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Repository bubio
Name: bubio
Owner: lijing
Synopsis: Customized tools for CETI projects
Customized tools for CETI projects.
Clone this repository: hg clone
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 13:9aa1ef328b2e
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 325

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Consense reads a file of computer-readable trees and prints out (and may also write out onto a file) a consensus tree 0.1.0 16.01
carries out unrooted parsimony on DNA sequences 0.1.0 16.01
takes two fastq or fastq.gz files and interleaves them 0.1.0 16.01
mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping 0.1.0 16.01
Bootstrap, Jackknife, or Permutation Resampling of Molecular Sequence, Restriction Site, Gene Frequency or Character Data 0.1.0 16.01

Assembly - Tools for working with assemblies
Convert Formats - Tools for converting data formats
Fastq Manipulation - Tools for manipulating fastq data
Next Gen Mappers - Tools for the analysis and handling of Next Gen sequencing data
Phylogenetics - Tools for performing phylogenetic analysis
Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis