Repository canonical_correlation_analysis
Owner: devteam
Synopsis: Canonical Correlation Analysis
This tool uses functions from ''yacca'' library from R statistical
package to perform Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) on the input data. It outputs
two files, one containing the summary statistics of the performed CCA, and the other
containing helioplots, which display structural loadings of X and Y variables on
different canonical components.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 0:9bc0c48a027f
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 2757
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_r_2_11_0 revision 5824d2b3bc8b owned by devteam (prior install required)
Repository package_r_2_11_0 revision 5824d2b3bc8b owned by devteam (prior install required)
Repository package_numpy_1_7 revision 0c288abd2a1e owned by devteam
Repository package_r_2_11_0 revision 5824d2b3bc8b owned by devteam

Name Version Type
R 2.11.0 package
numpy 1.7.1 package
rpy 1.0.3 package
yacca 1.0 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
1.0.0 any