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Repository fastq_join
Name: fastq_join
Owner: lparsons
Synopsis: fastq-join tool to merge overlapping paired-end reads (from ea-utils package)

Merges paired-end reads that overlap due to the fact they were generated from a fragment shorter than the sum of the paired-end read lengths.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 0:2ac846969812
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 1288

Repository README files - may contain important installation or license information

== fastq-join Galaxy Wrapper == This is a Galaxy wrapper for the fastq-join tool from ea-utils suite. ** Installation ** Installation from a tool shed provides the necessary tool dependencies. Otherwise, make sure fastq-join is in the path. Move the test data files to your galaxy root test-data. Move the xml files to a subdirectory of your tools directory and add lines in tool_conf.xml to point to them. Restart the Galaxy server. ** Attribution ** The ea-utils package and associated documentation can be found at: The galaxy wrapper code was written by Lance Parsons (, Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University. The code is housed on BitBucket at:
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_ea_utils_1_1_2_484 revision ef9389074f0a owned by lparsons

Name Version Type
ea-utils 1.1.2-484 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
- Joins paired-end reads on the overlapping ends 1.1.2-484 any

Fastq Manipulation - Tools for manipulating fastq data