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Repository peakachu
Name: peakachu
Owner: rnateam
Synopsis: PEAKachu is a peak-caller for CLIP- and RIP-Seq data
PEAKachu is a peak-caller for CLIP- and RIP-Seq data. It takes input in BAM format and identifies regions of statistically significant read enrichment.
PEAKachu uses signal and control libraries (ideally more than three each) to detect binding sites. It implements two peak calling approaches
Development repository:
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 1:68656d100a7f
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 438

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Calls Peaks in CLIP data 16.01

Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis
RNA - Utilities for RNA