Repository 'w4mclassfilter'
hg clone

Changeset 0:bab3a658f74e (2017-05-09)
Next changeset 1:371741d19743 (2017-05-09)
Commit message:
planemo upload commit 91805bf8e8ce26193ffc4cc2f3dca56ce4addf79
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e LICENSE
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LICENSE Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2017 Hegeman Lab
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e README
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# w4mclassfilter_galaxy_wrapper
+planemo <> 
+oriented galaxy-tool-wrapper <>
+to wrap the w4mclassfilter R package <> 
+for use with the Workflow4Metabolomics <>
+flavor of Galaxy <>
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# w4mclassfilter_galaxy_wrapper
+[galaxy-tool-wrapper]( to wrap the
+[w4mclassfilter R package]( for use with the
+[Workflow4Metabolomics]( flavor of
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e planemo_install_history.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planemo_install_history.txt Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# abridged transcript of the steps that I used to test this wrapper
+ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
+sudo apt-get install build-essential
+cat >> ~/.bashrc << .
+# ACE
+export PATH="/home/backdoor/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"
+export MANPATH="/home/backdoor/.linuxbrew/share/man:$MANPATH"
+export INFOPATH="/home/backdoor/.linuxbrew/share/info:$INFOPATH"
+brew update
+brew install python
+brew tap galaxyproject/tap
+brew install planemo
+git clone
+cd w4mclassfilter_galaxy_wrapper/
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+planemo shed_init --name=w4mclassfilter \
+                  --owner=eschen42 \
+                  --description="Filter W4M data files by class" \
+                  --homepage_url= \
+                  --long_description="Filter Workflow4Metabolomics data matrix and metadata by sample-class" \
+                  --remote_repository_url="" \
+   --category="Metabolomics"
+# [--remote_repository_url=<URL to .shed.yml on github>] \
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# purge old output files
+if [ -f test_log.txt ]; then rm test_log.txt; fi
+if [ -f tool_test_output.html ]; then rm tool_test_output.html; fi
+if [ -f tool_test_output.json ]; then rm tool_test_output.json; fi
+# run test and write new output files, showing progress to command line output
+planemo conda_install .
+planemo test --conda_dependency_resolution w4mclassfilter.xml 2>&1 | grep -v -i observer | tee test_log.txt
+# summarize warnings and errors to command line output
+grep -E "(ERROR)|(WARNING)" test_log.txt | grep -v samtools | grep -v "Dynamic Display Application links" | grep -v "twobit.loc"
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e test-data/expected_dataMatrix.tsv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/expected_dataMatrix.tsv Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ HU_017 HU_034 HU_078 HU_091 HU_093 HU_099 HU_130 HU_134 HU_138
+HMDB03193 76043 44943 173175 242549 57066 559869 339188 471368 262271
+HMDB01101 30689 52217 229568 4763576 3878773 976436 608298 1605075 72021
+HMDB01101.1 6877586 3158 4763576 3878773 976436 831937 1605075 72021 442510
+HMDB10348 47259 60885 168264 176500 76457 610110 279156 524468 451573
+HMDB59717 357351 301983 1028110 1530493 270027 1378535 808334 1132813 871209
+HMDB13189 2644620 1661412 2755434 593863 837865 3526136 1608814 3446611 1941527
+HMDB00299 250551 456162 808657 614370 250403 768004 504108 1014041 1362408
+HMDB00191 560002 575790 785428 645785 591569 960658 639437 1092885 1409045
+HMDB00518 0 85944 129886 175800 13154 230242 440223 315368 10657
+HMDB00715 1252089 905408 5140022 2658555 814523 2558923 4184204 3865723 3236644
+HMDB01032 2569205 1604999 26222916 257139 675754 59906109 31151730 18648127 14989438
+HMDB00208 747080 595872 3143654 4059767 1433702 5593888 2477288 3346077 4230072
+HMDB04824 374028 539206 959381 605191 310260 1253319 477995 825691 1157093
