Repository m6anet
Name: m6anet
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: m6anet to detect m6A RNA modifications from nanopore data
m6anet leverages a Multiple Instance Learning framework to detect m6a modifications from Nanopore Direct RNA Sequencing data.
To detect m6A modifications from your direct RNA sequencing sample, provide a tabular output of nanopolish-eventalign tool here.
Behind the scenes, this m6anet tool first pre-processes the segmented raw signal file using ‘m6anet dataprep’ and then executes 'm6anet inference'
function on its output to assign a probability that a modified read or site exists, which are returned as two separate tabulars from the tool to the history.
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Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
to detect m6A RNA modifications from nanopore data 2.1.0+galaxy0 23.0

Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis