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Repository pathogist
Name: pathogist
Owner: matnguyen
Synopsis: Calibrated multi-criterion genomic analysis for public health microbiology
Development repository:
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 9:728c6b81b45e
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 211

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
: Visualize distance matrix 1.0.0 16.01
: Runs the entire PathOGiST pipeline 1.0.0 16.01
creates a list of accessions and the associated path to their variant calls 1.0.0 16.01
: Creates and populates the config file to run PathOGiST 1.0.0 16.01
: Construct distance matrix from genotyping data 1.0.0 16.01
: Runs correlation clustering on a distance matrix file 1.0.0 16.01
: Performs consensus clustering on multiple clusterings 1.0.0 16.01