+HMDB00512 0 280560 556003 590779 209285 342532 569970 525240 246282
+HMDB00251 368600 94936 293988 352855 767894 268331 310918 1248919 577184
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e test-data/expected_sampleMetadata.tsv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/expected_sampleMetadata.tsv Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+sampleMetadata injectionOrder mode age bmi gender
+HU_017 2 pos 41 23.03 M
+HU_034 9 pos 52 23.37 M
+HU_078 34 pos 46 25.18 M
+HU_091 42 pos 61 26.12 M
+HU_093 43 pos 53 21.71 M
+HU_099 46 pos 23 21.3 M
+HU_130 63 pos 33 26.06 M
+HU_134 67 pos 48 22.89 M
+HU_138 68 pos 42 21.88 M
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e test-data/expected_variableMetadata.tsv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/expected_variableMetadata.tsv Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+variableMetadata name
+HMDB03193 Testosterone_glucuronide
+HMDB01101 p-Anisic_acid
+HMDB01101.1 p-Anisic_acid_2
+HMDB10348 Dehydroepiandrosterone_3-glucuronide
+HMDB59717 Glu-Val
+HMDB13189 3-Indole_carboxylic_acid_glucuronide
+HMDB00299 Xanthosine
+HMDB00191 L-Aspartic_acid
+HMDB00518 Chenodeoxycholic_acid
+HMDB00715 Kynurenic_acid
+HMDB01032 Dehydroepiandrosterone_sulfate
+HMDB00208 Oxoglutaric_acid
+HMDB04824 N2,N2-Dimethylguanosine
+HMDB00512 N-Acetyl-L-phenylalanine
+HMDB00251 Taurine
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e test-data/input_dataMatrix.tsv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/input_dataMatrix.tsv Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+dataMatrix HU_017 HU_028 HU_034 HU_051 HU_060 HU_078 HU_091 HU_093 HU_099 HU_110 HU_130 HU_134 HU_138 HU_149 HU_152 HU_175 HU_178 HU_185 HU_204 HU_208
+HMDB03193 76043 412165 44943 27242 436566 173175 242549 57066 559869 3732 339188 471368 262271 127285 451270 212500 79673 NA 891129 43907
+HMDB01101 30689 6877586 52217 3158 10789748 229568 4763576 3878773 976436 831937 608298 1605075 72021 442510 1107705 1464339 31250 2724553 891129 32742
+HMDB01101 6877586 52217 3158 10789748 229568 4763576 3878773 976436 831937 608298 1605075 72021 442510 1107705 1464339 31250 2724553 72900 891129 30689
+HMDB10348 47259 544877 60885 34582 529874 168264 176500 76457 610110 16262 279156 524468 451573 591487 433529 161069 214392 13781 891129 39315
+HMDB59717 357351 1030464 301983 67604 306862 1028110 1530493 270027 1378535 289677 808334 1132813 871209 895435 715190 1563158 784738 146195 891129 239030
+HMDB00822 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627 14627
+HMDB13189 2644620 727587 1661412 619181 136278 2755434 593863 837865 3526136 2003278 1608814 3446611 1941527 113937 3132404 2893445 2092753 1034666 891129 841661
+HMDB00299 250551 1046138 456162 159386 1013302 808657 614370 250403 768004 242085 504108 1014041 1362408 1057660 1110050 566050 411886 142233 891129 284775
+HMDB00191 560002 771533 575790 392284 888498 785428 645785 591569 960658 910201 639437 1092885 1409045 2292023 1246459 1945577 710519 773384 891129 622898
+HMDB00518 -34236 58249 85944 NA 342102 129886 175800 13154 230242 NA 440223 315368 10657 419508 48673 28361 514579 23108 891129 73831
+HMDB00715 1252089 2547452 905408 371059 4983588 5140022 2658555 814523 2558923 859466 4184204 3865723 3236644 2615560 3820724 3577833 2295288 625924 891129 1341900
+HMDB01032 2569205 26023086 1604999 430453 8103558 26222916 257139 675754 59906109 263055 31151730 18648127 14989438 1554658 20249262 5588731 871010 15920 891129 44276
+HMDB00208 747080 13420742 595872 1172376 7172632 3143654 4059767 1433702 5593888 5402629 2477288 3346077 4230072 7621236 8960828 10335722 7037373 1574738 891129 2540044
+HMDB04824 374028 1144386 539206 178517 1046190 959381 605191 310260 1253319 477259 477995 825691 1157093 1089284 1411802 1020206 782673 346761 891129 387811
+HMDB00512 NA 319783 280560 85009 1333877 556003 590779 209285 342532 198512 569970 525240 246282 1140422 542345 1171008 827723 222953 891129 85554
+HMDB00251 368600 616555 94936 622468 180988 293988 352855 767894 268331 167246 310918 1248919 577184 10985 335711 403815 80614 63393 891129 616061
