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Repository mesmer
Name: mesmer
Owner: goeckslab
Synopsis: Mesmer for whole-cell segmentation of multiplexed tissue imaging data.
A deep-learning-enabled segmentation algorithm that generalizes to the full diversity of tissue types and imaging platforms in TissueNet, and achieves human-level performance. Mesmer enables the automated extraction of key cellular features, such as subcellular localization of protein signal. Mesmer can also harness cell lineage information in highly multiplexed datasets to quantify cell morphology changes during human gestation.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 1:02abff468d60
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 400

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Mesmer for whole-cell segmentation of multiplexed tissue imaging data 0.3.1+galaxy1 19.01

Imaging - Utilities to support imaging