 0.0688
+199509 -0.0044
+199510 0.0447
+199511 0.0131
+199512 -0.1416
+199601 -0.1686
+199602 -0.0248
+199603 -0.1161
+199604 -0.1619
+199605 -0.2063
+199606 -0.142
+199607 -0.04
+199608 0.0642
+199609 -0.1313
+199610 -0.2007
+199611 0.0178
+199612 -0.0471
+199701 -0.1784
+199702 -0.1172
+199703 0.024
+199704 -0.1454
+199705 -0.0915
+199706 0.0938
+199707 -0.0057
+199708 0.0417
+199709 0.1316
+199710 0.1868
+199711 0.2191
+199712 0.151
+199801 0.143
+199802 0.3514
+199803 0.1589
+199804 0.3034
+199805 0.3391
+199806 0.357
+199807 0.2881
+199808 0.3172
+199809 0.1434
+199810 0.062
+199811 -0.0017
+199812 0.1115
+199901 -0.036
+199902 0.1493
+199903 -0.1965
+199904 -0.121
+199905 -0.1364
+199906 -0.0584
+199907 -0.0356
+199908 -0.0618
+199909 -0.0044
+199910 -0.0617
+199911 -0.0657
+199912 -0.0247
+200001 -0.1986
+200002 0.0608
+200003 -0.0243
+200004 0.0999
+200005 -0.0597
+200006 -0.0701
+200007 -0.0714
+200008 0.0007
+200009 -0.0425
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+200108 0.1248
+200109 0.1181
+200110 0.1336
+200111 0.3371
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+200202 0.1891
+200203 0.3853
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+200205 0.2409
+200206 0.197
+200207 0.2003
+200208 0.1291
+200209 0.2015
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+200212 0.0767
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+200302 0.1098
+200303 0.0283
+200304 0.0625
+200305 0.1472
+200306 0.035
+200307 0.1191
+200308 0.2217
+200309 0.27
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+200312 0.3762
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+200403 0.1831
+200404 0.1682
+200405 -0.0494
+200406 0.0804
+200407 -0.1095
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+200409 0.1562
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+200412 0.1032
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+200503 0.2828
+200504 0.2531
+200505 0.2305
+200506 0.2503
+200507 0.2517
+200508 0.2053
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+200603 0.1829
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+200606 0.255
+200607 0.1697
+200608 0.2467
+200609 0.2443
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+200702 0.2852
+200703 0.195
+200704 0.3563
+200705 0.2448
+200706 0.15
+200707 0.1727
+200708 0.157
+200709 0.1064
+200710 0.2256
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+200712 0.1096
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+200803 0.2131
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+200805 0.0557
+200806 -0.0246
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+200809 0.1662
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+200811 0.2888
+200812 0.1549
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+200905 0.1569
+200906 0.1782
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+200909 0.3
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+200912 0.2669
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+201108 0.2865
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+201202 0.0183
+201203 0.0581
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+201205 0.3344
+201206 0.2933
+201207 0.2066
+201208 0.2521
+201209 0.3091
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+201212 0.1667
+201301 0.3378
+201302 0.2129
+201303 0.2182
+201304 0.1461
+201305 0.1823
+201306 0.2813
+201307 0.1413
+201308 0.2304
+201309 0.3659
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+201312 0.3255
+201401 0.318
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+201404 0.2921
+201405 0.3443
+201406 0.246
+201407 0.232
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+201412 0.387
+201501 0.3835
+201502 0.396
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+201504 0.2391
+201505 0.3376
+201506 0.3601
+201507 0.32
+201508 0.4178
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+201601 0.742
+201602 0.885
+201603 0.8201
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+201605 0.5762
+201606 0.435
+201607 0.5268
+201608 0.5768
+201609 0.554
+201610 0.5812
+201611 0.6422
+201612 0.5341
+201701 0.5945
+201702 0.6967
+201703 0.6938
+201704 0.5108
+201705 0.5335
+201706 0.3757
+201707 0.4319
+201708 0.4715
+201709 0.4758
+201710 0.599
+201711 0.4853
+201712 0.5705
+201801 0.4317
+201802 0.4598
+201803 0.4674
+201804 0.4877
+201805 0.4128
+201806 0.3989
+201807 0.4446
+201808 0.384
+201809 0.3957
+201810 0.5942
+201811 0.4755
+201812 0.5296
+201901 0.4753
+201902 0.5056
+201903 0.702
+201904 0.6198
+201905 0.5177
+201906 0.5424
+201907 0.5631
+201908 0.5316
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