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Repository ucsb_phylogenetics
Synopsis: Osiris: Phylogenetic tools for Galaxy
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Revision: 9:51904e90a6b2
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Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Maximum Likelihood Analysis 3.3 16.01
MUSCLE: Multiple sequence alignment. Input can be fasta or phytab format. 3.8 16.01
Converts TNT text output from Morphobank into UCSB-phylotable. 1.0.0 16.01
aliscorecut :: Runs Aliscore then Alicut on an aligned sequence from phytab Muscle. 1.0 16.01
Sub-sample trees from from a posterior distribution 1.0.0 16.01
Calculates support for nodes of a single tree (bootstrap) using a file of multiple trees 1.0.0 16.01
Removes gap in sequences 1.0.1 16.01
Draw a Phylogenic Tree 1.0 16.01
text from a dataset 1.0.0 16.01
Estimate species tree with NJst from table of tree names and newick trees 1.0.0 16.01
Phytab RaXML - RaXML for phytab format 1 16.01
Converts interleaved fasta to non-interleaved 1.0.0 16.01
prank: Multiple sequence alignment. Input can be fasta or phytab format. 1.0.0 16.01
TagDust - A program to eliminate artifactual reads from next-generation sequencing data sets. 1.13 16.01
Appends all input sequence files into one file 1.0.0 16.01
Use RAxML to calculate SHtest to compare trees 7.2.8 16.01
UCSB Hamster is a Galaxy port for the Hamster script which finds orthologs based on HMM's. 1.0.0 16.01
Runs IlluQC Parallel verion 1.0.0 16.01
Scythe - A very simple adapter trimmer. 0.981 BETA 16.01
Create pdf of phylogeny graphics from table of tree names and newick trees 1.0.0 16.01
Runs Translate 1.0.0 16.01
Runs EvolMAP. 1.0.0 16.01
Modifies EvolMAP output 1.0.0 16.01
Converts EvolMAP Output file to FASTA file 1.0.0 16.01
Runs EvolMAP for longer (bigger) jobs. 1.0.0 16.01
Modifies EvolMAP Output to exclude specific species. 1.0.0 16.01
Convert Aligned FASTA to phylip Extended 1.0.0 16.01
Run Phylomatic 1.0.1 16.01
Convert Aligned FASTA to phylip Extended 1.0.0 16.01
Pruning taxa from a tree or multiple trees 1.0.0 16.01
Maximum Likelihood Analysis 7.2.8 16.01
clearcut: Generate Neighbor Joining phylogeny. Input can be fasta or phytab format. 1.0.0 16.01
LB_pruner: Identify genes on very long branches. 1.0.0 16.01
Removes characters in a sequence 1.0.0 16.01
Converts fasta file with sequences from same species and gene family to phytab format 1.0.0 16.01
hmmsearch :: search profile(s) against a sequence database. Produces a phytab output. 3.0 16.01
Selection of best-fit models of protein evolution. 2.4 16.01
e.g. to get peptides from ESTs 0.0.1 16.01
Runs phylobayes 1.0.1 16.01
Phytab RaXML - RaXML for phytab format 1 16.01
JModelTest description here. 1.0 16.01
Assembly of transcriptomes. 1.0.1 16.01
Maximum Likelihood Analysis 3.3 16.01
MUSCLE: Multiple sequence alignment. Input can be fasta or phytab format. 3.8 16.01
Converts TNT text output from Morphobank into UCSB-phylotable. 1.0.0 16.01
aliscorecut :: Runs Aliscore then Alicut on an aligned sequence from phytab Muscle. 1.0 16.01
Sub-sample trees from from a posterior distribution 1.0.0 16.01
Calculates support for nodes of a single tree (bootstrap) using a file of multiple trees 1.0.0 16.01
Removes gap in sequences 1.0.1 16.01
Draw a Phylogenic Tree 1.0 16.01
text from a dataset 1.0.0 16.01
Estimate species tree with NJst from table of tree names and newick trees 1.0.0 16.01
Phytab RaXML - RaXML for phytab format 1 16.01
Converts interleaved fasta to non-interleaved 1.0.0 16.01
prank: Multiple sequence alignment. Input can be fasta or phytab format. 1.0.0 16.01
TagDust - A program to eliminate artifactual reads from next-generation sequencing data sets. 1.13 16.01
Appends all input sequence files into one file 1.0.0 16.01
Use RAxML to calculate SHtest to compare trees 7.2.8 16.01
UCSB Hamster is a Galaxy port for the Hamster script which finds orthologs based on HMM's. 1.0.0 16.01
Runs IlluQC Parallel verion 1.0.0 16.01
Scythe - A very simple adapter trimmer. 0.981 BETA 16.01
Create pdf of phylogeny graphics from table of tree names and newick trees 1.0.0 16.01
Runs Translate 1.0.0 16.01
Runs EvolMAP. 1.0.0 16.01
Modifies EvolMAP output 1.0.0 16.01
Converts EvolMAP Output file to FASTA file 1.0.0 16.01
Runs EvolMAP for longer (bigger) jobs. 1.0.0 16.01
Modifies EvolMAP Output to exclude specific species. 1.0.0 16.01
Convert Aligned FASTA to phylip Extended 1.0.0 16.01
Run Phylomatic 1.0.1 16.01
Convert Aligned FASTA to phylip Extended 1.0.0 16.01
Pruning taxa from a tree or multiple trees 1.0.0 16.01
Maximum Likelihood Analysis 7.2.8 16.01
clearcut: Generate Neighbor Joining phylogeny. Input can be fasta or phytab format. 1.0.0 16.01
LB_pruner: Identify genes on very long branches. 1.0.0 16.01
Removes characters in a sequence 1.0.0 16.01
Converts fasta file with sequences from same species and gene family to phytab format 1.0.0 16.01
hmmsearch :: search profile(s) against a sequence database. Produces a phytab output. 3.0 16.01
Selection of best-fit models of protein evolution. 2.4 16.01
e.g. to get peptides from ESTs 0.0.1 16.01
Runs phylobayes 1.0.1 16.01
Phytab RaXML - RaXML for phytab format 1 16.01
JModelTest description here. 1.0 16.01
Assembly of transcriptomes. 1.0.1 16.01
Convert between phylogenetic tree file formats 1.0.0 16.01
Multiple Sequence Alignment 6 16.01
Pairwise distance between taxa in a phylogenetic tree 1.0.0 16.01
Produces concatenated sequence file from phytab file of aligned sequences 1.0.0 16.01
Use RAxML to calculate a phylogeny with Parsimony 7.2.8 16.01
RAxML read placement - Produces a labeled tree from RAxML. 7.2.8 16.01
hmmbuild :: profile HMM construction from multiple sequence alignments in phytab format. 3.0 16.01
Bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees. 1.7.2 16.01
Convert between phylogenetic tree file formats 1.0.0 16.01
Multiple Sequence Alignment 6 16.01
Pairwise distance between taxa in a phylogenetic tree 1.0.0 16.01
Produces concatenated sequence file from phytab file of aligned sequences 1.0.0 16.01
Use RAxML to calculate a phylogeny with Parsimony 7.2.8 16.01
RAxML read placement - Produces a labeled tree from RAxML. 7.2.8 16.01
hmmbuild :: profile HMM construction from multiple sequence alignments in phytab format. 3.0 16.01
Bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees. 1.7.2 16.01