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Repository msconvert
Name: msconvert
Owner: galaxyp
Synopsis: msconvert Convert and/or filter mass spectrometry files (including vendor formats) using the official Docker container
Proteowizard msconvert
Convert and/or filter mass spectrometry files using the offical Docker container.
Using the Docker container requires agreeing to each vendor's license (for using their proprietary data access libraries):

Main web site:
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 9:dd4ba10d0c45
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 1863

Repository README files - may contain important installation or license information

**NOTE** This tool must be run on a Windows Operating System. Your system administrator will need to: - install proteowizard on a windows server - install the galaxy pulsar rest server on the windows server - setup the galaxy job_conf.xml to send msconvert jobs to the windows server via pulsar
Dependencies of this repository

Repository proteomics_datatypes revision 300fc3aa6954 owned by iracooke
Repository package_proteowizard_3_0_9016 revision e9ae8f0be737 owned by galaxyp

Name Version Type
proteowizard 3.0.9016 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
against list of scan numbers or indices. 0.3.0 any
Convert and filter a mass spec peak list 0.3.0 any
Convert and filter a Thermo Finnigan RAW file 0.3.0 any
Convert and/or filter mass spectrometry files (with vendor support on Windows) 3.0.0 any
Convert and/or filter mass spectrometry files 3.0.0 any
Convert mass spectrometry identification files 3.0.0 any

Proteomics - Tools enabling the study of proteins