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Repository discosnp_plus_plus
Owner: cmonjeau
Synopsis: Colibread / discosnp++
Software discoSnp is designed for discovering Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) from raw set(s) of reads obtained with Next Generation Sequencers (NGS).
Note that number of input read sets is not constrained, it can be one, two, or more. Note also that no other data as reference genome or annotations are needed.
The software is composed by two modules. First module, kissnp2, detects SNPs from read sets. A second module, kissreads, enhance the kissnp2 results by computing per read set  and for each found SNP i/ its mean read coverage and ii/ the (phred) quality of reads generating the polymorphism.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 3:081e0d67a33e
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 165
Dependencies of this repository

Repository ziptool revision e466f86a4520 owned by cmonjeau
Repository decompress_an_archive_and_merge revision 78d968479d52 owned by cmonjeau
Repository archive_datatypes revision ddf34b1d55c8 owned by cmonjeau
Repository archive_datatypes revision ddf34b1d55c8 owned by cmonjeau
Repository package_discosnp_plus_plus_2_1_7 revision 4979d803970a owned by cmonjeau
Repository package_bwa_0_6_2 revision 0778635a84ba owned by devteam

Name Version Type
bwa 0.6.2 package
discoSnp_plus_plus 2.1.7 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
is an efficient tool for detecting SNPs without a reference genome. 2.1.7 any

Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis
Variant Analysis - Tools for single nucleotide polymorphism data such as WGA