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e test-data/input_sampleMetadata.tsv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/input_sampleMetadata.tsv Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+sampleMetadata injectionOrder mode age bmi gender
+HU_017 2 pos 41 23.03 M
+HU_028 7 pos 41 23.92 F
+HU_034 9 pos 52 23.37 M
+HU_051 20 pos 24 23.23 F
+HU_060 24 pos 55 28.72 F
+HU_078 34 pos 46 25.18 M
+HU_091 42 pos 61 26.12 M
+HU_093 43 pos 53 21.71 M
+HU_099 46 pos 23 21.3 M
+HU_110 53 pos 50 20.9 F
+HU_130 63 pos 33 26.06 M
+HU_134 67 pos 48 22.89 M
+HU_138 68 pos 42 21.88 M
+HU_149 72 pos 35 19.49 F
+HU_152 75 pos 26 17.58 F
+HU_175 87 pos 35 21.26 F
+HU_178 88 pos 60 32.87 F
+HU_185 95 pos 42 21.09 F
+HU_204 104 pos 31 29.06 M
+HU_208 106 pos 27 18.61 F
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e test-data/input_variableMetadata.tsv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/input_variableMetadata.tsv Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+variableMetadata name
+HMDB03193 Testosterone_glucuronide
+HMDB01101 p-Anisic_acid
+HMDB01101 p-Anisic_acid_2
+HMDB10348 Dehydroepiandrosterone_3-glucuronide
+HMDB59717 Glu-Val
+HMDB00822 p-Hydroxymandelic_acid
+HMDB13189 3-Indole_carboxylic_acid_glucuronide
+HMDB00299 Xanthosine
+HMDB00191 L-Aspartic_acid
+HMDB00518 Chenodeoxycholic_acid
+HMDB00715 Kynurenic_acid
+HMDB01032 Dehydroepiandrosterone_sulfate
+HMDB00208 Oxoglutaric_acid
+HMDB04824 N2,N2-Dimethylguanosine
+HMDB00512 N-Acetyl-L-phenylalanine
+HMDB00251 Taurine
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e test-data/output_dataMatrix.tsv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output_dataMatrix.tsv Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ HU_017 HU_034 HU_078 HU_091 HU_093 HU_099 HU_130 HU_134 HU_138
+HMDB03193 76043 44943 173175 242549 57066 559869 339188 471368 262271
+HMDB01101 30689 52217 229568 4763576 3878773 976436 608298 1605075 72021
+HMDB01101.1 6877586 3158 4763576 3878773 976436 831937 1605075 72021 442510
+HMDB10348 47259 60885 168264 176500 76457 610110 279156 524468 451573
+HMDB59717 357351 301983 1028110 1530493 270027 1378535 808334 1132813 871209
+HMDB13189 2644620 1661412 2755434 593863 837865 3526136 1608814 3446611 1941527
+HMDB00299 250551 456162 808657 614370 250403 768004 504108 1014041 1362408
+HMDB00191 560002 575790 785428 645785 591569 960658 639437 1092885 1409045
+HMDB00518 0 85944 129886 175800 13154 230242 440223 315368 10657
+HMDB00715 1252089 905408 5140022 2658555 814523 2558923 4184204 3865723 3236644
+HMDB01032 2569205 1604999 26222916 257139 675754 59906109 31151730 18648127 14989438
+HMDB00208 747080 595872 3143654 4059767 1433702 5593888 2477288 3346077 4230072
+HMDB04824 374028 539206 959381 605191 310260 1253319 477995 825691 1157093
+HMDB00512 0 280560 556003 590779 209285 342532 569970 525240 246282
+HMDB00251 368600 94936 293988 352855 767894 268331 310918 1248919 577184
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e test-data/output_sampleMetadata.tsv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output_sampleMetadata.tsv Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+sampleMetadata injectionOrder mode age bmi gender
+HU_017 2 pos 41 23.03 M
+HU_034 9 pos 52 23.37 M
+HU_078 34 pos 46 25.18 M
+HU_091 42 pos 61 26.12 M
+HU_093 43 pos 53 21.71 M
+HU_099 46 pos 23 21.3 M
+HU_130 63 pos 33 26.06 M
+HU_134 67 pos 48 22.89 M
+HU_138 68 pos 42 21.88 M
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e test-data/output_variableMetadata.tsv
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output_variableMetadata.tsv Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+variableMetadata name
+HMDB03193 Testosterone_glucuronide
+HMDB01101 p-Anisic_acid
+HMDB01101.1 p-Anisic_acid_2
+HMDB10348 Dehydroepiandrosterone_3-glucuronide
+HMDB59717 Glu-Val
+HMDB13189 3-Indole_carboxylic_acid_glucuronide
+HMDB00299 Xanthosine
+HMDB00191 L-Aspartic_acid
+HMDB00518 Chenodeoxycholic_acid
+HMDB00715 Kynurenic_acid
