JBrowse2 is a fast, extensible JS+HTML5 genome browser. This repository contains a couple of tools aimed at building up a complete JBrowse2 Genome Browser deployment from raw data files such as gff3, bed, bam, vcf, blastxml, and more... The tools produce a ready-to-deploy HTML file and associated processed datasets, allowing visualization of the genome either from within Galaxy, or outside of Galaxy. The tool must be allowlisted for HTML content. If BAM files are displayed, it must be served from an proper webserever (e.g. apache or nginx) implementing range requests, though sendfile is optimal. https://jbrowse.org |
hg clone https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/fubar/jbrowse2
Name | Description | Version | Minimum Galaxy Version |
genome browser | 2.12.3+galaxy0 | 22.05 |