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Repository fastq_paired_unpaired
Owner: peterjc
Synopsis: Divide FASTQ file into paired and unpaired reads
Using the common read name suffix conventions, it divides a FASTQ file into paired
reads, and orphan or single reads.

The input file should be a valid FASTQ file which has been sorted so that any partner
forward+reverse reads are consecutive. The output files all preserve this sort order.
Pairings are recognised based on standard name suffices.

Any reads where the forward/reverse naming suffix used is not recognised are treated
as orphan reads. The tool supports the old /1 and /2 convention used by Illumina,
the new Illumina convention, the .f and .r convention, and the Sanger convention
(see for details).
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 11:277e552c3834
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 990
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_galaxy_sequence_utils_1_0_1 revision c1ab450748ba owned by iuc

Name Version Type
galaxy_sequence_utils 1.0.1 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
using the read name suffixes 0.1.5 16.01

Text Manipulation - Tools for manipulating data
Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis