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Repository tpp_prophets
Name: tpp_prophets
Owner: iracooke
Synopsis: Peptide and Protein inference using the TPP
Perform peptide and protein inference based on MSMS search results from various search engines
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 17:868e75fc0f70
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 687
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_ruby_2_0 revision 055f5d2d99b5 owned by iracooke (prior install required)
Repository package_libxml2_2_9_1 revision 8b5c9cb17cb8 owned by iracooke (prior install required)
Repository package_libxml2_2_9_1 revision 8b5c9cb17cb8 owned by iracooke (prior install required)
Repository package_readline_6_2 revision 5313ca2fbce6 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_ncurses_5_9 revision 335ebf512407 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_ncurses_5_9 revision 335ebf512407 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_tpp_4_8_0 revision a7273394d858 owned by iuc

Name Version Type
protk 1.4.3 package
trans_proteomic_pipeline 4.8.0 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Calculate Protein Prophet statistics on search results 1.1.1 any
Converts a ProtXML file to a table 1.1.1 any
Calculate Peptide Prophet statistics on search results 1.1.1 any
Combine Peptide Prophet results from multiple search engines 1.1.1 any
Converts a pepXML file to a tab delimited text file 1.1.1 any

Proteomics - Tools enabling the study of proteins