Repository gdcwebapp
Name: gdcwebapp
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: GDCWebApp automatically filter, extract, and convert genomic data from the Genomic Data Commons portal to BED format
GDCWebApp is a web service to automatically query, filter, extract and convert genomic data and clinical 
information from the Genomic Data Commons portal (GDC) to BED format. It is able to operate on all data 
types for each programs (TCGA and TARGET) available on GDC. 
The service is available at
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Revision: 0:7709b8ca3296
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 300

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
an intuitive interface to filter, extract, and convert Genomic Data Commons experiments 1.0.0 17.09

Data Source - Tools for retrieving data from external data sources
Convert Formats - Tools for converting data formats