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Repository dante
Name: dante
Owner: petr-novak
Synopsis: Domain based Annotation of Transposable Elements
Domain based Annotation of Transposable Elements
Development repository:
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 29:8f2bd3cae2de
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 483

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Tool for annotation of transposable elements based on the similarity to conserved protein domains database. 1.1.8 16.01
Tool to extract nucleotide sequences of protein domains found by DANTE 1.1.8 16.01
1.1.8 16.01
Tool for filtering of gff3 output from DANTE. Filtering can be performed based domain type and alignment quality. 1.1.8 16.01
1.1.8 16.01

Genome annotation - Tools for annotating genomic information