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Repository presto_partition
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: pRESTO Partition (from the presto tool suite)
The REpertoire Sequencing TOolkit (pRESTO) is composed of a suite of utilities to handle all stages of
sequence processing prior to germline segment assignment. pRESTO is designed to handle either single reads or
paired-end reads. It includes features for quality control, primer masking, annotation of reads with sequence
embedded barcodes, generation of unique molecular identifier (UMI) consensus sequences, assembly of
paired-end reads and identification of duplicate sequences. Numerous options for sequence sorting, sampling
and conversion operations are also included.
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Type: unrestricted
Revision: 0:0b103d43a2c7
This revision can be installed: False
Times cloned / installed: 176

Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis