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Repository sparql_uniprot
Owner: fabad
Synopsis: Tool that retrieves data from uniprot using its Sparql endpoint.
Tool that retrieves data from uniprot using its Sparql endpoint. The search can be performed by the following fields:
Protein identifier
Protein full name
Gene name
Organism name
Disease annotation
Domain name
Similarity annotation
Location annotation
Function annotation
Pharmaceutical annotation
You can fill several fields and the tool will return a tabular file that will contain all fields filled.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 23:478f5587f12a
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 254
Dependencies of this repository

Name Version Type
SPARQLWrapper 1.7.6 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Perform a search into uniprot database using its sparql interface. 0.1.0 16.01

Data Source - Tools for retrieving data from external data sources