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Repository vcf_to_variantdb
Synopsis: Send UnifiedGenotyper VCF to a VariantDB instance
VariantDB is a flexible annotation and filtering portal for NGS data. It is a webbased platform that annotates variants using ANNOVAR, snpEff and other tools (1000g/ESP6500/dbSNPv137/RefSeq/Ensembl/UCSC genes/SIFT/MutationTaster/PhyloP/Polyphen2/gerp++/LRT/...) . Direct links are provided to visualise VCF and bam files in IGV. 

VariantDB can be locally installed. 
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 11:fb815517e918
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 463
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_perl_libwww revision f217bf3faf3b owned by geert-vandeweyer

Name Version Type
perl_module_libwww 6.05 package
GALAXY_URL set_environment

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
0.1.3 any

Variant Analysis - Tools for single nucleotide polymorphism data such as WGA
Visualization - Tools for visualizing data