The settings for name, version and type from a contained tool configuration file's requirement tag does not match the information for the following tool dependency definitions in the tool_dependencies.xml file, so these tool dependencies have no relationship with any tools within this repository.
* name: libxml2, type: package, version: 2.9.1
* name: libxslt, type: package, version: 1.1.28
* name: zlib, type: package, version: 1.2.8
Repository revision
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Repository blast2html
Name: blast2html
Owner: jankanis
Synopsis: Convert Blast XML output into a visual HTML page
****Note:**** There is currenly a broken dependency on the libxml2 and libxslt development headers. I'm working to resolve those but they preferably require updates of the official libxml2/libxslt repositories that I am waiting on. As a workaround install those header files manually (packages libxml2-dev and libxslt1-dev in Ubuntu)****

This tool accepts Blast XML as input, and creates an HTML page with a human readable version of the result. The output includes graphical displays of where a sequence matches a target and metrics on the quality of the match. The result is similar to the graphical summary pages on the NCBI Blast website. See the README file for more details and usage instructions.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 128:82b8c9722996
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 1087
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_libxml2_2_9_1 revision 3af7ad13a6fb owned by devteam (prior install required)
Repository blast_datatypes revision 01b38f20197e owned by devteam
Repository package_libxml2_2_9_1 revision 98807f0505f0 owned by jankanis (prior install required)
Repository package_zlib_1_2_8 revision 411985b46ae8 owned by iuc (prior install required)

Name Version Type
blast2html_venv 0.2 package
libxml2 2.9.1 package
libxslt 1.1.28 package
zlib 1.2.8 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Convert BLAST XML to HTML 1.0.0 any

Next Gen Mappers - Tools for the analysis and handling of Next Gen sequencing data
Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis
Visualization - Tools for visualizing data