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Repository prims_proteomics
Owner: pieterlukasse
Synopsis: Proteomics module of Plant Research International's Mass Spectrometry (PRIMS) toolsuite
Suite of custom tools to enable data processing and protein inference for labeled and label-free Mass Spectrometry proteomics data. Can be used in combination with prims_masscomb.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 28:6107b74eeb11
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 457
Dependencies of this repository

Repository proteomics_datatypes revision 09b89b345de2 owned by iracooke

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Converts MS/MS data in CSV format to APML format 1.0.2 any
'no alignment' (alignment-free) peptide quantification 0.0.3 any
Identifies in-source decay peptides and corrects protein assignments 0.0.1 any
Filters annotations based MS/MS peptide identification and annotation quality measures 1.0.4 any
Protein Inference by Peptide Quantification patterns 1.0.3 any
Matches MS and MS/MS results 1.0.3 any
Labeled ms/ms data pre-processing for Protein Quantification (and Inference) pipelines 1.0.2 any
Converts Progenesis aligned feature lists in CSV format to APML 1.0.2 any

Proteomics - Tools enabling the study of proteins