The MEME Suite supports motif-based analysis of DNA, RNA and protein sequences. It provides motif discovery algorithms using both probabilistic (MEME) and discrete models (MEME), which have complementary strengths. It also allows discovery of motifs with arbitrary insertions and deletions (GLAM2). In addition to motif discovery, the MEME Suite provides tools for scanning sequences for matches to motifs (FIMO, MAST and GLAM2Scan), scanning for clusters of motifs (MCAST), comparing motifs to known motifs (Tomtom), finding preferred spacings between motifs (SpaMo), predicting the biological roles of motifs (GOMo), measuring the positional enrichment of sequences for known motifs (CentriMo), and analyzing ChIP-seq and other large datasets (MEME-ChIP). The MEME Suite is comprised of a collection of tools that work together. |
hg clone
Name | Description | Version | Minimum Galaxy Version |
- Discriminative Regular Expression Motif Elicitation | | 16.01 |