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Repository text_processing
Owner: bgruening
Synopsis: High performance text processing tools using the GNU coreutils, sed, awk and friends.
That repository contains all kind of different text processing tools.

  * awk - The AWK programmning language ( )
  * sed - Stream Editor ( )
  * grep - Search files ( )
  * sort_columns - Sorting every line according to there columns
  * GNU Coreutils programs ( ):
  * sort - sort files * join - join two files, based on common key field.
  * cut - keep/discard fields from a file * unsorted_uniq - keep unique/duplicated lines in a file
  * sorted_uniq - keep unique/duplicated lines in a file * head - keep the first X lines in a file
  * tail - keep the last X lines in a file

  Originally known as "Unix Tools" and developed from Assaf Gordon @ Greg Hannon's lab ( )
  in Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, it is now hosted under
  and open for contributions. It will also replace several smaller sed, sort and uniq wrappers, developed over the time.
  Repository-Maintainer: Björn Grüning
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Type: unrestricted
Revision: 15:9ff72e942410
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 56071

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
with awk 1.1.1 16.01
tail-to-head (cat) 0.1.0 16.01
columns from a table (cut) 1.1.0 16.01
two files 1.1.2 16.01
parts of text 1.1.3 16.01
(grep) 1.1.1 16.01
lines from a dataset (head) 1.1.0 16.01
(combine multiple files) 1.1.1 16.01
with recurring lines 1.1.0 16.01
in a specific column 1.1.3 16.01
in entire line 1.1.2 16.01
with sed 1.1.1 16.01
data in ascending or descending order 1.1.1 16.01
according to their columns 1.1.0 16.01
assuming sorted input file 1.1.1 16.01
reverse a file (reverse cat) 1.1.0 16.01
lines from a dataset (tail) 1.1.0 16.01
columns from a table 1.1.1 16.01
occurrences of each record 1.1.0 16.01

Text Manipulation - Tools for manipulating data