SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) is a generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments. Picard comprises Java-based utilities that manipulate SAM files, and a Java API (SAM-JDK) for creating new programs that read and write SAM files. Both SAM text format and SAM binary (BAM) format are supported. |
hg clone
Name | Version | Type | |
R | 3.1.2 | package | |
picard | 1.135 | package |
Name | Description | Version | Minimum Galaxy Version |
convert coordinate data into picard interval list format | 1.135 | any | |
assess validity of SAM/BAM dataset | 1.135 | any | |
convert Fastq data into unaligned BAM | 1.135 | any | |
collect metrics about the alignment of RNA to various functional classes of loci in the genome | 1.135 | any | |
Downsample a file to retain a subset of the reads | 1.135 | any | |
chart quality score distribution | 1.135 | any | |
ensure that all mate-pair information is in sync between each read and it's mate pair | 1.135 | any | |
sort SAM/BAM dataset | 1.135 | any | |
compute metrics for evaluating of whole genome sequencing experiments | 1.135 | any | |
charts the nucleotide distribution per cycle in a SAM or BAM dataset | 1.135 | any | |
chart distribution of base qualities | 1.135 | any | |
charts the GC bias metrics | 1.135 | any | |
merges multiple SAM/BAM datasets into one | 1.135 | any | |
plots distribution of insert sizes | 1.135 | any | |
merge alignment data with additional info stored in an unmapped BAM dataset | 1.126.1 | any | |
perform SAM/BAM grooming | 1.135 | any | |
assess sequence library complexity from read sequences | 1.135 | any | |
examine aligned records in BAM datasets to locate duplicate molecules | 1.135 | any | |
examine aligned records in BAM datasets to locate duplicate molecules | 1.135 | any | |
add or replaces read group information | 1.135-gx-1 | any | |
add comments to BAM dataset | 1.135 | any | |
extract reads and qualities from SAM/BAM dataset and convert to fastq | 1.135 | any | |
normalize fasta datasets | 1.135 | any | |
revert the original base qualities and add the mate cigar tag | 1.135 | any | |
revert SAM/BAM datasets to a previous state | 1.135 | any | |
include or exclude aligned and unaligned reads and read lists | 1.135 | any | |
reorder reads to match ordering in reference sequences | 1.135 | any | |
replace header in a SAM/BAM dataset | 1.135 | any | |
writes a file containing summary alignment metrics | 1.135 | any |