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Repository htseq_count
Name: htseq_count
Owner: lparsons
Synopsis: Count aligned reads (SAM/BAM) that overlap genomic features (GFF)
Uses the htseq-count script from the Python HTSeq package.

Given a file with aligned sequencing reads and a list of genomic features,
count how many reads map to each feature.

A feature is defined as an interval
(i.e., a range of positions) on a chromosome or a union of such intervals.

In the case of RNA-Seq, the features are typically genes, where each gene is defined
as the union of all it's exons. One may also consider each exon as a feature,
e.g., in order to check for alternative splicing. For comparative ChIP-Seq, the
features might be binding regions from a pre-determined list.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 27:67b0b160903a
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 7422

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
- Count aligned reads in a BAM file that overlap features in a GFF file 0.9.1 16.04

Genomic Interval Operations - Tools for operating on genomic intervals
SAM - Tools for manipulating alignments in the SAM format
Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis