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Repository chembl
Name: chembl
Owner: bgruening
Synopsis: Python library for accessing the ChEMBL database
This is the only official Python client library developed 
and supported by ChEMBL group. Python 2 and 3 compatible.
The library helps accessing ChEMBL data and cheminformatics 
tools from Python. You don't need to know how to write SQL. 
You don't need to know how to interact with REST APIs. 
You don't need to compile or install any cheminformatics 
frameworks. Results are cached.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 3:8b6ba267714b
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 432

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
for compounds which are similar to a SMILES string 0.10.1 16.01

Computational chemistry - Tools for use in computational chemistry