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Repository secreted_protein_workflow
Owner: peterjc
Synopsis: Indentify candidate secreted proteins using SignalP and TMHMM
This Tool Shed Repository contains a workflow for the identification of candidate secreted proteins from a given protein FASATA file. It runs SignalP v3.0 and selects only proteins with a strong predicted signal peptide, and then runs TMHMM v2.0 on those, and selects only proteins without a predicted trans-membrane helix. See the README file for more details.


Cock, P.J.A. and Pritchard, L. (2014). Galaxy as a platform for identifying candidate pathogen effectors. Chapter 1 in "Plant-Pathogen Interactions: Methods and Protocols (Second Edition)"; P. Birch, J. Jones, and J.I. Bos, eds. Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana Press, Springer. ISBN 978-1-62703-985-7.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 4:5e66e9fa2d3f
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 962
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_biopython_1_62 revision 0c222681d6d5 owned by biopython
Repository package_numpy_1_7 revision 300877695495 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_atlas_3_10 revision 98c017ec230d owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository tmhmm_and_signalp revision 7de64c8b258d owned by peterjc

Fasta Manipulation - Tools for manipulating fasta data
Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis