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Repository graphclust_nspdk
Owner: rnateam
Synopsis: Produces an explicit sparse feature encoding and copmutes global feature index and returns top dense sets.
Integer code for the invariant graph encoding is used as a feature indicator. In this way,the integer associated to each feature (i.e. each pair or neighborhood subgraphs of radius r whose roots are at distance d) can be interpreted as the feature key and the (normalized) count of occurrences as its value. Also copmutes global feature index and returns top dense sets.The candidate clusters are chosen as the top ranking neighborhoods provided that the size of their overlap is below a specified threshold.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 9:1b142e88d068
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 2027

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version 16.01
9.2.3 16.01

RNA - Utilities for RNA