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Repository seqtk
Name: seqtk
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: Toolkit for processing sequences in FASTA/Q formats
Sequence Analysis toolkit provides several small utilities for working with FastA and FastQ data.
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Type: unrestricted
Revision: 10:a019807f4e67
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 1938

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
get the nucleotide composition of FASTA/Q 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
cut sequence at long N 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
drop unpaired from interleaved Paired End FASTA/Q 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
fastq QC (base/quality summary) 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
regional heterozygosity 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
extract the position of each het 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
Merge two FASTA/Q files into a FASTA file output 1.4+galaxy1 22.05
interleave two unpaired FASTA/Q files for a paired-end file 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
point mutate FASTA at specified positions 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
choose a random base from hets 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
random subsample of fasta or fastq sequences 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
common transformation of FASTA/Q 1.4+galaxy1 22.05
extract subsequences from FASTA/Q files 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
find telomeres 1.4+galaxy0 22.05
trim FASTQ using the Phred algorithm 1.4+galaxy0 22.05

Fasta Manipulation - Tools for manipulating fasta data
Fastq Manipulation - Tools for manipulating fastq data