Repository package_gemini_0_18_1
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: Contains a tool dependency definition that downloads and compiles version 0.18.1 of GEMINI.
GEMINI (GEnome MINIng) is designed to be a flexible framework for
exploring genetic variation in the context of the wealth of genome annotations available
for the human genome. By placing genetic variants, sample genotypes, and useful
genome annotations into an integrated database framework, GEMINI provides a simple,
flexible, yet very powerful system for exploring genetic variation for for disease
and population genetics.

Using the GEMINI framework begins by loading a VCF file into a database. Each variant
is automatically annotated by comparing it to several genome annotations from source
such as ENCODE tracks, UCSC tracks, OMIM, dbSNP, KEGG, and HPRD. All of this information
is stored in portable SQLite database that allows one to explore and interpret both
coding and non-coding variation using "off-the-shelf" tools or an enhanced SQL engine.
Type: tool_dependency_definition
Revision: 1:49de32b47548
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 974
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_zlib_1_2_8 revision 411985b46ae8 owned by iuc (prior install required)

Name Version Type
gemini 0.18.1 package
zlib 1.2.8 package

Tool Dependency Packages - Repositories that contain third-party tool dependency package installation definitions