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Repository data_manager_salmon_index_builder
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: Pre-generate indexes for Salmon
Salmon is a wicked-fast program to produce a highly-accurate, 
transcript-level quantification estimates from RNA-seq data. 
Salmon achieves is accuracy and speed via a number of different innovations, 
including the use of quasi-mapping (accurate but fast-to-compute proxies for traditional read alignments), 
and massively-parallel stochastic collapsed variational inference. 
The result is a versatile tool that fits nicely into many differnt pipelines. 
For example, you can choose to make use of our quasi-mapping algorithm by providing 
Salmon with raw sequencing reads, or, if it is more convenient, you can provide 
Salmon with regular alignments (e.g. an unsorted BAM file produced with your favorite aligner), 
and it will use the same wicked-fast, state-of-the-art inference algorithm to estimate transcript-level abundances for your experiment.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 2:57274fe5e01a
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 531

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
index builder 0.14.1 19.01

Name Version Data Tables
salmon_index_builder 0.1 salmon_indexes_versioned

Data Managers - Utilities for Managing Galaxy's built-in data cache