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Repository mixomics_blocksplsda
Owner: ppericard
Synopsis: [Statistics] mixOmics R Package - block.splsda
Performs N-integration and feature selection with Projection to Latent Structures models (PLS) with sparse Discriminant Analysis
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 6:bc28839b17fb
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 42

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
performs N-integration and feature selection with Projection to Latent Structures models (PLS) with sparse Discriminant Analysis 0.4.0 16.04
provides scatter plots for individuals (experimental units) representation in (sparse)(I)PCA,(regularized)CCA, (sparse)PLS(DA) and (sparse)(R)GCCA(DA) 0.3.0 16.04
provides variables representation for (regularized) CCA, (sparse) PLS regression, PCA and (sparse) Regularized generalised CCA 0.3.0 16.04
plots a correlation circle for the datasets whose correlation circles can be superimposed. This correlation circle contains the selected variables of these datasets which are included in a rectangle and the response variables. 0.3.0 16.04
performs the computation of the similarities. The similarity between two variables is an approximation of the correlation between these two variables. 0.3.0 16.04
computes all the correlations needed to plot a correlation circle and determines which correlation circles can be superimposed 0.3.0 16.04
creates a network between selected variables of datasets and the response variables. In the network, the similarity between two variables is associated with the link between these two variables. 0.4.0 16.04

Statistics - Tools for generating statistics