Repository package_ucsc_rename_bigwig_340
Owner: yating-l
Synopsis: Version 340 of the UCSC tools for rename tracks tool(binaries only)
The well known UCSC tools from Jim Kent. This subset of UCSC tools are used for HubArchiveCreator, including bedGraphToBigWig, bedToBigBed, gff3ToGenePred, gtfToGenePred, genePredToBed, genePredToBigGenePred, faToTwoBit, pslToBigPsl
Type: tool_dependency_definition
Revision: 0:39d26518c84b
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 226
Dependencies of this repository

Name Version Type
ucsc_rename_bigwig 340 package

Tool Dependency Packages - Repositories that contain third-party tool dependency package installation definitions