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Repository snpsift_dbnsfp
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: snpEff SnpSift dbnsfp tool from Pablo Cingolani
Annotates variants on genes using the dbNSFP, an integrated database of human
functional predictions from multiple algorithms (SIFT, Polyphen2, LRT and
MutationTaster, PhyloP and GERP++, etc.)
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 0:dc480609d9c1
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 633

Repository README files - may contain important installation or license information

These are galaxy tools for SnpEff a variant annotation and effect prediction tool by Pablo Cingolani. It annotates and predicts the effects of variants on genes (such as amino acid changes). ( ) This repository contains a tool_dependencies.xml file that will attempt to automatically install SnpEff and SnpSift. SnpEff citation: "A program for annotating and predicting the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms, SnpEff: SNPs in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster strain w1118; iso-2; iso-3.", Cingolani P, Platts A, Wang le L, Coon M, Nguyen T, Wang L, Land SJ, Lu X, Ruden DM. Fly (Austin). 2012 Apr-Jun;6(2):80-92. PMID: 22728672 [PubMed - in process] SnpSift citation: "Using Drosophila melanogaster as a model for genotoxic chemical mutational studies with a new program, SnpSift", Cingolani, P., et. al., Frontiers in Genetics, 3, 2012.
Dependencies of this repository

Repository snpsift_dbnsfp_datatypes revision 0c4372b93e85 owned by iuc
Repository package_snpeff_4_0 revision 792d8f4485fb owned by iuc

Name Version Type
snpEff 4.0 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Add Annotations from dbNSFP 4.0.0 any

Variant Analysis - Tools for single nucleotide polymorphism data such as WGA