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Repository data_manager_ncbi_fcs_gx_database_downloader
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: FCS-GX detects contamination from foreign organisms in genome sequences using the genome cross-species aligner (GX).
FCS-GX classifies sequences as contaminant when their taxonomic assignment is different from the user provided taxonomic identifier. A contamination summary provides an overview of observed contaminant divisions, counts, and total sizes, and an action report provides details and recommended actions for each problematic sequence.
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Type: unrestricted
Revision: 1:35cef758050c
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 80

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Downoad the NCBI FCS GX database 0.5.4+galaxy0 21.05

Name Version Data Tables
data_manager_ncbi_fcs_gx_database_downloader 0.0.1 ncbi_fcs_gx_databases_ext, ncbi_fcs_gx_divisions

Data Managers - Utilities for Managing Galaxy's built-in data cache