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Repository deeptools
Name: deeptools
Owner: bgruening
Synopsis: deepTools: user-friendly tools for the normalization, quality control and visualization of deep-sequencing data
deepTools address the challenge of visualizing the large amounts of data that are now routinely generated from sequencing centers in a meaningful way. To do so, deepTools contain useful routines to process the mapped reads data through removal of duplicates and different filtering options to create coverage files in standard bedGraph and bigWig file formats. deepTools allow the creation of normalized coverage files or the comparison between two files (for example, treatment and control). 
Finally, using such normalized and standardized files, multiple visualizations can be created to identify enrichments with functional annotations of the genome. For a gallery of images that can be produced and a description of the tools see

Requirements: python 2.7, (numpy and scipy will be installed automatically via the Galaxy Tool Shed)

Repository-Maintainer: Björn Grüning
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 31:7889d260cc37
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 1351
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_ucsc_tools_312 revision 2d6bafd63401 owned by iuc
Repository package_zlib_1_2_8 revision 411985b46ae8 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_readline_6_3 revision ca1a9400d4e1 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_bzlib_1_0 revision af4887e1f595 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_xz_5_0_5 revision 944f93d45594 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_sqlite_3_8_3 revision c8a5c11cc921 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_gdbm_1_11 revision ed2537bccffc owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_ncurses_6_0 revision 0efde9889efd owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_samtools_0_1_19 revision 95d2c4aefb5f owned by devteam (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_numpy_1_9 revision f24fc0b630fc owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_matplotlib_1_4 revision f7424e1cf115 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_scipy_0_14 revision 7fddd308117d owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_pysam_0_8_3 revision 08db58be052a owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_bx_python_0_7 revision 836bb9ad054a owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_ucsc_tools_312 revision 2d6bafd63401 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_10 revision bd7165ea6526 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_ncurses_6_0 revision 0efde9889efd owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_libtool_2_4 revision 7f67694b167c owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_atlas_3_10 revision 98c017ec230d owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_10 revision bd7165ea6526 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_numpy_1_9 revision f24fc0b630fc owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_freetype_2_5_2_matplotlib_fix revision 26586565bc22 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_libpng_1_6_7 revision 588666932a32 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_zlib_1_2_8 revision 411985b46ae8 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_10 revision bd7165ea6526 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_atlas_3_10 revision 98c017ec230d owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_numpy_1_9 revision f24fc0b630fc owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_10 revision bd7165ea6526 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_10 revision bd7165ea6526 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_numpy_1_9 revision f24fc0b630fc owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_python_2_7_10 revision bd7165ea6526 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_libpng_1_6_7 revision 588666932a32 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_zlib_1_2_8 revision 411985b46ae8 owned by iuc (prior install required)

Name Version Type
deepTools 1.5.11 package
python 2.7.10 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
to see whether your samples should be normalized for GC bias any
normalizes and compares two BAM files to obtain the ratio, log2ratio or difference. (bam2bigwig) any
correlates pairs of BAM files any
Given a BAM file it samples several regions to estimate the paired-end fragment length any
uses the output from computeGCBias to generate corrected BAM files any
correlates pairs of BigWig files any
preparation step to plot a heatmap or a profile any
creates a profile plot for a score associated to genomic regions any
normalizes and compares two bigWig files to obtain the ratio, log2ratio or difference any
creates a heatmap for a score associated to genomic regions any
generates a coverage bigWig file from a given BAM file. Multiple options are available to count reads and normalize coverage. (bam2bigwig) any
plots profiles of BAM files; useful for assesing ChIP signal strength any

ChIP-seq - Tools for analyzing and manipulating ChIP-seq data.
Convert Formats - Tools for converting data formats
Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis
Visualization - Tools for visualizing data