Repository apostl_tools
Name: apostl_tools
Owner: bornea
Synopsis: APOSTL is an interactive affinity proteomics analysis software developed to reformat affinity proteomics data (both spectral counting and MS1) for input into the SAINTexpress statistical package and to visualize the output(s).
Development repository:
Type: repository_suite_definition
Revision: 6:8df5e7e70999
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 373
Dependencies of this repository

Repository apostl_static_bubblegraph_generator revision 33e9cdd6bbe8 owned by bornea
Repository prohits_dotplot_generator revision 16df07f285c0 owned by bornea
Repository saintexpress revision 67631a640534 owned by bornea
Repository saint_preprocessing revision 211fd8ae6edc owned by bornea
Repository saint_protein_interactions revision c414a56f5874 owned by bornea
Repository query_crapome revision f1459638e1bc owned by bornea
Repository nsaf_scoring revision f59b4984a974 owned by bornea
Repository filter_fasta revision 3833aebf8d3a owned by bornea

Proteomics - Tools enabling the study of proteins