Repository suite_semibin
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: SemiBin: Semi-supervised Metagenomic Binning Using Siamese Neural Networks
Command tool for metagenomic binning with semi-supervised deep learning using information from reference genomes
Type: repository_suite_definition
Revision: 3:349da623fb0a
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 104
Dependencies of this repository

Repository semibin_bin revision dbf5571a8140 owned by iuc
Repository semibin_train revision 8b77643cf479 owned by iuc
Repository semibin revision 99ff9221182c owned by iuc
Repository semibin_concatenate_fasta revision 298542e0e136 owned by iuc
Repository semibin_generate_sequence_features revision ff4e487f4f7e owned by iuc
Repository semibin_generate_cannot_links revision a6f004bc73bf owned by iuc

Metagenomics - Tools enabling the study of metagenomes