Repository ball
Name: ball
Owner: luis
Synopsis: BALL - The Biochemical Algorithms Library
BALL is computer software consisting of the versatile C++ class framework BALL (Biochemical Algorithms Library), a library of algorithms and data structures for molecular modelling and computational structural bioinformatics, a Python interface to this library and an open source graphical interface to BALL, the molecule viewer BALLView.

BALL has evolved from a commercial product into free-of-charge open-source software licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). BALLView is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) license.

BALL and BALLView have been ported to the operating systems Linux, OS X, Solaris, and Windows.

The molecule viewer BALLView, also developed by the BALL project team, is a C++ application of BALL using Qt, and OpenGL with the real-time ray tracer RTFact as render back ends. For both, BALLView offers three-dimensional and stereoscopic visualizing in several different modes, and applying directly the algorithms of the BALL library via its graphical user interface.

The BALL project is developed and maintained by groups at Saarland University, Mainz University, and University of Tübingen. Both the library and the viewer are heavily used for education and research. BALL packages have been made available in the Debian project in April 2010.
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Revision: 2:605370bc1def
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Times cloned / installed: 748

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
extracts fasta sequence 1.1.0 any
create score-grids for docking 1.1.0 any
separate all chains of a pdb file into separate pdb files 1.1.0 any
calculate RMSD between ligand poses 1.1.0 any
Split each multi molecule entry to separate single molecule entries 1.1.0 any
protonate protein structures 1.1.0 any
build side chain grid 1.1.0 any
converts a trajectory file into a rigid transformation file 1.1.0 any
calculate solvation free energy of a protein using AMBER 1.1.0 any
calculate free energy of a protein 1.1.0 any
modify molecule property tags 1.1.0 any
removes water from PDB file 1.1.0 any
predict activities with QSAR model 1.1.0 any
run feature-selection on a QSAR model 1.1.0 any
automatically find best QSAR model 1.1.0 any
split QSAR data set 1.1.0 any
fix downloads 1.1.0 any
rescore w/ anti-target dock-results 1.1.0 any
analyze similarity between molecule files 0.9 any
generate splits w/ equal property range 1.1.0 any
create structure diagrams 1.1.0 any
calculate similar molecules in a library 1.1.0 any
add missing atoms to protein structures 1.1.0 any
detect binding pocket 1.1.0 any
rescore docking results 1.1.0 any
quality check for proteins structures 1.1.0 any
separate ligand and receptor 1.1.0 any
evaluate quality of a QSAR model 1.1.0 any
create a QSAR model 1.1 any
calculate binding energy of two proteins using AMBER 1.1.0 any
scoring protein-carbohydrate interactions 1.1.0 any
creates crystals VERSION any
converts pose indices into PDB files 1.1.0 any
check residues to debug a protein structure wrt to PDB conventions 1.1.0 any
generate ROC or enrichment plots 1.1.0 any
check molecules for errors 1.1.0 any
interconvert molecular file-formats 1.1.0 any
build a peptide 1.1.0 any
define spatial constraint 1.1.0 any
generate 3D coordinates for small molecules 1.1.0 any
define interaction constraint 1.1.0 any
extracts docking clusters 1.1.0 any
Target-specific Grid-Rescoring, training 1.1.0 any
plot molecule properties 1.1.0 any
find strongly bound waters 1.1.0 any
filter molecule files 0.9 any
fast clustering of compounds using 2D binary fingerprints 1.1.0 any
find strongly interacting residues 1.1.0 any
retrieve pdb-file from 1.1.0 any
clusters docking poses 1.1.0 any
computes bond order assignments for a ligand 1.1.0 any
Iterative Multi-Greedy Docking 1.1.0 any
generate QSAR data set 1.1.0 any
Target-specific Grid-Rescoring 1.1.0 any
splits SnapShots into PDB files 1.1.0 any
split molecule files 1.1.0 any
merge docking output files 1.1.0 any
generate combinatorial lib 1.1.0 any
transfer part. charges between files 1.1.0 any
predict molecule activities with QSAR model 1.1.0 any
combine molecular files 1.1.0 any
computes RMSD between protein poses 1.1.0 any

Computational chemistry - Tools for use in computational chemistry