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Repository bracken
Name: bracken
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: Bayesian Reestimation of Abundance with KrakEN
Bracken (Bayesian Reestimation of Abundance with KrakEN) is a highly accurate
statistical method that computes the abundance of species in DNA sequences from a
metagenomics sample.
Braken uses the taxonomy labels assigned by Kraken, a highly accurate metagenomics
classification algorithm, to estimate the number of reads originating from each species
present in a sample.
Kraken classifies reads to the best matching location in the taxonomic tree, but does
not estimate abundances of species.
We use the Kraken database itself to derive probabilities that describe how much
sequence from each genome is identical to other genomes in the database, and combine
this information with the assignments for a particular sample to estimate abundance
at the species level, the genus level, or above.
Combined with the Kraken classifier, Bracken produces accurate species- and genus-level
abundance estimates even when a sample contains two or more near-identical species. 
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Type: unrestricted
Revision: 9:0c7b6eb7e752
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 768

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
to re-estimate abundance at a taxonomic level from kraken output 3.0+galaxy0 22.01

Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis
Metagenomics - Tools enabling the study of metagenomes