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Repository regionfitness
Owner: antmarge
Synopsis: Calculates fitness over a region for Tn-Seq data
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 11:2655e8056329
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 315
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_gnu_coreutils_8_25 revision a177f177d42f owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_perl_5_18 revision 35f117d7396b owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_perl_5_18 revision 35f117d7396b owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_perl_5_18 revision 35f117d7396b owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_perl_5_18 revision 35f117d7396b owned by iuc (prior install required)

Name Version Type
bioperl 1.6.922 package
perl 5.18.1 package
perl_data_random 0.12 package
perl_getopt_long 2.45 package
perl_list_binarysearch 0.25 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
assess fitness effect of mutations in a region (sliding window or custom) 0.1.0 any