Repository revision
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Repository mentalist
Name: mentalist
Owner: dfornika
Synopsis: MLST caller designed to handle large typing schemes.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 9:a6cd59f35832
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 801

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
0.1.9 16.01
0.1.9 16.01
0.1.9 16.01
0.1.9 16.01
0.1.9 16.01
0.1.9 16.01
0.1.9 16.01

Name Version Data Tables
mentalist_build_db 0.1.9 mentalist_databases
mentalist_download_cgmlst 0.1.9 mentalist_databases
mentalist_download_enterobase 0.1.9 mentalist_databases
mentalist_download_pubmlst 0.1.9 mentalist_databases