+HMDB01032 Dehydroepiandrosterone_sulfate
+HMDB00208 Oxoglutaric_acid
+HMDB04824 N2,N2-Dimethylguanosine
+HMDB00512 N-Acetyl-L-phenylalanine
+HMDB00251 Taurine
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e test_log.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test_log.txt Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
b'@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@\n+git clone --bare  \'\' \'/home/backdoor/.planemo/gx_repo\'\n+Cloning into bare repository \'/home/backdoor/.planemo/gx_repo\'...\n+cd /tmp/tmp4Jz5Zv; git clone  --branch \'master\' \'/home/backdoor/.planemo/gx_repo\' \'galaxy-dev\'; cd galaxy-dev; if [ -d .venv ] || [ -f dist-eggs.ini ]; then GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV=.venv;  else GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV=/home/backdoor/.planemo/gx_venv; fi; export GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV; if [ ! -e $GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV ]; then /home/backdoor/.linuxbrew/bin/virtualenv -p /home/backdoor/.linuxbrew/bin/python2.7 $GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV; fi; [ -e $GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV ] && . $GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/activate; COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS=; $(grep -q \'skip-venv\' && COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS="--dev-wheels"; export COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS; echo "Set COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS to ${COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS}"; ./scripts/ ${COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS}\n+Cloning into \'galaxy-dev\'...\n+done.\n+New python executable in /home/backdoor/.planemo/gx_venv/bin/python2.7\n+Also creating executable in /home/backdoor/.planemo/gx_venv/bin/python\n+Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.\n+Running virtualenv with interpreter /home/backdoor/.linuxbrew/bin/python2.7\n+Set COMMON_STARTUP_ARGS to --dev-wheels\n+Initializing config/migrated_tools_conf.xml from migrated_tools_conf.xml.sample\n+Initializing config/shed_tool_conf.xml from shed_tool_conf.xml.sample\n+Initializing config/shed_tool_data_table_conf.xml from shed_tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample\n+Initializing config/shed_data_manager_conf.xml from shed_data_manager_conf.xml.sample\n+Initializing tool-data/shared/ucsc/builds.txt from builds.txt.sample\n+Initializing tool-data/shared/ucsc/manual_builds.txt from manual_builds.txt.sample\n+Initializing tool-data/shared/ucsc/ucsc_build_sites.txt from ucsc_build_sites.txt.sample\n+Initializing tool-data/shared/igv/igv_build_sites.txt from igv_build_sites.txt.sample\n+Initializing tool-data/shared/rviewer/rviewer_build_sites.txt from rviewer_build_sites.txt.sample\n+Initializing static/welcome.html from welcome.html.sample\n+Activating virtualenv at /home/backdoor/.planemo/gx_venv\n+Collecting pip>=8.1\n+  Downloading pip-9.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.3MB)\n+Installing collected packages: pip\n+  Found existing installation: pip 7.1.2\n+    Uninstalling pip-7.1.2:\n+      Successfully uninstalled pip-7.1.2\n+Successfully installed pip-9.0.1\n+Collecting bx-python==0.7.3 (from -r requirements.txt (line 2))\n+  Downloading (2.1MB)\n+Collecting MarkupSafe==0.23 (from -r requirements.txt (line 3))\n+  Downloading\n+Collecting PyYAML==3.11 (from -r requirements.txt (line 4))\n+  Downloading (367kB)\n+Collecting SQLAlchemy==1.0.15 (from -r requirements.txt (line 5))\n+  Downloading (1.0MB)\n+Collecting mercurial==3.7.3 (from -r requirements.txt (line 6))\n+  Downloading (1.5MB)\n+Collecting numpy==1.9.2 (from -r requirements.txt (line 7))\n+  Downloading (10.2MB)\n+Collecting pycrypto==2.6.1 (from -r requirements.txt (line 8))\n+  Downloading (492kB)\n+Collecting Paste==2.0.2 (from -r requirements.txt (line 15))\n+  Downloading (610kB)\n+Collecting PasteDeploy==1.5.2 (from -r requirements.txt (line 16))\n+  Downloading\n+Collecting