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Repository atac_primer_tool
Owner: kyost
Synopsis: Tool dependencies for ATAC Primer Tool workflow
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 5:3cd53127a838
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 439

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Determines spanning and total read coverage for overlapping windows spanning peaks of interest. 0.1.0 16.01
Filters bam files for reads in regions of interest. 0.1.0 16.01
Determines optimal regions for designing ATAC-qPCR primers. 0.1.0 16.01
Concatenates files in dataset collection based on orginial file name stored in first column. 0.1.0 16.01
Creates bed file of windows spanning peaks of interest. 0.1.0 16.01

Epigenetics - Tools for analyzing Epigenetic/Epigenomic datasets