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Repository bih4maconda
Name: bih4maconda
Owner: fgiacomoni
Synopsis: [W4M][LC-MS] Bank In House for MaConDa - Annotation - Utility to detect potential contaminants in your peak list based on MaConDa database.
Part of the MetaboHUB National Infrastructure. The process uses MaConDa database, FragNot package and BiH engine and returns outputs files (CSV and HTML formats).
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 0:de13e2c45971
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 143

Repository README files - may contain important installation or license information

## ****** MON_MODULE environnemnt : ****** ## # version 0.1 2019 F Giacomoni ## --- PERL compilator / libraries : --- ## $ perl -v This is perl, v5.10.1 (*) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi # libs CORE PERL : use strict ; use warnings ; use Carp qw (cluck croak carp) ; use Exporter ; use Data::Dumper ; use Getopt::Long ; use FindBin ; # libs CPAN PERL : $ perl -e 'use XX::XX' $ sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> install XX::XX -- ## --- Binary dependencies --- ## Install folowing binaries : -- ## --- Config : --- ## Edit the config file : /path/*.conf -- ## --- XML HELP PART --- ## Copy the following images in ~/static/images/metabolomics : -- ## --- DATASETS --- ## -- ## --- ??? COMMENTS ??? --- ## --

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
: Utility to detect potential contaminants in your peak list based on MaConDa database 0.1.3 16.01

Metabolomics - Tools for use in the study of Metabolomics