docutils==0.12 (from -r requirements.txt (line 17))\n+  D'..b'61 DEBUG [] Using dependency r-batch version 1.1_4 of type conda\n+2017-05-09 15:54:20,961 DEBUG [] Using dependency w4mclassfilter version 0.98.1 of type conda\n+2017-05-09 15:54:21,013 INFO  [] Built script [/tmp/tmp4Jz5Zv/job_working_directory/000/12/] for tool command [[ "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" = "/home/backdoor/miniconda2/envs/mulled-v1-e6b0d2ef4e5cf48144629c11c5bc66b43fc076b336419c5c00247560d01a3bc4" ] || . /home/backdoor/miniconda2/bin/activate \'/home/backdoor/miniconda2/envs/mulled-v1-e6b0d2ef4e5cf48144629c11c5bc66b43fc076b336419c5c00247560d01a3bc4\' > conda_activate.log 2>&1 ; [ "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" = "/home/backdoor/miniconda2/envs/mulled-v1-e6b0d2ef4e5cf48144629c11c5bc66b43fc076b336419c5c00247560d01a3bc4" ] || . /home/backdoor/miniconda2/bin/activate \'/home/backdoor/miniconda2/envs/mulled-v1-e6b0d2ef4e5cf48144629c11c5bc66b43fc076b336419c5c00247560d01a3bc4\' > conda_activate.log 2>&1 ; [ "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" = "/home/backdoor/miniconda2/envs/mulled-v1-e6b0d2ef4e5cf48144629c11c5bc66b43fc076b336419c5c00247560d01a3bc4" ] || . /home/backdoor/miniconda2/bin/activate \'/home/backdoor/miniconda2/envs/mulled-v1-e6b0d2ef4e5cf48144629c11c5bc66b43fc076b336419c5c00247560d01a3bc4\' > conda_activate.log 2>&1 ; Rscript /home/backdoor/w4mclassfilter_galaxy_wrapper/w4mclassfilter_wrapper.R dataMatrix_in "/tmp/tmp4Jz5Zv/files/000/dataset_15.dat" sampleMetadata_in "/tmp/tmp4Jz5Zv/files/000/dataset_16.dat" variableMetadata_in "/tmp/tmp4Jz5Zv/files/000/dataset_17.dat" sampleclassNames "M" inclusive "TRUE" classnameColumn "gender" samplenameColumn "sampleMetadata" dataMatrix_out "/tmp/tmp4Jz5Zv/files/000/dataset_18.dat" sampleMetadata_out "/tmp/tmp4Jz5Zv/files/000/dataset_19.dat" variableMetadata_out "/tmp/tmp4Jz5Zv/files/000/dataset_20.dat" information "/tmp/tmp4Jz5Zv/files/000/dataset_21.dat"]\n+2017-05-09 15:54:21,503 DEBUG [] Using dependency samtools version None of type conda\n+2017-05-09 15:54:21,503 DEBUG [] Using dependency samtools version None of type conda\n+ok\n+\n+----------------------------------------------------------------------\n+XML: /tmp/tmp4Jz5Zv/xunit.xml\n+----------------------------------------------------------------------\n+Ran 3 tests in 83.693s\n+\n+OK\n+2017-05-09 15:54:27,359 INFO  [test_driver] Shutting down\n+2017-05-09 15:54:27,359 INFO  [test_driver] Shutting down embedded galaxy web server\n+2017-05-09 15:54:27,361 INFO  [test_driver] Embedded web server galaxy stopped\n+2017-05-09 15:54:27,361 INFO  [test_driver] Stopping application galaxy\n+2017-05-09 15:54:27,361 INFO  [] sending stop signal to worker thread\n+2017-05-09 15:54:27,361 INFO  [] job handler queue stopped\n+2017-05-09 15:54:27,361 INFO  [] TaskRunner: Sending stop signal to 2 worker threads\n+2017-05-09 15:54:27,361 INFO  [] LocalRunner: Sending stop signal to 4 worker threads\n+2017-05-09 15:54:27,361 INFO  [] sending stop signal to worker thread\n+2017-05-09 15:54:27,361 INFO  [] job handler stop queue stopped\n+2017-05-09 15:54:27,362 INFO  [test_driver] Application galaxy stopped.\n+2017-05-09 15:54:28,335 INFO  [] sending stop signal to worker thread\n+2017-05-09 15:54:28,335 INFO  [] job handler queue stopped\n+2017-05-09 15:54:28,335 INFO  [] TaskRunner: Sending stop signal to 2 worker threads\n+2017-05-09 15:54:28,335 INFO  [] LocalRunner: Sending stop signal to 4 worker threads\n+2017-05-09 15:54:28,335 INFO  [] sending stop signal to worker thread\n+2017-05-09 15:54:28,335 INFO  [] job handler stop queue stopped\n+Testing complete. HTML report is in "/home/backdoor/w4mclassfilter_galaxy_wrapper/tool_test_output.html".\n+All 3 test(s) executed passed.\n+W4MClassFilter[0]: passed\n+W4MClassFilter[1]: passed\n+W4MClassFilter[2]: passed\n'
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e w4mclassfilter.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/w4mclassfilter.xml Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
b'@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@\n+<tool id="W4MClassFilter" name="W4MClassFilter" version="0.98.1">\n+  <description>Filter W4M data by sample class</description>\n+\n+  <requirements>\n+    <requirement type="package" version="3.3.1">r-base</requirement>\n+    <requirement type="package" version="1.1_4">r-batch</requirement>\n+    <requirement type="package" version="0.98.1">w4mclassfilter</requirement>\n+  </requirements>\n+\n+  <stdio>\n+    <exit_code range="1:" level="fatal" />\n+  </stdio>\n+\n+\n+  <command detect_errors="aggressive"><![CDATA[\n+  Rscript $__tool_directory__/w4mclassfilter_wrapper.R\n+  dataMatrix_in "$dataMatrix_in"\n+  sampleMetadata_in "$sampleMetadata_in"\n+  variableMetadata_in "$variableMetadata_in"\n+  sampleclassNames "$sampleclassNames"\n+  inclusive "$inclusive"\n+  classnameColumn "$classnameColumn"\n+  samplenameColumn "$samplenameColumn"\n+  dataMatrix_out "$dataMatrix_out"\n+  sampleMetadata_out "$sampleMetadata_out"\n+  variableMetadata_out "$variableMetadata_out"\n+  information "$information"\n+  ]]></command>\n+\n+  <inputs>\n+    <param name="dataMatrix_in" label="Data matrix file" type="data" format="tabular" help="variable x sample, decimal: \'.\', missing: NA, mode: numerical, sep: tabular" />\n+    <param name="sampleMetadata_in" label="Sample metadata file" type="data" format="tabular" help="sample x metadata, decimal: \'.\', missing: NA, mode: character and numerical, sep: tabular" />\n+    <param name="variableMetadata_in" label="Variable metadata file" type="data" format="tabular" help="variable x metadata, decimal: \'.\', missing: NA, mode: character and numerical, sep: tabular" />\n+    <param name="sampleclassNames" label="Names of sample classes" type="text" value = "" help="comma-separated names of sample classes to filter in or out; defaults to no names" />\n+    <param name="inclusive" label="Include named classes" type="select" help="filter-in - include only the named sample classes; filter-out (the default) - exclude only the named sample classes">\n+      <option value="TRUE">filter-in</option>\n+      <option value="FALSE" selected="true">filter-out</option>\n+    </param>\n+    <param name="classnameColumn" label="Column that names the sample-class" type="text" value = "class" help="name of the column in sample metadata that has the values to be tested against the \'classes\' input parameter - defaults to \'class\'" />\n+    <param name="samplenameColumn" label="Column that names the sample" type="text" value = "sampleMetadata" help="name of the column in sample metadata that has the name of the sample - defaults to \'sampleMetadata\'" />\n+  </inputs>\n+  <outputs>\n+    <data name="dataMatrix_out" label="${}_${}" format="tabular" ></data>\n+    <data name="sampleMetadata_out" label="${}_${}" format="tabular" ></data>\n+    <data name="variableMetadata_out" label="${}_${}" format="tabular" ></data>\n+    <data name="information" label="${}__information.txt" format="txt"/>\n+  </outputs>\n+\n+  <tests>\n+    <test>\n+      <param name="dataMatrix_in" value="input_dataMatrix.tsv"/>\n+      <param name="sampleMetadata_in" value="input_sampleMetadata.tsv"/>\n+      <param name="variableMetadata_in" value="input_variableMetadata.tsv"/>\n+      <param name="classnameColumn" value="gender"/>\n+      <param name="sampleclassNames" value="M"/>\n+      <param name="samplenameColumn" value="sampleMetadata"/>\n+      <param name="inclusive" value="filter-in"/>\n+      <param name="information" value="test-information.txt"/>\n+      <output name="dataMatrix_out">\n+        <assert_contents>\n+          <not_has_text text="HU_028" />\n+          <not_has_text text="HU_051" />\n+          <not_has_text text="HU_060" />\n+          <not_has_text text="HU_110" />\n+          <not_has_text text="HU_149" />\n+          <not_has_text text="HU_152" />\n+          <not_has_text text="HU_175" />\n+          <not_has_text text="HU_178" />\n+          <not_has_text text="HU_185" />\n'..b"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n+\n+.. class:: infomark\n+\n+**Tool