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Repository infercnv
Name: infercnv
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: Wrapper for InferCNV.
InferCNV is used to explore tumor single cell RNA-Seq data to identify evidence for somatic large-scale chromosomal copy number alterations, such as gains or deletions of entire chromosomes or large segments of chromosomes.
Clone this repository: hg clone
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 1:ddbace8f3277
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 27

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Infer Copy Number Variation from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data 1.20.0+galaxy1 21.09

Transcriptomics - Tools for use in the study of Transcriptomics.
Variant Analysis - Tools for single nucleotide polymorphism data such as WGA