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Repository rseqc
Name: rseqc
Owner: nilesh
Synopsis: an RNA-seq quality control package
RSeQC package provides a number of useful modules that can comprehensively
evaluate high throughput sequence data especially RNA-seq data. Some basic
modules quickly inspect sequence quality, nucleotide composition bias, PCR
bias and GC bias, while RNA-seq specific modules evaluate sequencing
saturation, mapped reads distribution, coverage uniformity, strand
specificity, transcript level RNA integrity etc.
Clone this repository: hg clone
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 60:1421603cc95b
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 5211

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
estimates clipping profile of RNA-seq reads from BAM or SAM file 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
calculates the fragment size for each gene/transcript 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
calculate the inner distance (or insert size) between two paired RNA reads 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
read coverage over gene body 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
determines reads duplication rate with sequence-based and mapping-based strategies 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
converts all types of RNA-seq data from .bam to .wig 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
read coverage over gene body 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
calculates how mapped reads were distributed over genome feature 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
calculates hexamer (6mer) frequency for reads, genomes, and mRNA sequences 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
calculates raw count and RPKM values for transcript at exon, intron, and mRNA level 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
to check the nucleotide composition bias 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
calculates the distribution of mismatches across reads 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
speculates how RNA-seq were configured 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
detects splice junctions from each subset and compares them to reference gene model 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
calculates raw read count, FPM, and FPKM for each gene 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
determines Phred quality score 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
compares detected splice junctions to reference gene model 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
reads mapping statistics for a provided BAM or SAM file. 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
calculates the distributions of deleted nucleotides across reads 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
determines GC% and read count 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
calculates the distribution of inserted nucleotides across reads 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01
evaluates RNA integrity at a transcript level 5.0.1+galaxy0 20.01

Convert Formats - Tools for converting data formats
Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis
Visualization - Tools for visualizing data