updates**\n+\n+See the **NEWS** section at the bottom of this page\n+\n+---------------------------------------------------\n+\n+==============================================\n+Filter Workflow4Metabolomics data matrix files\n+==============================================\n+\n+-----------\n+Description\n+-----------\n+\n+Filter set of retention-corrected W4M files (dataMatrix, sampleMetadata, variableMetadata) by sample class\n+\n+--------\n+Comments\n+--------\n+\n+The *inclusive* parameter indicates:\n+  - when 'filter-in', that only the sample-classes named should be included\n+  - when 'filter-out', that all sample-classes should be included excepting the sample-classes named\n+\n+-----------\n+Input files\n+-----------\n+\n++---------------------------+------------+\n+| File                      |   Format   |\n++===========================+============+\n+| 1)  Data matrix           |   tabular  |\n++---------------------------+------------+\n+| 2)  Sample metadata       |   tabular  |\n++---------------------------+------------+\n+| 3)  Variable metadata     |   tabular  |\n++---------------------------+------------+\n+\n+\n+----------\n+Parameters\n+----------\n+\n+Data matrix file\n+\t| variable x sample **dataMatrix** tabular separated file of the numeric data matrix, with . as decimal, and NA for missing values; the table must not contain metadata apart from row and column names; the row and column names must be identical to the rownames of the sample and variable metadata, respectively (see below)\n+\t|\n+\n+Sample metadata file\n+\t| sample x metadata **sampleMetadata** tabular separated file of the numeric and/or character sample metadata, with . as decimal and NA for missing values\n+\t|\n+\n+Variable metadata file\n+\t| variable x metadata **variableMetadata** tabular separated file of the numeric and/or character variable metadata, with . as decimal and NA for missing values\n+\t|\n+\n+Names of sample classes (default = no names)\n+\t| comma-separated names of sample classes to include or exclude\n+\t|\n+\n+Include named classes (default = filter-out)\n+  | *filter-in* - include only the named sample classes\n+  | *filter-out* - exclude only the named sample classes\n+\t|\n+\n+Column that names the sample-class (default = 'class')\n+\t| name of the column in sample metadata that has the values to be tested against the 'classes' input parameter\n+\t|\n+\n+Column that names the sample (default = 'sampleMetadata')\n+\t| name of the column in sample metadata that has the name of the sample\n+\t|\n+\n+\n+------------\n+Output files\n+------------\n+\n+\n+sampleMetadata_out.tabular\n+\t| **sampleMetadata** tabular separated file identical to the file given as argument, excepting lacking rows for samples that have been filtered out\n+\t|\n+\n+variableMetadata_out.tabular\n+\t| **variableMetadata** tabular separated file identical to the file given as argument, excepting lacking rows for variables (xC-MS features) that have been filtered out (because of zero variance)\n+\t|\n+\n+dataMatrix_out.tabular\n+\t| **dataMatrix** tabular separated file identical to the file given as argument, excepting lacking columns for samples that have been filtered out (because of the sample-classes specified in the input parameters) and rows for variables (xC-MS features) that have been filtered out (because of zero variance)\n+\t|\n+\n+information.txt\n+\t| Text file with all messages and warnings generated during the computation\n+\t|\n+\n+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n+\n+----\n+NEWS\n+----\n+\n+CHANGES IN VERSION 0.98.1\n+=========================\n+\n+NEW FEATURES\n+\n+First release - R package that implements filtering of W4M data matrix, variable metadata, and sample metadata by class of sample.\n+\n+*dataMatrix* *is* modified by the tool, so it *does* appear as an output file\n+\n+INTERNAL MODIFICATIONS\n+\n+none\n+\n+  </help>\n+  <citations>\n+  </citations>\n+</tool>\n+<!-- vim: et sw=2 ts=2 :\n+-->\n"
diff -r 000000000000 -r bab3a658f74e w4mclassfilter_wrapper.R
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/w4mclassfilter_wrapper.R Tue May 09 18:34:35 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+library(batch) ## parseCommandArgs
+# MAIN #
+argVc <- unlist(parseCommandArgs(evaluate=FALSE))
+## Initializing
+## options
+strAsFacL <- options()$stringsAsFactors
+options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+## libraries
+if(packageVersion("w4mclassfilter") < "0.98.0")
+    stop("Please use 'w4mclassfilter' versions of 0.98.0 and above")
+## constants
+modNamC <- "w4mclassfilter" ## module name
+topEnvC <- environment()
+flgC <- "\n"
+## functions
+flgF <- function(tesC,
+                 envC = topEnvC,
+                 txtC = NA) { ## management of warning and error messages
+    tesL <- eval(parse(text = tesC), envir = envC)
+    if(!tesL) {
+        #sink(NULL)
+        stpTxtC <- ifelse(,
+                          paste0(tesC, " is FALSE"),
+                          txtC)
+        stop(stpTxtC,
+             call. = FALSE)
+    }
+} ## flgF
+## log file
+information <- as.character(argVc["information"])
+my_print <- function(x, ...) { cat(c(x, ...))}
+my_print("\nStart of the '", modNamC, "' Galaxy module call: ",
+    format(Sys.time(), "%a %d %b %Y %X"), "\n", sep="")
+## arguments
+# files
+dataMatrix_in <- as.character(argVc["dataMatrix_in"])
+dataMatrix_out <- as.character(argVc["dataMatrix_out"])
+sampleMetadata_in <- as.character(argVc["sampleMetadata_in"])
+sampleMetadata_out <- as.character(argVc["sampleMetadata_out"])
+variableMetadata_in <- as.character(argVc["variableMetadata_in"])
+variableMetadata_out <- as.character(argVc["variableMetadata_out"])
+# other parameters
+sampleclassNames <- as.character(argVc["sampleclassNames"])
+# if (sampleclassNames == "NONE_SPECIFIED") {
+#     sampleclassNames <- as.character(c())
+# } else {
+#     sampleclassNames <- strsplit(x = sampleclassNames, split = ",", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
+# }
+sampleclassNames <- strsplit(x = sampleclassNames, split = ",", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
+inclusive <- as.logical(argVc["inclusive"])
+# print(sprintf("inclusive = '%s'", as.character(inclusive)))
+classnameColumn <- as.character(argVc["classnameColumn"])
+samplenameColumn <- as.character(argVc["samplenameColumn"])
+## Computation
+result <- w4m_filter_by_sample_class(
+  dataMatrix_in        = dataMatrix_in
+, sampleMetadata_in    = sampleMetadata_in
+, variableMetadata_in  = variableMetadata_in
+, dataMatrix_out       = dataMatrix_out
+, sampleMetadata_out   = sampleMetadata_out
+, variableMetadata_out = variableMetadata_out
+, classes              = sampleclassNames
+, include              = inclusive
+, class_column         = classnameColumn
+, samplename_column    = samplenameColumn
+, failure_action       = my_print
+my_print("\nResult of '", modNamC, "' Galaxy module call to 'w4mclassfilter::w4m_filter_by_sample_class' R function: ",
+    as.character(result), "\n", sep = "")
+## Closing
+my_print("\nEnd of '", modNamC, "' Galaxy module call: ",
+    as.character(Sys.time()), "\n", sep = "")
+if (!file.exists(dataMatrix_out)) {
+  print(sprintf("ERROR %s::w4m_filter_by_sample_class - file '%s' was not created", modNamC, dataMatrix_out))
+}# else { print(sprintf("INFO %s::w4m_filter_by_sample_class - file '%s' was exists", modNamC, dataMatrix_out)) }
+if (!file.exists(variableMetadata_out)) {
+  print(sprintf("ERROR %s::w4m_filter_by_sample_class - file '%s' was not created", modNamC, variableMetadata_out))
+} # else { print(sprintf("INFO %s::w4m_filter_by_sample_class - file '%s' was exists", modNamC, variableMetadata_out)) }
+if (!file.exists(sampleMetadata_out)) {
+  print(sprintf("ERROR %s::w4m_filter_by_sample_class - file '%s' was not created", modNamC, sampleMetadata_out))
+} # else { print(sprintf("INFO %s::w4m_filter_by_sample_class - file '%s' was exists", modNamC, sampleMetadata_out)) }
+if( !result ) {
+  stop(sprintf("ERROR %s::w4m_filter_by_sample_class - method failed", modNamC))
+rm(list = ls())