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Repository segmentation_fold
Owner: yhoogstrate
Synopsis: RNA-Folding with predefined segments including K-turns
Segmentation-fold is a application in the field of bioinformatics that predicts RNA 2D-structures. The model has an extension with respect to the classical Zuker algorithm, to allow new "structure elements" named segments and segmentloops. This makes it capable of folding a pre-defined substructure with multiple canonical or non-canonical base pairs, like K-turns and loop-E-motifs. Some of such sturcture elements are present in the corresponding energy table, although custom tables can be provided as well.

We are currently optimizing the free energy parameters to improve accuracy.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 6:4d16cf9414cf
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 1389

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Estimates whether a certain Segment(Loop) is present and for which delta-G this transistion takes place smf-v1.7-0_utils-v2.1.1-2 any
Split entries over two files based on the estimated energy smf-v1.7-0_utils-v2.1.1-1 any
RNA-Folding including predefined segments including K-turns smf-v1.7-0_utils-v2.1.1-1 any
Extracts boxed sequences from bed_input_file which has to be created with 'find-box', part of this utility smf-v1.7-0_utils-v2.1.1-1 any
Finds all occurances of two given boxes (sequence motifs) within a FASTA file smf-v1.7-0_utils-v2.1.1-1 any
Annotate sequences by adding the read counts from a bam file, within a region contained in the fasta header of the dbn file smf-v1.7-0_utils-v2.1.1-3 any
Split entries into two files based on whether they overlap annotations in a bed file smf-v1.7-0_utils-v2.1.1-1 any
Replaces all spaces with underscores in the ">.."-sequence headers of a FASTA file smf-v1.7-0_utils-v2.1.1-1 any

RNA - Utilities for RNA
Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis